The Consequences


"Max, what's in the bag?" I ask

"Ohh nothing, except for this." He says.

He pulls the object out of the bag, and I gasp at what I see.

The cutest outfit . It was a Black and Grey plaid dress with a matching hairpiece and white fur boots with little fur balls on the strings. I hug him and say thanks. This was by far one of the cutest outfits ever.

After talking for awhile while Jessa was on the floor playing with her stuffed animal, we decided to watch a movie. Since it had to be kid friendly we chose The Nightmare Before Christmas, it was also the best movie ever.

We got through half of the movie before the doorbell rang. I paused the movie and went to the door to see who it was. I open the door to see Jason, I don't know what he wanted but he looked somewhat stressed with a frantic look on his face.

"Have you seen Jackie?" He asks once the door is fully open.

"No, why would I ," I say, I wasn't really happy he interrupted our movie time to ask for the person who's always by his side. I think that's her boyfriend as a matter a fact.

"She went to the park this morning. She said there was something she needed to take care of. That was 6 hours ago, and she's not answering her phone."

"Well then, I guess your blown cause it sounds like she's missing, hope you find her soon." And with that I moved to close the door but Jason stuck his foot in it preventing me from doing so.

"Wait! She's your cousin, and you don't care that she's missing," He asks with disbelief .

"Look I have bigger things to worry about, and my cousin, missing, is not on my top ten. I understand to you this is a big situation but I would say for now, don't worry about it. And besides if you call the police, they won't classify her missing until 24 hours. So until then good-bye." Then I closed the door. Jason on the other side.

I walked back into my room and sat back on the bed and pressed play only to notice Max, sleeping , with Jessa on his chest.

I quickly get my phone out and snap a picture of them. I save it and put it as my screen saver. I pick Jessa up off him and put her in her crib where she snuggles with her tiger.

I go to the DVD player and take out the movie. I look around tiredly and walk to my bed. Instantly falling asleep once my face hits the pillow.
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again short I know, but I had to get this out after the best day ever, I went to see Mayday Parade, You Me At Six, The Academy Is..., and The Secret Handshake in concert!!! And I hope y'all had a great Halloween. So What Do You Thinks Gonna Happen To Jackie?