The Consequences

Moments In The Car

The trip on the highway was somewhat boring. The drive was to take about six hours long and so far we've only gotten about four hours in. Jessa was fussy most of the time because of a reason I did not know.

The car was quiet except for the soft snores from Jessa. The sky was dark and the moon had a ominous glow. We sat in silence, not know what to say to each other, and not wanting to break the almost comfortable silence that adorned the cool air conditioned car.

An hour passed before Alek announced we were there. He pulled up in front of his house and it was still the way I remembered it. The fountain still had greek figures sprouting water out of what appeared to be vases and Mrs. Monselli's roses were still the best looking flowers anyone could see.

He stopped the car and turned towards me.

"Grace I want you to know that, before we go in there, what ever happens I will always love you." Just him saying those words that mean so much made my heart flutter. And as cliché as it sounded that was the only way I could describe it. He then leaned over the seat. And just as our lips we're going to meet, Jessa woke up and started to cry.

He sighed and shook his head as I reached over the seats to the back. I unbuckled Jessa and brought her to the front where we were sitting. She stopped crying as soon as she seen Alek. She reached over towards him indicating she wanted to be held by him. He reached over and grabbed her off my lap and set her on his. I smiled immediately when she laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes again.

We stayed in the car for a few more minutes talking about what could happen when we got inside. Although I already knew what was going to happen I couldn't tell Alek because he was still unaware of his fathers visit and I wasn't supposed to tell him. The blissfully sweet moments we were having in the car were interrupted by the sharp knocking on the glass window.
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I was bored so I figured why not update.
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