Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

10- Goodbye To You and a Part Of Me

We met a cop a block away from the house. "It's for protection. This way, if anything happens, you'll be okay and I can quickly restrain him." Officer Mackinley said. I felt rather uncomfortable with it but I nodded anyways. "Can you give me a chance to talk to him though? I mean, he is my father and the only family I have left. Even if something bad happens and you need to cuff him, let us talk." Mackinley nodded and forced a smile. We walked around the corner and I knocked on the door. My dad opened the door. "Angel, where the f*** were you? You realized how this affected me? Thanks! Thanks a hell of a lot!" With a hand to my face I quickly retreated a few steps. "Listen to me. Please, I don't want anything bad to happen just listen-" His fist caught my jaw and a blistering heat swept over it, bringing tears to my eyes and my hand to my face. Officer Mackinley swarmed in. "Get back! Get back!" His deep voice boomed. My father didn't look intimidated. He merely smirked and grabbed my arm painfully hard. "Dad listen. You need help! You are drinking our lives away! How long do you think my job will sustain us? Huh? How long will your whiskey last this time?!" I screeched, the pain in my jaw wasn't noticed as I was in hysterics. His fist collided with my head and I went dizzy for a second. "Get down on the ground or I will shoot!" Officer Mackinley yelled. My father instead went after me as I attempted to scamper away, his fist collided with my head again and I began to see blood pool around me after I hit my head on the concrete, I saw black spots, blocking my vision. I felt a painful kick in the ribs, a gun blast, a thunk, and then it went so velvety black, I thought I was dead. Peaceful quiet clouded my head until I heard a gunshot and woke back up. I must have been out for only a few seconds. My father's blood pooled in with mine, the deep scarlets combining in a bland puddle. "No!" I screamed but clutched my head and belly crawled over to my dad. I shook him and shook him but nothing happened. I grabbed his wrist and shoved back his watch but the pulse was almost gone. A few seconds passed and he was dead. I began to pass out again when Mrs. Cronin ran over, her jacket in her hands. She caught my head in the jacket and applied pressure so the blood flow would stop. "I need an ambulance, now, a girl has been beaten up, a man is dead." I heard Officer Mackinley give more information over his radio. In about ten minutes, I was sitting in the back of an ambulance getting treated. "You're going to be just fine. You didn't lose too much blood after the tourniquet but you got enough force to the head to knock you out. Good thing you had the jacket on your head or you might not even be here." The lady nodded towards the blood soaked jacket, covered in my blood. She finished putting in the stitches on the side of my face and put a large bandage with dressing on it. I immediately got up and went back to my fathers ambulance. The man, probably in his late 40's shook his head sadly. I let a tear drip and wiped it away with a smile. "He's with my mom now. They're okay now." I smiled. I kissed my dad's cheek. "I love you forever and for always." I whispered. I patted his hand and walked away back home. It was over. It was done with. I walked in the door and Brady ran down and enveloped me in a hug. "What happened." I told him the story and he hugged me again. "I'm sorry." He said. "I'm tired, I'm gonna go to sleep." I said. As I crawled into my bed, my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey. It's Tyler, is something wrong?" He asked. I hesitated. "Angel?" I began to tell him the story. As I finished, he told me he was sorry. "Do you wanna talk to someone?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. "See you in a few." About ten minutes later, he was sitting on my bed. "Are you okay?" He asked, eying my stitches. "Yeah, I'm alright I have some painkillers that I'm taking. He nodded. I talked to him about everything. It just poured out. He hugged me and rocked me on his lap. He kissed me gently and I kissed him back. He pulled my body into his and I felt his tongue go into my mouth. I laid on his chest, rubbing my hands on his sides. I straddled him and his hands rubbed my thighs. He moaned as I pulled away. "Thanks for listening." He smiled and he rolled on top of me kissing my neck. I played with his hair and my lips found his. After a while. I crawled back in his lap. "Let's play a game." I smiled. He looked at me and smiled. "What do you want to play?" "Checkers!" I said. After three games of me whooping his butt, he finally gave up. "Well, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded. "Bye." I went downstairs for lunch. I ate a grilled cheese sandwich and asked if Brady wanted to go to the mall with me. "Sure." He said. We walked to the nearest mall which was about ten minutes away. "Where do you want to go?" "Let's go to Victoria's Secret!" I laughed at his horrified expression. "Let's go into the music store." I smiled. He nodded. I bought an atreyu and saosin CD and Brady bought a few CDs. We walked around the mall, went into hot topic, pac sun, and sun diego. We bought a few things, shirts, tights, pants, and accessories. We made jokes and did stupid stuff. We were walking by a guy around 30. He was by my shoulder when I screamed really loudly. He jumped and stared at me oddly. Brady snickered and as soon as we were far enough, laughed loudly. "Th-that was hilarious!" He said, wiping tears from his eyes. I chuckled slightly. "Let's go home." We walked back home. My father's death no longer bothered me. I had a lot of fun with Brady at the mall. He really made me happy and I felt like nothing could bother me anymore. We were walking back when my phone rang. "Hey Tyler." I smiled. Brady rolled his eyes and grimaced but turned away so I couldn't see. "Hey babe. Do you want to hang out tonight?" "What did you have in mind?" "Wanna go to the amusement park?" He asked. "That sounds great!" I smiled. "Alright, pick you up at 7:00?" "Yeah." "Mkay, see you then." "Bye." I hung up and did a happy dance. Brady gave me an annoyed look. "Going out with Tyler?" He said smugly. "Brady, let's talk." I pulled him into a nearby empty field, full of tall flowers and green grass. "Brady, what's going on? You used to really like Tyler I thought. Talk to me?" I asked him, more like begged. "He's gonna hurt you." He growled. "Brady, Brady, look at me. I won't get hurt." He looked at me and gave me a disbelieving look. "Brady, even if I do get hurt, then there's nothing you can do about it. Just give him a chance, okay? He might surprise you." He gave me a fake smile. "Brady, you know you and Hunter and Heath and Sabrina, you guys mean more to me than some guy. You know that. You come first." He smiled a little, for real this time. "Okay, but if he hurts you-" "Then I will listen to you next time. Alright?" I gave him a hug. "Brady. I just want you to know, you are on of the sweetest and most wonderful people I have ever seen. I love you." I said. If only she knew that I loved her more than a sister. Brady thought. Instead, he smiled and kissed my cheek. "Let's go home." He smiled and helped me up. I grabbed his hand and we walked back home. Veronica was there. "Hey V, what've you been up to?" I asked. "I stayed at Avery's house. Her parents were gone." I smiled. "I have a date. I need your help." We ran up to my room and Brady stared up after me, longingly, wishing I could say that about us.