The Consequences

The Park pt.2

We stayed at the park for about two more hours till it started to get dark. I strapped jessa but up in her stroller and started the walk back home. By the time we made it back Jessa was sound asleep in her stroller holding on to her stuffed tiger.

I picked her up and folded the stroller(supermom?) and headed up stairs. We passed the living room to see Jackie and herhoes posse in the living room.

"Well look who came back. Where were you for so long Marie? And I'm actually surprised you took your little bastard baby with you." She said with a smug look on her face. The two other girls laughed at what Jackie said to me. Now I can take her criticism. She can make fun of me in any way she wants. But there she crossed the line.

"You know what Jackie, what's wrong with you? Seriously do you act like this much of a bitch to everyone! It was okay when you went on me. Even in front of everyone. What are you, jealous, mad that I actually have someone to love me. Jackie get a life and stop acting like a walking STD." I said angrily.

More words were exchanged, well actually they were yelled and Jessa woke up crying. There was a sudden calm in the air, as if senseing I was stressed Jessa made us stop with her powers.

Jackie, looking as if my words never even effected her sat back down and kept on talking with her friends.

I turned and walked up the stairs to my room. I open the door to my room to see something was different. It wasn't one of those big noticeable changes but where something was moved and you could feel it.

I put Jessa in her playpen and stepped to the window. I look out not being able to see much except for the tree in between my window and Max's and Max's window.

I look around once more and lay on my bed. I look to my left, on my night stand was the flower I put there weeks ago. Still looking like it was when I first picked it. I picked it up and twirled it in my fingers before putting it back down. Jessa started to laugh. I looked over at her to see her in her light stage. A ball of light in her hand. She effortlessly threw it at the ball and it bounced back to her.

She picked it up and did it again. I watched her for a moment before deciding to let her have her fun with it for a while longer. I walked into the bathroom to get bath water for Jessa ready. I turned on the water adjusting the temperature to make sure it was right. I walked back out of the bathroom and into my room. I freeze.

There was a man charging towards Jessa. She lifted her hands and a sudden burst of flame appeared on his jacket. He hisses in sudden pain and quickly took it off and ran towards her again. She repeated the action but this time his shirt had multiple fire spots, She then made him fly towards the wall and chained him there with vines.

I run towards Jessa and scoop her up. She looks at me and smiles grabbing pieces of my shirt and latching on with her small fingers.

"So it's true. There is a half breed running around." The rugged looking man said, wiggling fiercely against the vines trying to get free. Suddenly he screamed in pain. I look at Jessa to see her eyes glowing a steady black.

He stops screaming and Jessa's eyes turn back to normal. We hadn't noticed that someone came in my room till we heard a voice.

"Uncle Kane?" He says. We looked at the door to see the voice who spoke the words.