The Consequences

I Taste Just Like Candy, So Dance With Me

I woke up to an empty bed. Meaning neither Alek nor Jessa was in the room. This got me worried. I scrambled out of the bed. A series of 'what if's' running through my mind. 'What if his uncle came back and took them.', 'What if Alek took Jessa to his father and uncle." and my personal favourite 'What if a gang of ninjas came into the night and is holding them hostage somewhere.

My panicking subsided I heard bath water running in the bathroom and Jessa squealing happily. I ran into the small blue room to see Alek giving Jessa a bath. He turned around and smiled once he seen me come in.

"Good Morning." He says followed with a smile that can bring any puppy back to life. "

"So today’s Friday, and I wondering if you would like to do something with me. It could be just me, you and Jessa."

I started to say yes but I remembered that Max was coming over today for a sleep over. "Sorry I can't. I promised Max that we would have our sleepover today. But you can stay too if you want. I'd love for him to meet you." I say.

"Oh, its ok I have to get back soon and figure out how to tell my dad about you and Jessa. But don't worry. I'm not planning on telling him anytime soon." He picks Jessa up out of the water and wraps her in a bath towel.

We walk back into the bed room and in a flash Jessa was dressed. She giggled when she was placed in her playpen. Her hair turned White and her eyes turned grey. She stacked all her blocks and moved her hands in a motion, making the blocks fall without her touching them.

I turned and sat on the bed and Alek followed. We didn't talk. We just sat there in silence.

"I have to go. I'll see you later Marie," He says getting up and walking out the room. I didn't have a problem with him leaving, but this time it was different. He didn't give me a goodbye kiss and kiss Jessa on her head like he normally does when he leaves. It almost made me worry. But I dismissed the thought and plugged my iPod up to its iHome. Panic! at the Disco blared out of the small speakers. I started to clean my room and get ready for when Max came over. Today was going to be long day.

Alek's Pov

I left the house hurriedly. I needed to make my way back home to sort things out. I hopped in my car started to drive back to the castle. Once I hit the highway I started speeding.

I got home quite quickly. Maybe a new record possibly. I walked through the front doors and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got out a packet of blood. I sinked my teeth in it and started to drink. It wasn't as satisfying as getting from the source but it'll do.

I finish the now empty pouch and toss it in the trash when in walks Candy. She's Heath's girlfriend, and everyone but him knows she's been passed around like last years playboy.

She walked up to me; her way too high heals clacking against the polished marble floor. Right now I was wishing she would fall or something to prevent her from further walking towards me. But it didn't happen.

In a second she was at my side. Rubbing my arm in a way too friendly way. I shrugged her off and walked out of the kitchen hoping she wouldn't follow. But when are my hopes ever the way I want. She follows me and once I sit down on the couch, there she is. Now sitting too close for my likings.

Candy had blonde hair with even blonder highlights. Wears short skirts and tight shirts. All of the opposite in what I like in a girl. "Why don't we go up to your room." She tries to say seductively and fails. I shudder when her breath hits my ear.

She takes my shudder as a good on and proceeds to put her hand in my lap. I shove her away and get off the couch. This girl just straight up scares me. But I can see why Heath got with her. Easy lay and when he was tired with her it would be easy to tell to scoot.

"Candy I don't like you, never have never will. And your with Heath what would even posses you to try to screw with his best friend?" I ask her.

"Cause I want you, common Alek you know you can't resist this. And I know you’ll give me a good time." She says with that smirk still planted on her face.

"Candy how many times do I have to tell you, I don't like you. As a matter a fact, I don't even know why your here. Get out."


"Bitch be gone." I tell her.

She gets off the couch and huffs to the front door. Slamming it on her way out. I sigh and make my way upstairs to my uncle’s office. There were a few things I had to discuss with him now.