The Consequences


They all walked in and sat down at the kitchen island, engrossed in conversation.

Chef Kranton looked over to them and shook his head at what the girls were wearing mini skirts and show all tank tops.

I walked back to Jessa and scooped her up once she was finish eating her oatmeal with her hands . I went into the bathroom and cleaned her face and hands. Walking out the bathroom I tripped over my feet waiting for the impact of the floor to invite me and Jessa. I opened my eyes to see I'm floating with a purple force field around me. I look up to see Jessa's eyes glowing and I feel me moving back into walking position like I never was falling.

I walk back into the kitchen,I looked at the clock and as if on cue a horn honked signaling it was time for us to go to school. I walked out the kitchen with Jessa in hand after saying goodbye to Chef Kranton

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The car ride to school was awkward. The silence. I swear I couldn't take it. Jackie and her little posse of girls were staring at me and a giggling Jessa in my lap. And not the usual two. We stopped along the way to pick up more people. So so far in the limo was me, Jackie, Jasmine, Rebeca, Jason, Christen, and two other girls.

In my mind I started to wonder how many people can fit in a limo. After a few minutes of constant staring( mostly at me and Jessa) and the occasional fake cough. The limo came to a stop. The driver came around back and opened the door to let out. Everyone piled out and I swear from the outside it could've looked like a clown car. Me and Jessa were the last to get out and once my foot hit the pavement I could feel the stares of other students. I look around and see everyone pointing and whispering things.

The school was massive. It was made of red brick and so clean you would be scared to walk on the sidewalk. The janitors must be really good at their job.

I walked to the front door and stepped in conjuring more whispers and stares from students. I walked around a bit before finally admitting to myself I was lost. I turned around only to bump into someone.


"So you lost huh." He said nonchalantly.

"No." I protested. He stared at me with a look that said 'Are you serious.'

After a few seconds of staring I finally admit to being lost.

"Can you show me where the principals office is." I ask.

"Yea. All you have to do is turn around."

And sure enough as he said the principals office was right behind me.

" Thanks." I mumble and turn around and go inside. Right in front of me was a large mahogany desk with a nice looking old lady sitting behind it.

I walk up to her and her facial expression was suddenly set to a look of disapproval.

"How may I help you." she says with a forced smile. Her eyes fixed upon the little sleeping girl I have in my arm.

"I'm here to get my class paper." I say.

"Oh, yes here you are. Marie Grace am I correct."

"Yes. Thank you. My aunt said there was a child development center in the school. Can you tell me where it is?" I ask.

The Lady got an irritated look on her face and says it room 1303.

I say thank you once more and leave out the office in a hurry. To tell you the truth the secretary really scared me. She had small black eyes and silver hair neatly tied into a bun. I think shes only niche when she wants to be.

I walk down the hall decorated with purple and black lockers, and banners with lots of school spirit painted on them. I look at the numbers on the class doors. 1301, 1302, 1303. I finally get to the door and walk inside. The walls are a soft yellow with decorations and encouragement posters.

After a while of looking around I go to a room with the sign on the door that says 'Child Development Center Office'.

I knock on the door twice before getting a response saying I can come in.

I open the door and stare in shock at the two people in the mini office.

Never in my life has worry and panic(!at the disco ha ha)

came to me so fast at the same time. "Hello." He says, and I damn near faint at the sound of his voice.