The Consequences

Getting Ready pt.2

Between the time Max was getting ready and Max was ready we somehow managed to soak the bathroom floor and mess up my room.


Once we reach my room I see a duffel bag on the floor next to my bed. Max goes to the bag and starts to pull clothes out and tossed them on my bed.

"Ok so at first I was thinking about wearing this," He says pulling out a black shirt with a cool looking design on it."But the I thought 'What if he takes me someplace fancy?" So then I though 'How about this one?'"Max went on with this for ten minutes and between that time he managed to get most of the clothes I rejected on the floor.

Jessa was on the floor in her Dark stage running after a little pin cushion doll that was running around the room. I didn't even know the doll led her to the bathroom till I felt water on my feet. I looked towards the bathroom and saw jessa in her water state. The doll now frozen to the wall, it's little legs and arms moving frantically trying to get away.

Jessa was standing in a puddle that probably reached her knees. I scooped her up and she turned back to normal. The little doll started to move more now.

"Max get in here."I yell, he was still in the room ironing his shirt. He picked his outfit sometime ago which turned out to be a purple shirt with black skull designs and a pair of back skinny jeans and some black and purple checkered vans.

He walked in the bathroom and stopped short when he saw the little doll almost moving at the speed of light frozen on the wall.

"Max what is that?" I asked

"It's called a sinner, you usually don't see them on earth and when you do it's because someone powerful needed it for something important. How did he get here?"

"I don't know, jessa must have conjured him up, she as playing with him not to long ago. But why is he acting like that?"

"He's been out to long, sinners can't stay on earth for a long time or they get destructive and eventually blow up." He say "Go take jessa back to the room I'll clean up the mess and watch it till it blows."

I take jessa and change her pants since they have now become wet. I set her in her crib and she falls asleep almost instantly, I guess all that running around got her tired. I hear a loud boom noise from the bathroom which I assumed came from the sinner blowing up. Max comes out the bathroom ten minutes later looking as if nothing happened.

It's now 5:50 which means Caleb could be here at anytime. Max hurry's and gets dressed once he was finished it was 6:02 and the door bell rang. I race downstairs to the door.I open the door to see Caleb.

"My you look mighty handsome"I giggled Caleb had on a Aeropostale shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans.

"Hello to you to Marie, so, is my date here?" He asks "Why yes, yes he is." I say and by that time Max had come downstairs and was into view.

"Hey," Max says suddenly becoming shy when he see's Caleb and blushes.
"Hey, so you ready to go?" Caleb asks. Max just nods and follows Caleb out to his car.

"Now you too be safe, I want him back by 12. No later than 1. And remember to use protection!" I yell as they get into the car. They laugh and wave me goodbye and drove off.

I closed the door and made my way to the kitchen. Looking through the cabinet for something good I find some fruit roll-ups and marshmallows.

I grab them and go to the fridge and grab an orange pop before making my way to the living room.

I sit on the couch and grab the remote while opening my fruit roll-ups. i flick through the channels to find something good when Sweeney Todd comes across the screen. I settle for that and watch my movie while wondering how Max and Caleb's date must be going.

Alek's POV

I laid on my bed, debating on if I should talk to Marie or not. Ever since Friday when I got home and talked to my uncle , I've had a lot on my mind.


I got to Uncle Kane's office and knocked.
"Come In" I hear from the other side of the door. I walk inside and he look's up from the paperwork on his desk.

"Well Alek, did you tell him?" He says.

"No. Look please just give me some time, I need to figure out how I'm gonna explain this and what I need to do with Jessa and Marie."

"You know you have to tell him soon. If something happens to that child or a enemy kingdom gets a hold of her powers not only will our kingdom be in harms way but many other people will be two. There's no telling what she can do, that child just may be the death of us." He says with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Look I understand that bu-"

"No you don't understand anything!" He yells his voice now filled with rage.
"Because if you did then we wouldn't be in this mess. If you understood then our people would be in danger because... Because my nephew couldn't keep it in his pant long enough to know the girl was human!"

"What's so wrong about her being human!"I yell, now angry as hell. My Uncle never yell at me like this. I was kinda surprised that he could even get this angry

"It's not natural! A human and a vampire could never be together like this. There's a reason why this forbidden, so mistakes like this would happen! I'm giving you two weeks Alek, and if you haven't told your father then I will." And with that I leave his office and make my way to my room

I look at my clock the time reading 6:10. I look back up to the ceiling and close my eyes, deciding to call Marie tomorrow.
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Happy Thinksgiving to those in the states. I made it nice and long for the holiday. And to those not in America, Happy Thursday!
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