The Consequences





That's what I woke to. Jessa pulling my hair to wake me. I sit up and put my back against the headboard. Even waking up feeling as horrid as I can, only Jessa can put a smile on my face.

And sweet bejebus do I feel horrible.

My face feels cracked from the dried on tears. And my head is soar from getting my hair pulled numerous times.

I stand up and hold Jessa in my arms. I walk to the bathroom and torn the water on in the tub so I can give her a bath.

Once the water is ready I set her on the counter and start to undress her. I set her in the tub carefully and start to wash her. When I was finish I wrapped the towel around her and set her on the bed. After getting her dressed I set her in her crib.

After a few moments of silence I knew something was wrong. It was around twelve and I haven't heard Jackie complain of scream or something. I hop of my bed and walk to the door. Nothing. Just sheer utter silence.

I smile widely to myself. No Jackie. I guess the she devil decided do disturb someone for a change. This is great! For the whole two weeks I've been here It's completely silent. I start school next week luckily.

As I walked back to my rook I see Jessa playing with her blocks on the floor. Now there two thing's wrong with this picture.

1. I put Jessa in her crib before I walked away, and 2. she doesn't own any blocks. Frowning I swiftly walked over to Jessa and pick her up.

I knew what was happening but I didn't think it would happen to her while she still a baby. I look at her face to see her eye's turned a orangeish yellow color and her hair has now turned red.

I sit don next to her and look at her face. 'Jessa please change back, please,' I plead 'If you don't they'll take you away, you have to change back now.' I say. 'You have to hurry Jessa change.' I say again till she changed back to her black haired purple eyed self. I hugged her close and sighed.

'What was that.' I hear someone say . I turn around to see Max standing by my door with a calm look on his face.

'I don't know what your talking about.' I say

'Yes you do,' he says 'Your baby's not normal is she?'He says.

'Yes she is, she's a normal baby girl' I say my voice filled with worry.

No she's not,' he says with the same calm look on his face. 'Answer this, how does a human have a baby with a vampire?'