Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

14- Time For A Coffee Break

"Oh, I should probably call everyone." Heath pulled away slowly and called Brady. "I found her. Yeah. She's fine. Um, she actually wanted to stay with me tonight. I don't know. 'kay. Bye." He dialed Sabrina. "Found her. Yeah. Yeah, please. Okay, bye." He slipped his phone into his pocket and linked his arm with mine. "So, you want to talk?" In a way that sounded more like 'you want to tell me what this is all about?' So I said okay. We went to a cafe nearby that stayed open 24 hours. It was a comfy spot with great coffee, lots of clean, soft couches and comfy seats. They always had good music playing and often had underground bands there. We sat at a table in the soft chairs. "What do you want?" "I'll just get a peppermint hot chocolate. Thanks." I smiled. Heath slipped out of his chair and up to the counter. "Black coffee, Jamaican Blue Blend and a peppermint hot chocolate. Both large." A small blonde girl nodded, much too chipper for so early in the morning. He stood at the counter smiling at me. "Here, sir." He got the coffees. "Thank you." He walked over and pushed my hot chocolate towards me. I wrapped my hands around it and took a deep sip. "So, spill." I groaned a little. "Where do you want me to start from?" I asked. "I guess, you can start with the date with Tyler." "Alright." I sighed and began my story, taking sips of my hot chocolate in between and studying Heath for any clues of how he might react. When I told him about what Tyler said, his eyes narrowed and his face went rigid. I concluded my story and at that time, also my hot chocolate. I played with the sleeve on my drink and looked at Heath for some response. "So that's why you were at the park." I nodded, waiting for him to ask me what I was thinking. He didn't say anything just nodded in response. Then he went off. "What were you thinking?! You could have been raped or kidnapped or kidnapped and then raped! And another thing! Why would you get into the car with Brandon-" "Brett." I corrected. "Oh sorry, Brett. What about him? Oh yes, he could have been drunk and drove off a cliff!" "There are no cliffs around here." I said quietly. "He could have run into another car!" "He wasn't drunk!" "He could have been on crack!" "Oh stop it! I'm starting to think you're the one on crack!" "Am not!" "Neither is he!" "You don't know that!" "I do too!" "Liar liar go to hell!" "I'll save you a spot next to me while I'm down there!" "I'm an angel!!" "Liar liar see you in hell!" "I am flabbergasted!" "Nerd." "Loser." "Fatty." "Carbohydrate." "Hydrochloric acid." "What? Did you just call me hydrochloric acid?" "Yes." "Why?" "Cuz it's that disgusting taste in your mouth after you vomit. That's what you are." "You called me a nerd." "Nerd." I looked at him and after a moment of cold silence we both began to laugh. I smiled at him. "Come on, let's go home." He said, throwing his arm over my shoulders. I stumbled a bit because my leg had fallen asleep but he caught me and we were soon on our way to his house. "So is this Brent-" "Brett." I corrected. "Yes, sorry, is this Brett character a good guy?" Heath asked. "Yeah, he really is. I mean he hardly knew me and yet, he took good care of me while I was in his hands. I don't think you have anything to worry about." I replied. He nodded his head. "Good. We don't need another Tyler. Speaking of which..." He gave me a mischievous look. "Don't you dare! If you jump him, you'll get suspended, maybe even expelled, just don't do it!" I yelled. "I'll take your opinion into consideration." He smirked and I hit has arm, but not too hard. "Meanie." "Butt face." "You want to start this again?" "Fine." Just then my phone rang. "Hello?" "Keaira? Is everything okay? I got a really bad feeling but I decided to leave it in case I woke you up or something but I couldn't sleep. Is everything alright?" "Yeah, I was just hanging out with Heath. Brady and I got in a fight and I was at the park and Heath found me. I'm alright though." "You sure you don't want me to head over." "It's fine if he wants to hang out with us." Heath whispered. I smiled happily. "If you want to, Heath said it's fine but if you're tired, you should go back to sleep." "No, I'll be right over." He hung up and you smiled excitedly. "You really like this guy don't you." Heath winked. I blushed and gave a small nod. "It's funny how people get feelings, that somethings not right and stuff you know?" Heath nodded and made a small noise of agreement. We