Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

1- Daddy/Daughter Time

"Dad stop! Get the f*ck away from me! Leave me alone!" I screamed. I could smell the alcohol stream from his breath, a stench of smoke rose from clothes and through the air. He punched me in the stomach, until I couldn't stand up anymore, and keeled over. Blood drenched my long brown hair and pain pierced my blue eyes. Thick eyeliner left trails down my face. My breath was short and sharp. "Get out of here...Go! I don't want you here!" He screamed, back handing me. I was beaten. I couldn't fight him, not tonight. "Good for nothing slut!" He murmured under his breath. I ran to my room, slightly limping, and quickly out of breath, still hunched slightly over. I grabbed my black bag, filled with things I might need for emergencies, or times like this. I threw it out my window and down to the ground. I walked out the front door, into the cool night air, illuminated by the moon. I grabbed my bag and headed to the alleyway a few blocks away. I sat against the cold, stone wall and picked my phone out of my bag. "Hello?" Brady asked as he picked up his phone. "Brady!" My voice sounded raspy, even to me. "Angel! Where are you?" He asked. My name is Kiara, but he calls me Angel. He sounded worried, so I answered him quickly. "I'm in the alleyway." I replied. "I'll be right there don't move." He said and hung up. I dropped my phone back into my bag and waited. My sweatshirt had blood stains and the taste of blood swirled in my mouth, refusing to cease. I coughed but it hurt and made me clench my stomach. I waited silently, tired and weak. I heard pounding footsteps. I saw Brady running toward me. "Oh my god! Angel!" He knelt beside me and hugged me. "What happened?" He asked. "He decided to grab a drink, or a ton, but he got drunk of course. When he came home, I was in my room. I was playing my music and he got angry at me because the dishes weren't done. Of course I smart-mouthed him, and he wouldn't stop. Finally, he let me go." I said. "Angel." He repeated softly, hugging me. "Angel!" Hunter cried out. His black hair was messy and it looked like he just woke up. "Brady told me to come." He said. "I'm okay, I just had to get away for today." I said. "You don't look fine." He responded. "No broken bones and I'm not dead, just some scrapes and bruises, it's fine." I said. "Look at you! You have a black eye, blood down your face, cut everywhere, dried blood in your hair and on your clothes, and you say you're fine!" Hunter said incredulously. "Well when you put it that way..." I started. "It shouldn't be that way." Brady said, his arm lightly around my shoulders. "I'm going to crash here tonight, I just wanted to see you guys." I said, throwing my bag to the side to sleep on. "You can't sleep here!" Brady said. "I have before!" I replied. "Yeah well, you called us, we're here and we're not about to let you sleep on the street." He said. "It's not the street, it's an alley!" I protested. "Come on, put your weight on me." Brady said, ignoring my protests. The boys helped me get up, struggling to, but managing. Hunter grabbed my bag. "We can crash at my house, my parents won't be home until late and they don't mind you guys staying." Brady suggested, or more demanded. "Alright, let's go." Hunter said. Brady's silver chain glinted lightly in the moonlight. "I can walk fine." I said to Brady as he tried to help. "Just let me help, you're not okay, you can barely stand up! Just chill, I got ya." He said smiling. His smile was perfect and made me smile. Though I knew I never had a chance with him, with all the other girls, which reminded me..."Don't you think that Alyssa might be a little mad, having me spend the night?" I asked. "Well she's not staying over, and you're my best friend! I'm not going to leave you out on the streets!" He said. I smiled. We made it to his house. "You can go shower if you want." Brady asked. I nodded and took my clothes in. I locked the door and turned on the hot water. I stepped under the stream and yelped. It burned my scratches and scalded my bruises but I forced myself under. Some of the water turned pink with the mixture of blood and water but soon the water ran clear and I conditioned my hair to get rid of the smell of alcohol, smoke, and blood. I tried to use body wash but it stung more than I could bare and soon gave up. I turned off the water and grabbed a towel, drying myself off. I pulled on a pair of black, loose pants and a large black shirt and dried my hair with a towel. I came out of the bathroom and sat with the guys on the couch in the living room, watching Sponge Bob re-runs. The house was pretty big. The living room was a off-white color with green furniture. The couch was comfortable and I soon felt tired. "You can sleep on my bed tonight." Brady offered. "I'll sleep on the couch, I love your couch." Hunter laughed. "I can sleep in another room." Brady said. "Don't be dumb! We've slept in the same bed together or I can sleep somewhere else, its your bed!" I protested. "We can share my bed then." Brady said. It was true, a lot of times, when he refused to let me sleep in the alleyway, we shared his bed. It wasn't that I liked him, it was that he was my best friend and I didn't mind and he didn't mind. I crawled into his bed, under the blue comforter and white sheets and curled up, forgetting about the aching in my stomach until I did that. He laid down next to me. "Please, move in with us! You can't let your dad do that to you." He said. "Or at least with Hunter." He added. "I have to look out for him. My mom can't-" I stopped myself. My mom was in a car crash and died a month before. Sometimes, I accidentally forgot that she wasn't there. "She isn't here anymore. It wouldn't help if she was. I am still his daughter and it's my obligation to help him." I said. "He needs to help himself." Brady protested. "I can't leave him." I said. He dropped it and slid his arm over my waist. I flinched a bit so he pulled his hand away. "Sorry." He said. "You're okay." I replied. He lightly put his hand back where it was, without me flinching. "Goodnight." He said. "Night." I replied, and we both drifted off to sleep.
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This is only the first chapter, please when you read this, give me feedback. There's a LOT more to the story than this but I would love to hear what you guys think :) Thank you!