The Consequences

Disrupting Movies

I was almost at the end of the movie, the part where Sweeney found out that his wife was alive the whole time, when there was a knock or more like banging on the front door. I sigh and pause the movie. It seemed like every time I get into a movie someone's interrupting it.

I walk towards the door and open it to once again see Jason, and surprisingly enough he had Christen and Rebecca with.

"Why does it seem like every time a watch a movie you ruin it?" I ask once the door was fully open.

"This is no time to worried about movies," He says "Jackie is still missing and we can't find her anywhere."

"And what am I supposed to do about that?" I ask.

"I don't know. Before she left, Jackie said to come to you if she didn't come back. Something about a compartment in her closet."

Once he said closet I instantly knew what he was talking about. When me and Jackie were younger we used to be really great friends, and when were searching through her closet we found a secret latch. When we pulled it a miniature door opened and there was a little crawl space where we stored all our favourite memories and objects and secrets.

When ever I would visit we would go straight to her closet and tell each other everything we missed while we were separated. We even decorated it. There was a large pink rug that took up almost the whole floor in the small room and a two mini chairs. There was books and toys in a secret chest.

We were almost inseparable until the summer she turned 13. After that she was really cold and acted like a bitch to everyone.

I ushered them into the living room and they sat on the couch. I sat in the big armchair across from them.

"So Jackie said what about her closet?" I asked Jason since he seem to be the only one talking.

"Well she said something like,"
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah I messed up in this. Jasmine's not here
Rebecca is!