The Consequences

Getting Ready pt.1

I woke up to Max shaking me slightly. I look up and he has a huge smile on his face.

"What are smiling about so early in the morning." I ask slightly asleep.

"Marie please it's hardly morning, it's close to ." He says, "And if you have forgotten the reason why I'm here, I'm smiling because I have a date tonight with a certain boy." He says with an even wider smile on his face, if it's even possible.

I shoot up out of the bed, almost bumping heads with Max. I couldn't believe I slept in so late. I look towards Jessa crib and smile once I see her still sleeping. I guess we were all tired last night.

From what I could remember, we watched a movie, tried dresses on Jessa, had a endless game of peak-a-boo, which I think lasted close to an hour, ate pizza, watched another movie and then crashed.

"Max I totally forgot you had a date! We have to get you ready, We only have," I look towards the clock. "Six hours! Go, go." I say pushing him towards the bathroom so he can shower. Once I hear the water running I sigh and walk towards Jessa's crib to see she's now woke.

I pick her up and she giggles when I poke her nose. I walk towards the bathroom down the hall since Max is currently using mine. Once I'm in I bathe Jessa. When I'm finished I take her back to the room and get her dressed in a pair of pink pants and a yellow Pooh-Bear shirt with Pooh-Bear socks. She looked adorable in it.

I walk down to the kitchen to fix Jessa's breakfast,or lunch, which ever. I head up the oatmeal and set her in her high chair. She squeals and starts making bubbles with her mouth.

Once the oatmeal finishes I set it the freezer for a bit and let it cool. Once it's cool enough I put the bowl in front of her. She avoids using the spoon and uses her hands. Max comes down some time later with black and blue pyjama pants on and pours himself a bowl of cereal.

"So where do you think he's going to take you?" I ask, Max probably doesn't know, but since the long time I've known Caleb I have a pretty clear idea in my head of what he's gonna do for Max.

"I have no clue. Maby the movies and out to eat. I don't know what to expect really." He says with a slight blush creeping along his pale cheeks.

Caleb has always been the romantic type. Even some of his past girlfriends, yes that's right he hasn't always been gay, actually broke up with him because he was too good for them. Weird.

Max soon get's up and put's his now empty bowl in the sink along with Jessa's. He picks her up and starts to walk up the stairs with her.

"Where are you going with my daughter?" I ask when he reaches the top of the stairs.

"Well I need someone to help me pick out the right outfit since I brought a few things, and since you looked content in lala land I thought I could go with the alternative." he says with an innocent look on his face. I laugh.

"Come on Max, I'll help you besides I don't think Jessa would be much help. I say looking at the little girl on his hip playing with her fingers.

He sighs, "Ok, you can help too."and walks into my room.