The Consequences

The Park pt.1

The rest of the day went past in a blur. And soon enough the bell rang signaling to the students it was time to go home. I got out my seat and walked to the door where Ryan was waiting.

"So how'd the thing with the girl go," I asked remembering the previous conversation we had earlier.

"Oh, yeah, it went great. I even asked her out and guess what she said."

"Yes?" I guessed.

"Yep exactly, "

"So who did you ask out." I ask rather curiously. I mean I haven't know Ryan long but I know enough to say he isn't seen much with girls.

"Um Natily?" He said more of a question than an answer.

"Natily!" I say shocked.

Natily was the girl in my history and math class. Everyone picked on her and calls her a geek because she's so smart. She wears glasses and has long thick red hair. There nothing really wrong with her and to be honest she's really pretty.

"Awww, Ryan's got a girlfriend," I teased as we walked to the the daycare.

As we made it to the center we saw Caleb,Max, and Marisè waiting for us outside the doors looking bored. Marisè was playing with her lip ring and Max and Caleb were having what looked like a two word each conversation.

"Hey guys" Marisè says as soon as she spots us. We walk in check Jessa out and leave after picking up Jessa. Once outside we all go out separate ways except for Max who was riding with me.

"Marmar what you doing today. I have absolutely nothing to do till Friday. And I was thinking we could probably take Jessa to the park or something. I don't know." Max says

"Sure we can go to the park, I just gotta finish my homework first then we can go."

"Cool, can I come over to do my homework with you, I need serious help in history."

"Yea you can come, and actually remember to bring your book this time."

The last time I helped him with his homework, he forgot his book and we both had to use mine. Which was really was really hurtful on our necks the next day.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. I think." He says

"Max." I groan. This was gonna be a long afternoon.


One distracted study session and nap(Jessa) later we were headed to the park. I put a jacket on Jessa and put her in her stroller before heading out the door with Max behind me.

At the park there were little children playing on the playground and mothers sitting on benches gossiping about the latest things. Some already giving me disapproving looks. I didn't care about what they thought about me. At least I was playing with my child.

I took her out the stroller and set her down on the ground. She got up and ran towards the swings. I went with her and set her in the swings for the toddlers. Max sat on the bench texting someone before he finally got up and walked towards us. Jessa reached her arms out towards him signaling that she wanted to be picked up . I stopped the swing and he picked her up tickling her.

"Hey Marie, I gotta go my mom texted me and said she needed me home for something. You think you'll be okay here?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, I'm be fine I'll just be here a little while longer." I say.

We hug good bye and I take Jessa to the slide not knowing who was watching us behind the trees.