The Consequences


It took me some time to finally calm down Jessa and when she was finished she fell back asleep. First days always suck.

I set her down back down in her crib and walked to my window with the tree. I look and see the bedroom on the other side of the tree which belonged to max.

I put a baby monitor in my pocket and one next to Jessa so if she wakes up I'll hear her.

Then I open my window on climb the tree next to it to the room across mine. I then knock on Max’s window seeing him lying on his bed. He moves slight when I knock. I knock again and this time he notices. He gets out his bed and walks to the window.

"What" he says once he opens the window.

"Max I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it's just you surprised me. I didn't mean to say it that way. Why didn't you tell me you were gay."

"I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you would react. Not many people know I’m gay except for you and my parents." he says while looking at his feet.

"So not even Jackie or the others know?" I ask.


"Wow, this sucks for Jackie she like likes you a lot. I mean have you seen the way she flirts with you."

"Yes I know. It's so annoying" He says with his regular bright cheery smile on his face.


After a few good hours of talking to Max in his room Jessa starts to cry and I say good-bye to max and climb the tree back to my room. Once I get inside I see Jessa In her earth state, on the opposite side of the room is a man pinned up against the wall by rocks. When I see that it's was Caleb.

"Jessa sweetie, let him down." I tell her and he falls on the floor.

"Well, you got your self a little fighter there." He says standing up and dusting himself off.

"What are you doing here?" I ask "And who let you in?"

"Oh that girl down stairs let me in the blonde one. And I'm here to talk to you, I missed you Marie, we all did." He started to walk across the room and sat on my bed.

"Caleb does he miss me?" I ask quietly while Caleb laid on my bed with his eyes closed.

"Yes he does. He even went to go search for you for months after you left. "

"What made him stop?"

"His Father. He told Alek that he was wasting his time looking for you, and told him that you’re not worth it."

"Oh. Did Heath tell him where I was?"


"Does he know about Jessa?"

"I'm afraid so. He's gonna come for you, you know that right?"

"Pretty much, I figured that out a few hours ago. But I'm not gonna run. I'll stay here."

After hours of asking short termed questions and catching up on each others lives Caleb fell asleep and so did I.

* * * * * * * * * * * * The Morning* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bang! Me and Caleb shot up and looked around. The noise that woke us was Jackie slamming my door open.

"Juno, mom wanted me to ask if you’re going to school today." She she asks nastily.

"Oh. Yeah sure, sure." I say and lay back down on the covers.

She leaves the room but not before winking at Caleb.

"Oh my god it winked at me." He says with a horrific look on his face. I told him some things about Jackie last night leading to him, being disgusted with her. And I'm glad to I don't want him to waste his time on that.

After taking a shower getting dresses and getting Jessa ready I was finally ready to go back to school.

>> fast forward to school<<

After I dropped off Jessa at the child development center and filled out the paper work, I was ready to go to class.

I looked at my class sheet and my first class was science.

I walked in just as the bell rang and took an empty seat in the back.

The teacher came in also and made me introduce myself to the class. I looked around and told them my name and things.

After I sat down the teacher resumed in teaching us things about atoms and stuff. The class seemed to go quickly and before I knew it I was off to my next class.

Some classes later I was off to lunch. I got my lunch and looked around spotting Max waving his arms franticly trying to get my attention.

Over by him was Jackie and her crew and another boy who had his head turned away so I couldn't see his face. I sat down in between Max and the boy who turned around once I sat down. And to my surprise it was,


"Yes" He says with a little voice. "Why are you here?" I ask.

"You know him?" Max asks.

"Um, yeah he's an old friend," I tell max. "So why are you here? And why didn't you tell me you were coming to this school?"

"Well when Heath told Alek that you were coming to this school, he kinda wanted someone here to, ya know, watch you?" He says in a smaller voice.

I was furious. He sent someone here to watch me! What he thought i was going to run off again? Caleb started to fumble when he seen the look on my face. He seen me when I was mad before and never wanted to relive that moment ever again.

I get up from my seat and walk out the cafeteria. I walk to the outside of the school and sit by a tree. I look around and see people sitting at wooden pick nick tables eating there lunch.

The slightly tilted tree shading me from the sun, I close my eyes and tilt my head back enjoying the coolness.

I open them again to see a pair of light grey skinny jeans standing in front of me.

"Marie, are you okay?" Ask's Max in a concerned voice.

"I think I am now."I say

"Wanna talk about it."

I nod my head and he sits down next to me.

"I just don't get why he would send someone here to watch me. I was alone and doing good by myself for a long time. He has to understand the reason I left. I don't want to hurt him or get him hurt. He just has to move on. Why can't he do that Max? Move on." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Maby he doesn't want to Rie. Maby he wants you and doesn't want to let you go. Maby to him it doesn't matter if he doesn't have the crown just as long as he has you. Marie he still loves you. And sometimes you can't let the things you love go so easy."

I continue to cry silently and Max puts his arms around me. I burry my face in his chest and weep some more.

"Well It looks like you move on fast huh Marie." I hear some say.

I look up and see...