The Consequences


It has been 2 days since I was attacked by a werewolf. Two days since Alek, Heath, and Caleb went after the man who attacked me and two days since I've been in charge of that mans kids.

Right now we were sitting in the kitchen. Jessa in a highchair playing with her cheerios and the two other children sitting at the table eating apple sauce. They didn't say much, it was either a "Yes, mam" or a "No, mam". It got frustrating at times but I guess they're a little scared and shy. I mean, they were forced from their home and hasn't seen anyone they known for days.

So today I decided I was going to get to know them better. They were sitting next to each other at the glass dinning table eating on their apple sauce. I sat on the other end facing them.

"So what are your names," I asked the little girl. She seemed to be the one talking the most.
She put her spoon in the bowl and stared at me for a moment.

"My name is Tabitha, and my brothers name is Mason he's 3 " She answered pointing at herself and her brother indicating who was who. She than picked up the spoon back up and continued to eat her apple sauce.

"Well my name is Marie and that is my daughter Jessa, she's 10 month" I say point at Jessa who was now playing with cheerio crumbs.

"Why do we have to stay with you, and where's daddy?" Tabitha asked

"I'm going to take care of you for awhile, you daddy needed to go away for a while but he'll be back soon. "

"Where did he go," ask Mason. His innocent green eyes almost made not want to lie to him for a moment, but if they really knew what was going on with their father they'd be heart broken.

"I don't know. He just asked me to watch you while he went away. Who wants to go play?" I
asked trying to change the subject for a while. They yelled I do and ran out of the room. I guess a few minutes of talking to them really loosened them up. I smiled and got up walking over to Jessa who was now in her fire state. I picked her up and followed after the two hyper children not caring about the mess. Someone would clean it up in a while.

I followed after them until we got to Alek's room. I put Jessa down and she crawled over the Mason and Tabbi and started to play with the toys. Cedric had ordered toys for them to play with so it would be less stress on my to entertain them.

I looked over at the green digital clock on the bedside table and noticed it was 2:30. Looking over to the kids I saw that they were busy playing . I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. I decided to take a nap after looking over at the kids for a moment more. Nothing bad could happen while I take a little nap right?
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I missed you guys.