The Consequences

Ms. Bella

We walked into the room. The sound of children playing and laughing filled the air. I look around the room finally seeing Jessa. I walk over to her only to be stopped by one of the teachers. Her name was Mrs. Anlton. A sweet women, she had slightly greying hair and dark creamy skin. She was always kind to jessa and the other children.

"Marie, there was someone who came into the center. She asked if she could see Jessa and you. I didn't know who she was so I told her to wait in my office until you came." Mrs. Anlton says in a shushed tone so no one but me can hear. The teachers in this school were very gossipy. But Mrs. Anlton was always sure to keep things to herself when it came to the daycare and the parents who dropped their children here.

She walks with me to the door of her office. I turn around and tell everyone that I'll be out in a minute and walk into the office.

I step in only to be greeted by a warm hug. I didn't get a good glimpse of the lady but she smelled of pine and peaches. She lets me go and finally get to see her face.

"Ms. Bella!" I gasp not able to believe that she was actually here and standing in front of me. I quickly hug her again with tears in my eyes.

"I haven't seen you since I left the cottage, how did you get here? How long are you staying? Where are you staying?" i ask in a rush. she chuckles and step back from my hug.

"I took a bus here, it was a very long and stiff ride here. I'll be here for a while, I'm staying at a hotel for now. Now enough of this, where is my baby Jessa. I haven't seen her in a long time. Oh and there is also some important news I need to tell you. But not here." she says in her thick german accent.

"Oh I'll get Jessa, just hold on a second."

I leave out the office and walk to pick up Jessa. She looks up at me and smiles. I carry her to the office walking past Max and Caleb. "Ryan and M said that they had to get to class." Max explains to me. I was sort of releived they left because they didn't know much about Jessa except for what I've told them. I nod and tell them to follow me

We step inside and I hand Jessa to Ms. Bella.

"Ms.Bella, these are my friends Max and Caleb."I introduce them. "Guys this is Ms. Bella." I told Caleb what happened when I left a while after he got here, so he knew who she was.

She walks up to Caleb and gives him a hug. He stood their shocked that this mysterious woman just hugged him like she's known him for a long time. He hugs her back and she does the same with Max.

"Well it's nice to know that my Marie made some very nice friends while she is here. Marie is like a daughter to me and I want you two to protect her." Ms. Bella says to them. "Well I will let you all go back to class, Marie here is the address you can find me at. I need to talk to you and very soon." She says before leaving the small office.