got to Heath's and shortly after, Brett joined us. I gave him a hug as he walked in. "I'm so glad you're okay." Brett smiled. "Oooh!" Heath said as he yawned exaggeratedly. "I'm sooo tired! I'm gonna hit the sack, well you know what I mean. Sheesh, get your mind out of the gutter. I'll see you two when I wake up. Make yourselves at home. Oh and don't try any funny business with her." He shot a warning glare at Brett who smiled. "I won't do anything she doesn't want me to." "Oh dear. Then honey, use a condom." Heath shook his head and walked up stairs. I chuckled along with Brett. "He's a good friend." Brett smiled. "Yeah, sorry about that, he gets a little protective." "Hey it's cool, I get like that too." I nodded. "So what do you want to do?" We sat for a while thinking. We wound up playing Pirates of the Caribbean Life. By the time we finished, our sides hurt from laughing at Brett's inevitable defeat and at the random comments we made throughout the game. I yawned but tried to cover it up. "Are you tired?" Brett asked. "No." "You liar." "Alright I'm tired." "Me too." Brett said and smiled. "Come on, Heath has a spare room upstairs. We dragged ourselves up to the third story and into a large room with red, yellow, green, and black walls with a queen size bed, a balcony outside two french doors. "I'll be right back. I grabbed some clothes out of the dresser (that was my room when I stayed at Heath's house) so I went to the bathroom to change into a pair of black pj pants with white skulls on them and a white tank top. I put my clothes in the hamper in the bathroom and walked back into the bedroom where Brett was taking off his pants before climbing into the bed. His shirt and jeans lay on the ground next to his shoes and I walked around the other side of the bed and laid next to him. "Keaira?" "Mhm." "I'm really glad you're okay." "And I'm glad you're here." "Goodnight." Brett smiled, wrapping his arm over my waist. "Goodnight love." I smiled wiggling back into his warm chest. He kissed my cheek and I fell asleep. I rested peacefully and woke up around 2:30 or so. Brett was sound asleep and I kissed his cheek lightly before slowly scooting away from him and crawled out of bed. I ran my fingers through my hair, took a shower, and headed downstairs to make breakfast. I hummed a song in Pirates of the Caribbean that played out of Davey Jones and Tia Dalma's lockets. I hummed the tune happily as I got out bread and eggs and cinnamon and vanilla, etc. and heated a pan. I walked over to the counter and found a note on it. Angel, I went to the park to meet a friend. I'll be back later, before it gets dark. If you need anything, you know how to get a hold of me. I Love Thee Dearly, Heath. P.S-I hope thou hast used a condom. I laughed and shook my head. Where did this old english come from? I shook my head and dipped the toast into the mix (for french toast) and dropped it in the pan again and again. I did a crossword puzzle in the newspaper as the french toast sizzled. I held the pen in one hand, pushing the cap up with my thumb and forefinger and pushing it back down with my thumb, a bad habit I developed. Someone grabbed me and thrust a hand over my mouth. I tried to scream and I turned my head as much as I could and saw Brett smile at me. I glared back at him. "Oh ar ee." I said through his warm fingers. I gave up, frustrated I couldn't say anything, well anything that could be understood. He moved his hand and quickly replaced it with his mouth as he gave me a quick kiss. "What's for breakfast?" He asked. "More of what I just had." I smiled and quickly kissed him back. "No seriously. I'm hungry." "Oh gee. Thanks." I rolled my eyes. "I got french toast cooking and you scared the living crap out of me. Good morning to you too." Brett smiled. "You really think I'd let someone hurt you?" He asked. "Let them, no. If it was inevitable someone hurt me, you would of course, beat the sh** out of them afterward. But sometimes the princess has to wait for the knight in shining armor. Sometimes we have to eat the poison apple before we can be saved." I joked. "I'll suck the poison from your mouth." "Oh why thank you my morbid Romeo." I smiled. "You're welcome my Juliet." "You're so corny. But hey, I am too." I walked over to the pan and flipped the french toast. "It smells good!" Brett said. "Thank you." I filled in another row in my crossword puzzle. He laughed at me. "What?" "Do you read the newspaper or do you only use it for the crosswords?" "I read the newspaper! And I turn