You're A Million Miles Too Close


“ How was it?” Joe asked, running towards me. He dived into the seat next to me and grinned.
“ How was what?” I replied, smirking. Joe laughed once and then poked me in the ribs.
“ How did I sound?” He asked, flicking his hair out of his eyes. I sighed, shaking my head.
“ Very vain.” I said, sticking my tongue out at him. Joe gasped and walked off, leaving me in my chair, laughing my head off. I looked over at Kevin, who was talking to John Taylor and Jack Lawless and pulled my phone out.
What if I said, I might be in love with Joe? :) – Hayz. I watched Kevin fling his guitar around to his back and pull his phone out of his pocket. He read the text and turned around to me, smiling like crazy. I laughed and Kevin went to text me back.
I would say I TOLD YOU SO! And say that he likes you back and go and tell him! – Kevin.
I laughed at the reply he sent me. Joe came bouncing over to me.
“ What you doing?” He asked me. I laughed, shaking my head.
“ Nothing Joey. Where did you go?” I asked him. He smiled, innocently, swaying from side to side. He leaned over to me, so his face was inches away from mine.
“ Garbo gave me Red Bull.” He whispered to me. I smacked my forehead, groaning. Joe and Red Bull, not the greatest combination.

I was sitting backstage while Joe bounced around, trying to get some more sugar into his system.
What if I couldn’t tell him? What if he thinks I like someone else and if I tell him I like him and he thinks its because I feel bad? – Hayz.
I was still texting Kevin, even though Kimmy told me to stay away from him. Like I give a care what she says!
So Joe thinks you like someone else, but you actually like him? You think Joe would think that badly of you, Haylee. If he does, what kind of friend is he? – Kevin. I watched Joe as Nick and Sammie walked into the room; he bounced over to Nick and started to talk non-stop. Nick watched Joe, his eyes squiring around in the back of his head.
Your right, Kev-o. I really like him, like I have ever before. I liked someone else, sorry for not telling you…when Joe told me he liked me, in my room that night; it finally hit me that I loved him back. But im scared of telling him. – Hayz.
“ Joe, Nick. You need to go and get ready.” Big Rob said, walking into the room. Joe grinned madly and Nick sighed, quickly kissing Sammie and the both of them ran out of the room. Sammie came and sat next to me.

“ Hey. Is everything alright?” She asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.
“ It’s alright, I guess. Im going to tell Joe.” I said to her. She smiled at me.
“ C’mon.” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the boy’s scooters in the corner of the room.
“ Are you kidding? I got warned not to go on these.” I rolled my eyes at Sammie.
“ You need to learn a little story about these Jonas boys. Whatever they say, you do the opposite.” I told her, smiling. She laughed, shaking her head at me.
“ Lets go then.” She said, hopping onto Nick’s scooter while I jumped onto Joe’s, leaving Kevin’s bike sitting there.
“ Woop!” I yelled as we zoomed out of the room. Sammie and me whizzed around the arena, waving at random people when the boys jumped out of the dressing room.
“ Beep beep! Looking’ good boys!” I yelled, zooming around them as the three of them jumped for the life.
“ HEY THAT’S MY SCOOTER!” Joe yelled, running towards me. He looked like a giant gold blur, as he was wearing a gold jacket and black jeans. Joe mangered to jump onto the back of scooter.
“ Aaah.” He yelled in my ear, wrapping his hands around mine, spinning the scooter around and back to backstage.

My phone vibrated, making me jump six foot in the air. Joe and Nick had shoved Sammie and me into the backstage room and taken the scooters away from us and run into lockdown. Kimmy had disappeared somewhere! YAY!
Why are you scared, Haylee? You like Joe; Joe likes you…- Kevin. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.
“ You alright?” Denise asked me. She had to stay backstage with us until the boys went onto the stage, where she would watch with us.
“ Kevin is making life hard at the moment.” I replied to her, rolling my eyes. She looked at me, cocking an eyebrow.
“ Haylee is in love with Joe!” Frankie sang. My mouth dropped open as he smirked at me.
“ How do you know that?” I asked him, narrowing my eyes. He bit his lip, innocently.
“ Im not stupid.” He said, smiling at all of us, before walking off. Denise walked over to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
“ I thought you liked Kevin.” She asked me, obviously confused by the whole situation. I laughed.
“ That’s what I thought as well, until Joe told me he thinks he’s falling in love with me. And then I realize I was in love with him back!” I told her. She smiled at me.
“ And they kissed!” Frankie said, running back into the room, sticking his tongue out at me. I gasped and started to chase him down the corridor.

“ Okay, okay! I give up. Im sorry!” Frankie yelled, as I had him pined to the floor as was tickling him. I smiled, satisfied with my revenge. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text Kevin back.
Why am I scared Kevin? What if we date, then something goes wrong and we end up hating each other? End of that friendship. – Hayz. Frankie ran up behind me, throwing his arms around my neck and leaning his head on my shoulder.
“ So if you love Joe and Joe loves you back, why aren’t you together?” Frankie asked me. I laughed once.
“ Give us some time, Tank.” I replied to him and I could feel him smiling.
“ Joey never stops talking about you, Haylee. That’s how I knew you two likes each other.” He told me. I burst into a set of giggles as I hauled Frankie up my back. My phone went off again.
Is that a risk you are willing to take, Hayz? Follow your heart! :) – Kevin.
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That's Right, Im Back =]
I Was At My Sister's Wedding. :) It Was Beautiful.
Im Going To Be An Auntie For The 3rd Time! :D
YAY! We All Hope Its A Girl In My Family.

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