The Consequences

Your Gay?!

She scooted over so she was closer to me and gave me a hug. I don’t remember being hugged like this in a long time. She pulled away and I saw there were tears in her eyes.

“You know, my story is a lot like yours. Except maybe with a little more drama. My husband, your uncle, he was a royal too and well I ended up pregnant with your cousin. I left just like you did, and for the same reasons too.”

She paused for a bit to wipe her tears.

“The only difference between our stories is you did better than me. Much better actually. I actually got captured by vampires. Back then there was a war. There was the three main species. None liked each other, but the hatred between the vampires and the demons was worse than anything. So when the war came no one was surprised really. Everything was terrible and it got so out of hand that the werewolves back out and went to neutral. Well anyway, like I was saying I was traveling through the woods and my water broke. Sometime later I had two beautiful baby girls in my hands. But soon after, some vampires smelled the blood and attacked. I was strong enough to hold them off for some time but then they pinned me to the ground and took my babies.”

I sat there in total shock. There’s supposed to be two Jackie’s.

“One of them noticed who I was and said to me, "This is just a warning tell your prince to get his father to sign the deal or your gonna be a parent with two less babies." And with that he snapped her neck, and dropped her at my feet. There was another vampire who was holding Jackie and she was a lady after the man left she carefully handed me Jackie as if she was trying not to break her.”

“Well sometime later Harold found out and things happened. But let me end this story on a happy note. The war was no more and we were at peace for the time of being.”

Even though she said her tale ended on a happy note I knew it still hurt her to talk about her lost child. Tears were brimmed in her eyes and her cheeks were flushed and tear stained. Jessa started to squirm Aunt Sissy noticed.

She excused me after blowing her nose so I can put Jessa in her crib. I lay on my bed and looked to the side. The flower from the tree was still on my night stand in perfect condition.

I fell asleep minutes later and had a dream that I was getting married. The wedding was in my home country Italy in a beautiful meadow. Standing at the alter were me and Alek. I was in a gorgeous dress that had a train and my brides maids were my best friends from home. The dream was peaceful and great...

Till I woke up from someone softly knocking on my door. I looked at the digital clock whose bright green numbers signaled the time was 5:15.

School ended an hour ago. I slowly rise out of bed and open the door to see Max with a smile on his face. A really huge one at that.

From the time I’ve been here I got to know more about Max. He was like my best friend and the brother I always wanted. Hell, I'll admit he's cute as ever but all we would be is just friends. So when he comes in and tells me he has exciting news. I don’t know what I said but now he crying.

Ok I’ll rewind a bit for you.

I wake up to someone softly knocking on my door. I get up to see its Max with a big smile on his face.

“Come on in Maxi, oh what no, you haven’t woke me up no not one bit.” I say to myself because he barges in once I open the door. I turn around to him sitting on my bed.

Well more like bouncing continuously like a hyper bunny.

“So why do I have the pleasure of seeing you this evening Max.” I say as I walk over to him and sit next to him on my overly huge bed.

“Okay well today I got asked out! And you’ll never guess by who either.”

“Cindy O’Brian?” I guess, I mean it was a good one to because when ever we went to the park she would be there reading a book. And when she looked at Max she would blush.

“Ew. No Markus Notly.”

I start to think for a moment then click. Isn’t that a guy?

“Isn’t that a guy?” I ask.

Duh. He says then turns on the T.V and watches Simpson’s.

“YOUR GAY!?” I suddenly shriek but then instantly regret it because

Jessa started to cry and Max has tears in his eyes. I walked to her crib and pick her up and brought her to where I and Max were sitting only to see no Max and tear drops on my blanket.