The Consequences

The Note

Marie's Point of View

Alek, Caleb and Heath had been back for almost 3 hours and I haven't seen them yet. I knew they were back when I heard some screams from downstairs but I was told by Cedric not to leave the room until someone came to get me. He didn't want to take any chances with the man they captured getting loose and finding me.

Max had woken up sometime after they had woken up and called his mom to tell her he was Okay. While he was asleep she called and I answered the phone and told her what happened. She wasn't too thrilled about the situation but was glad that her son was okay.
She came over a while later and took him home once he woke up to monitor him. She's a nurse.

So that just left me and Jessa and Jessa had been asleep for the past hour so there was nothing really to do. I tried watching TV but there was nothing interesting on so now I'm laying down on the bed trying to read a book. It wasn't too interesting and I forgot what it was called but it kind of held my attention a little.

I skimmed through the pages a little until there was a knock at the door. I looked over to Jessa crib to make sure she was still sleeping before I laid the book down on the night stand before walking across the room to the door. I opened it to find the one of the maids, in front of her she had two children and a note. She handed the note to me and ushered the children inside the room. She then turned around and quickly walked away before I could get an explanation. I closed the door and looked at the two children.

The girl had fiery red hair and she wore a dress and some stockings. The boy had the same red hair with a pair of shorts a shirt and a jacket. Both children looked dirty and had leaves in their hair and dirt on their faces.

I motioned for them to sit on the small couch as I sat on the bed and opened the note. It was in Alek's handwriting and it read,

'Marie, we found the man that attacked you. We don't know what he's capable of yet and until we find out I want you to be careful.

You may be wondering about the children. We found them with him and we think that they might be his kids. I don't quite know what to do with them yet so until then I was wondering of you could watch them.

I'll be back up in a few hours so until then good-bye.
Love Alek'

I sighed and put the note down staring at the two children sitting in front of me. What was I gonna do with them? I didn't even know their names.
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Re-read the chapter please.