The Consequences

Fake Memories

Once Jessa started to cry all went silent, except for her crys of course, but it seemed like the annoying voice of Jackie finally ceased. I thought.

She came bounding out the kitchen and into the living room looking a little annoyed.

'Will you please shut that thing up.' She yelled only making the crying worse.

'I'm trying, but it's not that easy when there are people yelling.' I say calmly ignoring the fact that she called Jessa a thing. A minute later Jessa stopped crying and was peacefully asleep.

It was soon quiet again except for the footsteps coming out the kitchen and into the living-room. I stepped quickly out of the living-room and to the stairs, going to my room to Jessa in her crib successfully.

I put her blanket around her and kissed her forehead before leaving out the room back to down stairs. It was more quiet than I remember it only to see when i got down there it was empty except for that Max guy.

'Where is everyone?' I ask

'Oh, their in the basement.'

'What's so fun in the basement.'I ask not getting why anyone would go in there. I mean the last time I was in there, that's were they stored the cars. An underground garage.

'Jackie got it redid so there's a new room.'

'Oh, so why aren't you down there with them?'I say still not knowing why he's up here instead of don there with his friends.

'I'll give you a hint,' he says, 'There not talking or watching movies down there.'

'Oh ok I get it now' finally grasping the concept that Jackie and her friends were doing the nasty in the basement.

I stood there for a few seconds, twiddling with my thumbs because of the awkward silence. Then, as if on cue, Jessa started to cry again. I start to walk back up the stairs, and to my room.

Once inside i scoop her up once again and rock her gently. I turn around to see max standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face.

He came closer until he was a few steps away. I sat an the bed and placed Jessa an her stomach, then i started to rub small circles on her back.

'You could sit down.' I told him.

He moved to then bed and sat down on the end, but turned slightly so he was facing me.

'How come you have to live here?' he asked.

'My parents died some time ago, when they died I lived at a friends house. Then one day it all happened. There was a car crash and no one survived. Me and Jessa weren't in the car, we were back at the house.' I said, lies pouring out if my mouth. I couldn't tell him the real reason i was here. I couldn't tell anyone.

'So what school do you go to.' I say quickly changing the subject so i wouldn't have to say anymore on the subject.

Me and Max talked for what seemed like hours. I learned we had some things in common, like we both like My Chemical Romance, we both like bright but dark colors, and some other random stuff.
I looked at the digital clock on the night table showing the time was almost midnight.

Max also noticed this also and took this as his time to leave.

'Man it's late, I gotta go my little sis is probably worried sick about me.'

'Okay, well I guess I'll see you later.' I say as he leaves out the door.

I get off my bed and walk out to the balcony. There is a tree within reach of it full of flowers.

And on the other side of the tree I could see inside of some ones bedroom. I don't pay much attention to it and look back at the flowers on the tree. I pick one off and carefully look at it. It somehow reminded me of Alek. The inside is a pretty purple color, like the color of his eyes, and the rim of the pedals are black.

As if they were dipped in something. I grab on and walk back inside. It looks different now like a bluish purple color.

I set it on the table and head for my closet to put on my p.js. Once finished I went over to my bed and layed down facing my baby. I looked at her features closely. She had my nose and lips which gave her that pouty look.

And other than that she looked like her dad. She had his purple eyes and attitude, she also had his black hair. I fall asleep looking at her with tears streaming down my face.