The Consequences

Time To Tell

Cedric, and by his side was his wife, also known formally as the Queen. But most importantly, Alek's mother.

Cedric looks at me and at Jessa who was squirming in Alek's arms trying to get a better look at her new surrounds. The Queen, who's name was Arella looked at her son with quizzical looks.

"Alek who do we have here?" She asks walking over to where we were standing. Actually I don't even think you can call it walking since she did it so gracefully. "Weren't you one of our maids." I nod my head and take a deep breath.

"Well I knew I saw you before I just couldn't place it."

"Mom, Dad I have something very important to tell you." Alek says with a serious face.

"Well what is it son?" Arella asks, suspiciously eying the little girl in his arms.

"You might want to sit for this." He says, confidence showing through slightly. Arella went and sat down in the chair next to Cedric's.

"So months ago I met this really amazing girl. She was beautiful, Intelligent and just an all around amazing girl. Soon later we hooked up, you could say and she left. I was torn and couldn't believe she would just up and leave since we shared something really special. It wasn't until about three months ago I found her, and also found out the reason why she left. Turns out she was pregnant and just wanted to protect me." Alek explained, he took a deep breath before continuing the story.

"Well I guess what I'm trying to say is, Marie that beautiful girl that was trying to protect me, and my this baby is my daughter Jessabella Arcinez Marie Grace."

At the mention of Alek saying that Jessabella was his baby the first things that came out of his mothers mouth was,"Oh my baby, why did you wait this long to tell us? I can't imagine all this poor girl went through just because you couldn't keep it in your pants."

She then got up and gracefully walked over to me. She stood tall in front of me smiling warmly. "Well dear it is finally nice to meet the girl my son had most of our men looking for. I'm so glad that there was someone out there that he could love forever." She then walked over to Alek and Jessa.

"Can I hold her?" She asks me and I nod my head smiling. I am truly happy Jessa gets to meet her grandmother. She bonded great when she first meet Cedric and I couldn't help but think she would do to same with Arella. The takes her and hold her close. Jessa latches on to her shirt as if she was returning the hug.

Cedric then gets up from his chair and walks toward Alek with a smile on your face.

"I'm glad you finally told me son. Its finally nice to be able to see my granddaughter again. You see I've always know about Gracie and little Bella here, I was just waiting to see how long it would take for you a actually tell me."

"You knew," he asks looking at his father bewildered. "And Gracie he came to visit you?"

I nodded my head looking down. I didn't like keeping secrets from Alek, especially if they were something this big. I mean he was worried for the longest that his father wasn't going to accept me and Jessa or that he would have us killed. But I was told to keep our visit a secret and I always keep secrets to their word.

"I'm sorry, it's just he told me not to tell you, and to keep his visit a secret, and you know I would never tell a secret."

"It's okay I understand."

Alek walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Putting his forehead against mine. We stayed looking into each others eyes for a moment until we turned our heads to look over to where Arella was sitting. She was playing with Jessa on the couch when she froze.

"Son I think there was one minor detail you left out. Why didn't you tell me my granddaughter was a half breed?"

Jessa had turned into her Light state and started crying. She had only been light a few times but every time she would cry as if she didn't like it.

"Mom I thought you would've been able to tell these things when you first saw here. Anybody could tell."

"Son I think it's time we tell you." Cedric says walking over and sitting on the couch. He wrapped his arm around Arella's this shoulders and pulled her close. "There's something wrong with your mother." He says his voice cracking slightly.
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I don't think I told you guys but I haven't been able up update as frequently as I would have liked. You see a few weeks ago I joined the softball team *Le Gasp!* and I have practice everyday and I don't get home till 6. Then I just flat out go to sleep. So till the season is over I'm hoping to try to update every Sunday. So anyway I hoped you liked this chapter! I made it long all for you! And I want to thank aerabella for commenting on the last chapter. I really appreciate it.

Comments=more motivation.