on the news every morning!" Brett smirked, disbelieving. I stuck out my tongue and he grabbed it. "Nay I ease ave y ongue ack?" (May I please have my tongue back?) "Then don't stick it out at me!" Brett let go and wiped his hand on his pants. "Oh hey, you can borrow a pair of Heath's pants and I'll wash yours, you're welcome to any of his clothes, I'm sure he won't mind and I can get yours nice and clean." Brett smiled. "Okay." I got out a large plate and piled all seven slices of french toast on there. I grabbed out two plates and set them on the counter. "Oh no, I just need this plate." He said taking the plate of french toast and setting it down in front of him. "You meanie, I want some too!" He took the knife that was sitting next to the butter and cut off a small corner of it. "There you go. Girls should really keep their figure." I stood there with a shocked expression on my face. "You're so mean! Fine! I'll go eat by myself!" I snatched my little corner of the plate and sat on the stairs which were just across from the kitchen so Brett could see me. I nibbled on it slowly with a sad expression. "Okay, okay come here!" He said. "No. I know when I'm not wanted." I said smugly and turned a quarter turn so my back was to him. He quietly crept over to me and a few moments after I finished my 'breakfast' he put his hands on the stairs, on either side of my body. "No, I want you alright." He kissed me slowly and just as I was leaning into the kiss he pulled back. "And you can have some of my breakfast." I jumped up, pushing his arm off the side, causing him to collapse onto the stairs as I ran toward his food and took a few bites as he got up and walked over. "Nice." He said. I smiled but it was quickly wiped away as the bite I was about to take went into his. "Oh, did you want it?" He opened his mouth, the chewed food on his tongue. I chuckled, he was so cute sometimes he reminded me of a little kid. "What do you want to drink? We got orange juice, milk chocolate milk, apple juice, water.." "Milk please." I got out two glasses and poured milk in each. "Here you go." I set one down in front of him and sat next to him on a stool at the counter. "Want it?" He held the fork out with a piece of french toast on it. "Aren't you sweet!" I laughed and ate it. We shared the french toast and I placed the dishes in the sink. "Here, we'll get you changed and I'll wash your clothes." We went into Heath's room and he picked out an outfit. "You can shower in there and you can give your clothes to me when your down and I'll put them in the washing machine. "You sure you just don't want me to strip right here?" He smiled. "Tempting, but no." I smiled. He walked into the bathroom, winking before he shut the door. I sat in "my" room reading a book while Brett was in the shower. Finally, Brett walked in, his wet hair in his face and oh man did he look fine. I got the clothes from him, stuck them in the washer and turned to him. "What do you want to do?" I asked him. "Let's just talk." He said. We sat down on the bed together. "What's your favorite subject in school?" I asked. "English." We kept shifting positions until we were both laying down, my head on his chest and his arms around me. "Why do you always smell good?" I asked him. His skin was so intoxicating, it always smelt good, like expensive cologne. "I don't know." "Why are you so pretty?" He asked. "Because you've apparently never seen a pretty girl before." "That's not true, I've seen plenty of pretty girls before but you, you are gorgeous my dear." "Are you tired?" I asked. "Yes. Are you?" "Hey, you can't ask the same question twice! Those are the rules." "Fine, do you want to sleep now?" He asked. "Sure." I looked up at him and kissed him on the cheek. "One more question: Why do you like me?" He asked. "Because you are the bestestestest. Why shouldn't I?" I asked him. "Because I'm not a good guy." He replied, a sorrowful look in his deep eyes. "Well, I'm not a good anything." "But you're perfect for me." He replied, rubbing my back. "Right back at ya kiddo." I fell asleep to his heart beat beating in time to mine. I dreamed of pleasant things-going to the beach with Brett and watching the sunset, hanging out at the park with all my friends and Brett of course, and every dream I dreamed had Brett in them. I remember in one of my dreams looking over at him as he watched the sun set and thinking "he is one special guy". He grabbed my hand out of the sand and intertwined his fingers in mine, I'd better not let him go. And I wouldn't.