The Consequences


Alek's Point Of View
We waited in the car for a few minutes until Heath came out smelling less like flowers and looking a bit more decent.
"Caleb, what does this guy even look like," I ask heading out to the main road.
"Uh well he has really red hair and some weird tribal tattoo's. But as a wolf he was big and golden. I don't really remember much of what he looked like after that." Caleb said looking out the window.
I didn't take us long to reach Marie's aunt's how and by then it was night time and all the lights were turned off. We parked in front of the house and got out. The scent was bare but we could still smell it. We walked around the house a few times sniffing just to make sure it was the right scent. After a while we decided that it was strongest in the backyard by the trees. We ran through the forest behind the backyard still tracking the scent until it got stronger and stronger.
It didn't take us long until the scent was so strong it was burning our noses. There was more than one. We stopped in a little clearing and Heath and Caleb immediately barred his fangs when a branch snapped. Out behind a tree came a little girl holding someone behind her back. She had red hair and couldn't have been no more than six.
"Who are you?" She asked stepping back some. A little boy, with hair just as red, peered from behind her trying to see what was happening.
"Um I'm Alek," I said pointing at myself. "That's Caleb and Heath." I say pointing at the two behind me. "Have you seen anyone around here. Maybe a man with red hair, and a weird tattoo?"
"You mean daddy?" The little girl says, and just a fast as the words left her mouth a man was in front of her in a flash. I hissed and he stood a protective stance in front of the two children.
"Go back to the hut," The man yelled at the children.
The little girl instantly ran away pulling the little boy along with her.
"Alek that's him," Caleb said getting ready to charge at the man.
"Not yet," I told him as if reading his mind. "What do you want with Marie Grace."
"Non of your business," He snarled.
I charged at him and tried to hit him. He was fast but not fast enough, my fist just barely grazed his face and Heath stepped up behind him
trying to hold him. The man kicked heath and he flew into a tree. He wasn't fast but he was powerful. He then threw some punches but I just barely managed to dodge them.
I guess he was to concentrated on fight me that he didn't notice Caleb come up behind him and put him in a choke hold. It was a pretty comical sight actually. Caleb wasn't the biggest guy in the world and this guy was a lean as a lumberjack but he somehow got the man almost admitting defeat. I think he would have too if Heath hadn't of hit him on the back of the head with a rock.
I then got behind him and tied his arms and legs. I don't think he was going to wake up anytime soon.
"Take him back to the car," I say walking further into the woods.
"Where are you going," Caleb yelled after me.
"I gotta get something, just take him to the car and wait for me there."
I walked for a few more minutes till I noticed the scent's of the children. I followed it until I reached a little shack of a house. I walked up to it and knocked on the door. After a few seconds of silence I decided to go inside. Opening the door I cautiously stepped inside. The little one room house only consisted of a queen sized bed, a small tabled shoved in the corner with three chairs surrounding it, a small stove with a few cabinets stacked up beside it and a rug on the floor. There could have been many places for two children to hide so I checked under the bed.
After searching around a bit and finding nothing I decided to check under the rug. Pulling it up showed a little door I pulled at the door. It opened easily to revealed the two children huddled together in the corner of the little underground room.
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Sorry for the wait. I have 2 AP classes which gives me a shizz load of homework and I'm also on the volleyball team which takes up my afternoon time. I think I'll only be able to get a chapter out once a week or once every two weeks for a while or at least until I get used to my new busy schedule.
Comment please! It'll give me some happiness.