The Consequences

Something Bad Might Happen

The following week was chaotic. Cedric and Arella told the people about Jessa, most of them were happy that we had obtained some sort of power. Cedric and Arella had meetings set up most of the week to talk to the surrounding kingdoms. They were making sure none of the other kingdoms wanted to ensue war on us.

Alek and I have gotten close again and mush to his dismay, I returned to school and things were almost the same. Jessa stayed at home with Alek so I didn't have to worry about her changing in the middle of class anymore. Marisè and Ryan still don't know about Jessa but I plan on telling them soon. Caleb and Max are still attached to hip and are as cute as ever.

Right now I was in English with Max and Ryan. Mr. Stobwell droned on about poems and finding the deeper meaning in them. I was talking notes when I saw a note fly towards me and hit me on the side of my head. I look down at it to see the front says 'Read me!' in red ink.

I look around and see Ryan moving his hands telling me to open the note. I sigh and open the note so see a very detailed drawing of a dinosaur destroying a city and the words 'Mr. Stobwell' pointing to the dinosaur. I giggle and put the note in my binder. I take out a new piece of paper and write 'Urgent' on the front.

I think it's time to tell Ryan and his sister what it going on. Marisè fells almost as if she is me sister and it's hurting me to keep secrets from her, and Ryan, well i don't really know about Ry. I love him like a brother but ever since he got a new girlfriend he's been out of it.

I don't like to judge people, especially since I haven't met her yet, but Mari says she a evil bitch. Those are her words.

I finish writing and toss the note to Ry. He opens it and looks at me questionably. I smile slightly and look back at the board. Max taps me on my shoulder and I turn around.

"What's going on," he whispers.

"Nothing," I say "I just decided to tell Ry and Mari about Jessa after school. Can you and Max come over? We're going to be at Aunt Sissy's,"

He nod's his head and I turn back around. I haven't seen m y Aunt in a while and as mush as she annoys me I still love her and wanted to check up on her. Uncle had to go to Tokyo for a business deal. Jackie has returned to her bitchy self and now I'm certain her and Jason were going out, as were Rebecca and Christian.

Jasmine isn't actually a bad person. I talked to her when we bumped into each other in the hall way. I don't understand why she would want to hang out with somebody like Jackie, but I guess it's her choice.

The rest of the day passed really quickly. After school I waited out front with Caleb. We were waiting for Max to come out so he could drive us to my aunt's house. Ry and Mari said they would be over a hour later because their mother had something she wanted them to do.

Max came out of the school and we got in his car.

"So what made you decide you wanted to tell Mari and Ry about Jessa," Caleb asks from the front seat.

"I just don't want them to not know what's going on. Their my best friends and I don't like keeping them in the dark about things,"

"But what if they react badly or something. Marie it might not be safe for them or Jessa, for that matter, bringing them into something like this,"

"Something like what Caleb? I know what I'm doing," I snap.

"Something like the situation your in. Have you ever stopped and thought about what was going on around you. There are people of all kinds out to kill your daughter. Your aunt almost had a mental breakdown, and on top of all that Alek pops up. Marie I'm sorry but that is too much stress for you to handle and bringing two more people into this doesn't seem like a good idea. Not just yet anyway,"

I sigh and lean my head back. He might be right but it's too late to turn back now.

"I know, and I'm sorry I snapped but I trust that everything's going to be okay. And if it doesn't then I always have you and Max." We were sitting in the driveway. No one ready to get out and head inside just yet. Alek knew what I was about to do and he was okay about it, and it was just a matter of time before they found out anyway. So why does it feel like something bad is about to happen?
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Ahh nice and lengthy for you.
I want 2 more comments before my next update.