The Consequences

Real Memories and The Truth

'How did you know what she was' I ask.

'Now knowing that you have a half breed you must know of our world, and who we are.' He says.'But I'm still curious to as how your baby survived. Almost all half-breeds are killed when born because of their power. So how did all this happened.'

'And I'm curious to know how you know all this.' I say.

'Well darling isn't it obvious I'm a vampire myself.' I knew there was something weird about him! I don't know how I didn't see it.

'Please don't tell anyone, if you do they'll take her away and she's the only thing I have left of him.'

Don't worry I won't tell.' He said with a warm smile on his face. The type of smile filled with trust in a person.

'So you gonna tell me how this happened?' He asks sitting on the floor next to me and Jessa.

Uncertain of if I should tell him. But the look in his eyes show lots of trust and then for certain I know I could tell him. Slowly I began my story while fumbling with Jessa on the floor.

'Sure, see I went to the royal palace to help out, be a maid. I needed the extra money so I could finally by the car I wanted.'

'So I was there for a few months do my job. I was in charge of cleaning the vases and dusting off the pictures. So one day I'm doing my usual when Alek comes out of the library with a book in his hand. Barely seeing where he was going, he bumped into me. After that it was just like we already knew each other.'

'After a few weeks we fell in love, but of course by then I knew about vampires and stuff, because Alek said he didn't want any secrets between us. In between this time when I was at work my parents died at home in their sleep of a gas leak.' I pause to sniff because my nose start to run.

'Wait your talking about Alek as in prince Alek.'

'Yeah that's him'

'Oh,' he says and I continue on with my story.

'Well me and Alek's love was forbidden for many reasons, but mostly because I was human and he was a vamp.And when his parents found out about this, his father went berserk, yelling and threatening Alek that if I didn't leave he was gonna strip him of his crown and power. His mother had a very different reaction when she found out. She had a huge smile on her face. In her eyes it doesn't matter what race you were, or even if I was purple with yellow dots in my hair. She was just happy her baby found love.'

'And with all the chaos happening I found out I was pregnant. Now this created a bigger problem in the palace because not only were half breeds illegal because of their power,but the prince having a half breed. I knew they would disown him and deface him and strip him of his crown. I couldn't let that happen, so I ran away. I just could live with myself if I brought that type of shame on him. I loved him deeply but I had to go.'

'Where'd you go then because you said Jessa was six months and you left before anyone knew. What happened between the time.' He says

'Oh, that well was living with this nice old lady in a cottage. I was traveling through the forest for some time, trying to get farther and farther from the palace. I was traveling for about five months and I needed someplace to rest. And then the unexpected happened. My water broke, moments after that pain and lot's of it. That's what I mostly remember before I blacked out. When I came to Jessa was in a crib next to me. My whole torso wrapped in bandages. There was an lady sitting beside my bed, she looked like she was in her early 50's."

'I asked her how I got here and she said her and her husband brought me here. But on their way back with us they were attacked by werewolves. And it turns out her husband gave his life to save my baby. I named her after them I also made her Jessa's god mother for she reminded me of my own mom and I knew I could trust her. Jessabella Arcinez Marie Grace. His name was Arcinez and hers was Belle. I stayed there for a while recovering and Miss Bella was teaching me how to feed Jessa and change diapers and things.'

I told my story with Max listening intensely.

'After six months I decided to come here because I knew I couldn't stay there much longer with out bringing danger to her.'

'And so that's my story on how I got here.' I say

'Wow' was all he can say.

And I chuckle sightly at his reaction.