The Consequences

Ladybugs and Bangs

A necklace.
It was by no means small, but medium sized. On the chain of the necklace was a red and black ladybug.

I flipped it over to look at the back and on it it said, 'True answers are always on the inside'. I look back towards Jason and Rebecca, they were searching through the toy boxes and book shelf's.

"Guys I think I found something," I say, they stop what they doing and I toss the necklace at Jason. "Now I think I've helped you enough. There's a riddle on the back of the ladybug. Figure it out and leave." I say crawling my way out the small room and back into Jackie's closet.

"Your not gonna help us?" Jason asks. I shake my head 'no' and start to walk towards the door.

"So you don't care that your cousin is out there in trouble? With probably no one to help her either." Jason continues.

"Look I would love to say and continue this pleasant conversation with you but I can't. I have bigger thing to deal with than my 'cousin', as say she is, being missing." I say. I really didn't want to have this conversation with, basically, a stranger. Sure you might say Jackie is my cousin but she hasn't been acting like one. Maybe if the situation had been different then sure I would've helped her. Maybe.

Just as Jason was about to open his mouth to say something there was a loud bang.