The Consequences

The Room

"Well she said something like, 'If I don't come back go to Marie and tell her to go to the closet. And there is where you can find instructions on where you can find me.'" Jason said.

Then it dawned on me. Why did Jackie oh so suddenly want me to help her after all she's done for me was be a bitch. Could this be why Jackie is the way she is today.

I got up from the chair and mentioned for them to follow me. We walked up the stairs and to Jackie's bedroom door. I opened the door and walked inside the overly spacious room. The walls were still a light pink and the vanity that stood in the corner still sat there, only now decorated with pictures of her, Jason and her friends. I walked to the closet and opened the door. The closet was nothing special. Just a normal walk in closet.

I walked to the far right corner and got on my knees.pushing aside cloths I found the latch that led to our secret room. I pushed it down and the other side of the wall made a click. Signaling that the door had successfully been unlocked, I opened it and crawled inside. I sat in the Middle of the room and watched as Jason, Rebecca crawled into the little room. Christen decided to stay outside because there wouldn't be enough room.

The room still looked the way it used to except there were more books and papers everywhere.

"So this is the room." Rebecca said with disgust.
"It looks so normal."

I don't know what she was expecting.

"Ok well since we're all in here look for a book or a journal. Something that's been written in." I say looking through a stack of children's books that was right next to me.

We were searching through the books for a few minutes before something sparkle shined in the corner of my eye. I crawled over to the small purple chair and reached under it. Pulling out...