You're A Million Miles Too Close


“ Haylee, what was that?” Joe asked, pulling me into his bunk next to him. I sighed, shaking my head.
“ Nothing. She was just being a bitch.” I replied, running my hand through my hair, absentmindedly. Joe pursed his lips, shaking his head seriously, which was very rarely for Joe.
“No Haylee, that saw something. Go and tell Kevin what she said.” Joe said, pointing to the living area, nearly smacking me in the face from lack of space. I shook my head.
“ I cant.” I whispered. Joe growled, aggravated. He was shaking his head, angrily.
“ Yes, you can, Haylee. What she was saying to you isn’t right. I’ll go and tell him.” Joe said, trying to climb out of the bunk. I put my hands on his chest pushing him back, lightly.
“ Joe, don’t. Please? I beg you.” I replied. Joe looked at me, confused.
“ Why not? What are you talking about Haylee?” Joe said, shaking his head, his curly hair flying everywhere. I pushed the hair out of his eyes.
“ Look, Joe. This is the first girl Kevin has actually liked for herself, or not. I don’t want to ruin that for him.” I replied. Joe sat there with his mouth wide open, resembling a fish.
“ Haylee…” Joe went to talk. I put my finger over his lips, my eyes filling up with tears.
“ Joe, just please don’t tell Kevin.” I begged him, the tears falling over my eyelashes. Joe wrapped his arms around me.
“ I wont. But if she does one more thing, I swear to God, he is going to find out.” Joe whispered in my ear. I looked up at him and nodded.

“ Guys, we are here.” Nick said, pulling back Joe’s curtain. I looked up at him from Joe’s chest and nodded.
“ Be there in a second.” I replied, smiling at him. I looked up at Joe to find him asleep.
“ Joey, we are here.” I said, poking him in the cheek. He opened his eyes slowly, looking up at me.
“ What? At the venue?” He asked me, sleepily. I rolled my eyes.
“ No, at Santa’s house.” I replied, smirking. Joe laughed softly and rubbed his eyes.
“ God, I needed that sleep.” He said, climbing out of the bunk after me. I laughed.
“ You that tired?” I asked him, walking into the living room where everyone was standing. Kimmy smirked at me and nodded her head. I rolled my eyes at her and walked off the bus. Girls around the venue screamed as Joe, Nick and Kevin followed us out. Big Rob run so he was in front of us all. Joe grabbed my hand and Big Rob’s t-shirt. I grabbed hold of Nick’s collar as someone tried to pull him into the group of girls.
“ Nice save.” He muttered to me, brushing himself down. I laughed at him as we walked through the venue entrance.

“ Whoa! Its massive!” Kevin said, getting all excited. He bounced over to Kimmy and twirled her around. She giggled and I huffed, loudly, I might add.
“ C’mon!” Joe yelled, grabbing my hand again and pulling me towards the stage. We both ran up the steps, falling over each other.
“ Tour is amazing.” Joe said, looking around, amazed. I smiled; He looked like a little boy again.
“ This tour is starting with a bang!” John Taylor yelled, walking in. Joe and me sat on the stage, our legs swinging freely.
“ Okay, are you happy that you are on tour now?” Nick yelled from the other side of the arena. I put both thumbs up and smiled.
“ Hell yes.” I screamed back at him. He laughed and turned back to Sammie.
“ Are you going to stay for sound check?” Joe asked me, hopefully. I laughed and nodded.
“ Have I ever missed one?” I asked him, smiling. He shrugged his shoulders, a childish grin on his face. Demi had walked into the arena and Joe ran off the stage, over to her, jumping up and down. She rolled her eyes towards me and I laughed. I lied back looking at the roof of the arena. I was madly, head-over heels in love with Joe…and just figured it out.

“ This is going to be the best tour ever!” Demi said, running over to me. I laughed.
“ I know, right?” I said, bouncing up and down with her. She smiled.
“ What’s going on with you and Joe then?” She whispered to me. I gasped, smacking her arm. Her mouth dropped open.
“ How do you know?” I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders, smirking.
“ I just do…” I glared at her and she gave in, “ Sammie told me.” She said, running off the stage. I laughed, as I watched her run backstage. Joe walked over to me and lying beside me again.
“ Its amazing.” I said to him. He nodded, satisfied.
“ Its amazing to think, only 3 years ago that we didn’t have a record label, and were struggling to get 200 people to come and see us. And now, 500,000 people are turning up to see us.” Joe mused to himself. I turned over onto my side to face Joe.
“ Congrats, Mr.Rockstar.” I smiled at him. Joe laughed.
“ We couldn’t do it without you, Hayz.” Joe said, grabbing my hand. I rubbed my thumb across his.
“ Im sure you could.” I replied. Joe shook his head.
“ I don’t thing we could. Ask Nick or Kevin, they will tell you exactly the same.” Joe said, standing up. He pulled me up with him.

“ So what do you want for your big 21st?” Joe asked me, as he wrapped one on his arm around my waist and taking my hand in his own. I put my hand on his shoulder and we started to dance.
“ Nothing really. It just another birthday, right?” I said to him. Joe shrugged his shoulders.
“ I guess so, I mean, you are two years older than me for a day.” Joe said, laughing to himself. I laughed along with him.
“I’ll be your crying shoulder,
I’ll be your love suicide,
I’ll be better when im older,
I’ll be the greatest fan of your life.”
Joe sang to himself.
“ How do you do that Joe?” I asked him. Joe looked at me, confused.
“ Singing? It’s kinda simple…” I laughed, cutting Joe off. Joe laughed.
“ Everytime you sing that song. It makes me feel so special.” I told him. Joe smiled down at me.
“ I know, it’s your favourite song. It always has been.” Joe said to me. I smiled at him.
“ You know me too well.” I said, as Joe twisted me under his arm. I laughed.
“ JOE! SOUNDCHECK!” Paul yelled for backstage, ruining a perfect moment. Joe let go of me, rubbing his neck.

We walked to the back room, in complete silence. It wasn’t awkward though. We found everyone sitting around the table.
“ Sorry, we got caught up in a moment of best friend chat.” Joe said, sitting down next to Kevin. Nick sighed. Mr President.
“ We will start with That’s Just The Way We Roll.” Paul started to say. I walked over to the couch, where Sammie was sitting with Demi and Frankie
“ Budge up.” I said. She sighed, sitting up properly. I sat next to her as Frankie climbed into my lap. Demi got off the couch and sat on the floor, looking up at us.
“ The most uninteresting point of tour. Song lists and sound checks.” I said to her. She rolled her eyes and Demi sighed.
“ Well, at least you don’t have to go through it all. Im next and have outfit checks.” Demi said, getting up. I leaned over towards Sammie, blocking out Frankie’s ear.
“ Im in love with Joe.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww. :)
Raise Your Hand If You Want Joe And Haylee Together? *RaisesHandHigh!*
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