The Consequences


There sitting next to what was once a vase as a dog, a very big dog at that. It's tongue was lolling out of the side of it's mouth while it was panting heavily. I sigh in relief. Just a dog.

Alek's Point Of View

I sat in my fathers office. There were rumors going around to other leaders that there was a shape shifter on the loose. The big oak doors opened and in stepped my father. He wasn't a man to take lightly. He took his work very seriously, but he also had a sweet side. To some my father was like a bear. Big, strong, and doesn't stake any shit from anybody. But to those who know him closely know he's just a sweet man with a hard surface.

Dad walked behind his desk an sat down in his chair. This metal bottom squeaking under his weight.

"Son as you know there has been a rumor going around that there is a shifter on the loose." He says, looking past me. "Well it has been confirmed by the King and Queen of the South that it is no longer a rumor. It is now your responsibility to find the shifter and find out what he wants."

"Yes sir." I say and then make my way to the door.
"And son,"
"Please be careful."

Marie's Point Of View

It's been a few hours since we found the dog. Max and Caleb were in the living room playing with it while we waited for Aunt Sissy to get home. The front door opened and Jackie came in with her friends behind her. She walked in the living room and froze when she say the big honey colored dog laying on the ground.

"What is he doing here?" She hissed, looking at the dog like it ate her diamond necklace. She stood in a protective stance in front of Jason. Rebecca instantly did the same with Christian. And before I knew it Caleb and Max were sent flying into the wall. The dog got up from the floor and started shaking, turning into a man seconds later.

I stood in awe as I saw the man stand tall. He then looks at me with a look in his eye that could only mean trouble. He started slowly walking towards me until Jason ran from behind Jackie and jumped on his back.

"Run!" He yelled trying to subdue the man.

I ran over to Caleb and shook him fiercely till he woke up. He looked around for a while before grabbing my arm and a unconscious Max and running out the door.

"What was that man," I ask with tears streaming down my face. Never had anyone tried to come after me. They were always after Jessa and even then she already knew how to protect me.

Caleb made his way to Max's car and opened the back door laying him down on the material seat. I got in after him and started stroking Max's hair.
This was all my fault. I could see why he didn't want me to tell Marisè and Ryan and bring them into this.

He closed the door and started walking back towards the house.
"What are you doing," I asked panic stricken. "Don't go back into that house."

"I'm Just going to see if their ok," He says turning back around and walking to the house. Two minutes had passed before he finally came back out and climbed into the drivers seat.

"Their ok. Jason has a few scratches on his face and Jasmine on her arm but other than that their going to be fine. And it also got away M. We gotta go and tell Alek. From now on we have to be alert." he says looking bleakly onto the every stretching road in front of him. I could tell he was on the verge of tears. You can see in his eyes how much he loves Max and to see him knocked out like this was just tearing him apart inside. A vampire will always want to protect their mate and seeing Max in such a state is making him feel like he failed.

I could only hope we got to Alek's fast enough.
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Sorry for the delay.
Will try to get more out soon but I'm kinda struggling. Comment and tell me what you think please.