The Consequences

See You Later?

Marie's Point of View

I ran into the house and Alek was instantly by my side with a confused look on his face. After he noticed I was crying he put his arms around me and held be close. I couldn't even remember why I was crying, I guess realization set in that someone wanted to try to hurt me and Jessa and actually tried to set in. I knew there was people who didn't like the face that a half breed in living normally among them but I didn't think they would go as far as to actually attack. I then also realized that if Alek was here with me, where was Jessa.

"Where's Jessa?" I ask pulling away from him.

"Upstairs sleeping in her crib, why?" He asks. I don't answer and run up the stairs. I seems like forever till I made it to and top and to our bedroom. Just as he said, there Jessa was in her crib but she was no longer sleeping. She was sitting upright facing the wall growing flowers out of it. I walked over to her so see that she was in her earth state, her green eye's shone and she would laugh every time a new flower would bloom.

I sighed in relief and walked over to her crib. She turned around and looked up and me showing me the small colorful flowers. I smile and pick her up, hugging her closely to me. No one tried to hurt her and I was thankful for that. It would be a very stressful life if someone was trying to hurt her everyday.

I walk to the door and look down the hallway to see Caleb and Alek putting Max in the guest bedroom. I followed after then and sit down next to an unconscious Max.

"Alek what's gonna happen now, are you gonna go after the guy?"

I knew Caleb had already told him about what happened because I heard them talking downstairs.

"Well I don't have a choice. I was ordered by my dad earlier to capture him. I was just about to give Caleb and Heath a call before you showed up. But until then you have nothing to worry about." Alek said sitting down next to me and wrapping his arms around me and Jessa. His slightly cold body felt good against my skin. We stayed like this for a while before I heard a cough, Caleb was sitting on the other side of Max on the too big bed and I guess things got too awkward. Alek smiled and let me go before standing up.

"Marie can you stay in the room with Max until he wakes up? I'm gonna need you to explain some things while we're gone."

"Sure I don't really want me and Jessa alone at the moment anyway." I say.

Caleb and Alek started towards the door, I walked behind them with Jessa still on my hip. I don't think I was going to put her down for anytime soon. Alek turned around and kissed Jessa on her forehead and kissed me on the lips.

I always loved his kisses, they were soft and sweet and never rushed.

"See you later?" I asked.
"Yeah, see you later." He answered before walking out the door and down the stairs.

I don't think I'm going downstairs until Max wakes up, so until then, what do we do while we wait?
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important please read!
I know I know, but I've been feeling down in the dumps lately. I mean seriously I hate silent readers and the fact that I have 25 of them does nothing for me. I mean 5 comments a chapter isn't much to ask is it? I really hope not cause I haven't been getting much inspiration for this story and no comments isn't helping the situation. But thanks for reading and as stated in the other 20 chapter for this story please comment.

Some of you may be wondering why I gave them such a sappy good bye. Well just remember, Shifters aren't the easiest things to catch.