Status: Active. Slowly updating. once ive finished writing longer chapters

An Angel Sent Straight from Heaven

Jenifer Paige
Born:Sept 7 1008
Description: Stunning Brunette with clear hazel eyes. Jenifer's Father is god himself making her very powerful, and giving her the ability to whatever she wants to. Sent down to earth to kill all evil vampires.

Emmett McCarty Cullen
Born: July 27 1949

Jenifer Paige was sent to earth a millenium ago. She was sent down to save humans from the evil vampires. What happens when she runs into her soulmate. Will she tell emmett what she is? Will she be with him? Jenifer goes through heartbreak, friendship, pain, and pregnancy to finally end up with her soulmate. What will happen in between?

summary suck but story is better.

Disclaimer: I don't own twilight or any chracters from twilight except for Kellan, Ashley and Jenifer.
  1. Prologue
    No Jenifer yet!
  2. Chapter 1- La Push, Jealousy, and Eddie
  3. Chapter 2
    "I love you b-"
  4. Chapter 3
    things get a little heated between ... and ...