The Consequences


We walked up to the big front door and I knocked before entering. I didn't want my Aunt to think there was someone breaking into the house. Everything seemed quiet. An eerie feeling seemed to go through my body and there I knew something wasn't right.

"Sis," I called as we walked towards the stairs.

"Aunt Sissy," I called again and got no answer. Now I was worried. My aunt wasn't one to ignore people. I started walking up the stairs when I heard a crash.

"Stay right here," Max said as he and Caleb started to run up the stairs. I can't believe that there's someone in the house. What if they hurt Sissy. I couldn't live with myself if I knew someone harmed my Aunt in any way and I wasn't here. I mean, I love my Aunt, very much. And I would be torn to find out something happened to her and no one was here to protect her.

"Marie!" I here Caleb yell. I run up the rest of the stairs two at a time. I really hope nothing bad happened, I thought at I turned the corner to where the crash was heard. I look ahead to see.
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I feel horrible for such a short chapter but I had finals and my brothers and sister were graduating and family visited. So much. But here a little snippet of borningness!0
Next chapter will not be a normal chapter!! Yeah had to put that in.