You're A Million Miles Too Close


I looked over at Kevin and Kimmy and broke into a fake smile. Yes, I bet Kimmy is a lovely girl, but I love KEVIN and it sucks that she has him.
“ That’s great, sure, im going for good. When is it Paul?” I asked him. He looked at the boys confused.
“ Well, I thought the boys told you.” Paul said, looking from each of his sons back to me. I shook my head, taking another sip of my coke.
“ Nope. You know what they are like with dates.” I joked, nudging Joe in the ribs again. He groaned and leaned back on his chair.
“ Well, It from the 8th of July to the 3rd of December.” Paul told me. I spat my coke out, choking on it. Joe started to pat my back immediately. I waved my hand at him, making him stop.
“ I guess, I’ll start packing. Seen as it’s the SIXTH!” I yelled, sighing at the end. Denise shook her head.
“ You don’t have to come.” She said. I smiled at her and nodded my head back to her.
“ Im coming.” I replied, grinning. Joe jumped and down in his seat next to me.
“ So immature.” Frankie said, biting into his pizza, shaking his head. I took one look at him and shook my head, laughing hysterically at him.

“ Stay again tonight?” Joe asked me, pouting as we waited for Denise and Paul to pay the hefty bill.
“ I don’t know, Joe. I mean, I have to pack.” I said, as his face fell.
“ We have all tomorrow to pack, and I will even help. Just stay tonight and I’ll make you pancakes in the morning.” He tempted me, nudging my elbow. I rolled my eyes at him.
“ I will make a deal with you, I’ll stay tonight if you help me pack tomorrow and someone else makes the pancakes.” I replied, smirking at him. He sighed and nodded his head.
“ Deal.” He said, holding his hand out to shake it. I placed my little one into his massive guitar-playing hands and we shook on it. I smiled at him as Denise and Paul walked over.
“ Can I sleep around please?” I asked them two. They nodded.
“ Always, sweetheart.” Denise said, kissing my forehead before walking out, with everyone else following them.

Me, Joe, Kevin and Kimmy walked over to Joe’s car. Denise and Paul wanted Sammie and Nick to go with them and Frankie so they could get to know Sammie.
“ Turn up the radio!” Joe sang as we climbed into the car. I sighed and leaned over to press the turn up button.
“ No way!” I yelled as ‘Video Girl’ played on the radio. Me and Joe burst into giggles, about the whole thing that night before.
“ Get some class and kiss the past!” Joe sang out the window. I laughed, as he looked like a dog. I pulled him by the shirt back into the car. Kevin was laughing in the back, moving his fingers as he was playing the chords on his guitar. I laughed at him and danced in my seat. Joe was giggling like a little child.
“ You know what song I haven’t heard in a while?” I said, smiling at Joe and Kevin. Joe rolled his eyes at me and Kevin tutted.
“ Let me guess. Kung Fu Grip? Joe asked me. I smiled and nodded at him.
“ Sing when we get in please?” I asked them both, pouting. Kevin nodded as Joe shook his head.
“ ACE!” I screamed, doing a little victory dance in my seat.

“ GET THE GUITARS AWAY FROM HAYLEE!” Joe yelled as we all jumped out of the car. Nick turned around, confused. Joe waved his arms around and dashed towards the house. I ran after him, launching onto his back, then Joe stumbled forwards.
“ Why am I hiding the guitars?” Nick asked, dragging Sammie into the house. Joe and me followed and I jumped off Joe’s back and ran up to Nick.
“ Nicky.” I said, innocently as I could. Joe rolled his eyes and walked upstairs, shaking his head.
“ Yes, Haylee?” Nick said. Sammie laughed at the both of us so I stuck my tongue out at her and she gasped.
“ Can you pretty pretty please, play Kung Fu Grip?” I asked him, putting on my best puppy eyes. Nick rolled his eyes at me and smiled.
“ Anything for you.” He said, grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs. He dragged me into his room and sat me down on the bed. He picked up his guitar and sat next to me, strumming the chords.

“ Hayz, You know I love you and all.” Nick said, putting his guitar back after he had sang to me.
“ Of course I know that Nick.” I said, shuffling around on his bed so I was sitting on my knees.
“ Good. Because I need to talk to you.” He said, coming back over to sit down opposite me. I tilted my head to the left.
“ Okay. Shoot.” I said to him. He sighed and we stayed quiet for a couple of minutes.
“ Joe likes you, a lot. And you like Kevin. And we all know this but please make up your mind. It’s killing Joe everytime you look at Kevin.” Nick told me. My mouth kind of dropped open.
“ I think I need to get over Kevin.” I said to him. He nodded.
“ None of us like Kimmy. But for Kevin’s sake, we need to at least pretend we do. And you just follow your heart, Hayz, because hopefully, it’s saying who to chose.”
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Awww. :)
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