The Consequences

Temporary Bliss

It had been a full two months since we told Cedric and Arella about Jessa and thing were going good. I was staying at the mansion for now because Arella said she wanted to spend as much time with Jessa as she can before I go back to Aunt Sissy's house. For the most part, lots of things have happened in that course of time. Like Aunt Sissy and Uncle came back from Peru.

She kinda freaked when I didn't show up for a few days but I called her and told her the situation. She was honestly happy that me and Alek told Cedric and Arella about Jessa. Things were fine till she asked how Jackie had been. I didn't have to heart to tell her Jackie was missing so I just told her she was over Rebecca's house with Jasmine. I hate lying.

That had been two months ago. Last month Jackie came home. A week after I told Aunt Jackie was at Rebecca's house she found out that she was missing. She was torn. I went back to the house to stay with her for a while till she got better. Jessa stayed back at Alek's because I didn't think I would be able to help my aunt and take care of Jessa at the same time. Jackie was her only baby so I kinda know how she feels. If anything never happened to Jessa I would be just as bad. After a week of staying with her and going to school she got a little better but I started to miss Alek and Jessa badly. After deciding one night that I was going to tell aunt I was going back a miracle happened. Jackie came home. She wouldn't say of where she went but that was enough.

After staying another week to make sure Jackie wasn't going to leave again I left. I couldn't stand being away from my baby for any longer. And now were back to right now. Right now I was sitting in Jessa room with her on my lap reading her a story. Cedric had her a room set up for when ever we wanted to come over. Alek came in the room with a somewhat worried look on his face. I put the book down when he grabbed Jessa from my lap and sat down in a rocker.

"Today I had talk with my father, and soon we're going to have to announce to our people that there is a hybrid among us." He said with his eyes closed, holding the little purple eyed girl close.

"Why? Why can't we keep her a secret for just a little bit longer?" I asked. I knew what type of chaos would happen if any vampire would know our daughter was a hybrid. With the power hybrids hold that was one of the reasons they were prohibited, because if someone who, for instance were not allied with our kingdom, go hold of such power that hybrid could be trained to kill. And with that would ensue a war. Humans don't know about vampires and other mythical creatures, and the ones who do know the royals have a list of those who do know. And if a war started out they would be in danger. No one wanted that to happen.

Alek walked out of the room and went down the hall and stairs. I quickly followed and watched him go out the back door into the garden. I watched through the glass kitchen doors as Alek and Jessa played together. She picked a flower and handed it to him. He took the flower and smiled placing it behind her ear. She smiled and got up and ran towards him. The took the flower out of her air and turned it into ice. She then turned around and held the flower out to me and smiled a wide toothy grin. I smiled back. Happy that the chaos was gone. Even if it was only for a day.
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Sorry for the wait! I had this written ut I didn't have access to a computer and I cant get acrobat on my phone. Enjoy!