Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

16- My Hero Is Mighty Mouse

I sat with Brett’s arms around me as I stared up at the stars, wondering if my dad was in heaven. I prayed he was. It wouldn’t be heaven for my mom without him. I tucked my knife back into my pocket after closing it up, praying I wouldn’t ever use it again. No more tears, no more feeling sorry for myself, I decided. I thought of Brett. He understood what I was going through, even when no one except a stranger did. I knew he got me. I stood and tugged on his hand. “Let’s go check on Sabrina. I can’t believe I just ran off.” He stood and brushed off his pants. “It’s okay, you were upset. Let’s go to my house, we’ll take my bike over to the hospital. I turned to look at him. “You have a bike?” I asked curiously. “A crotch rocket.” He nodded. “Much better than a harley.” I said to myself. He raised an eyebrow at me but I smiled and shook my head. “Come on, let’s go.” I said grabbing his hand. He led me into his house, grabbing a key off the front table and continued into the garage, opening the door with a button. A Mercedes, an Escalade, and his red and black crotch rocket sat in the large garage, illuminated by the moonlight. We walked toward the bike and handed me a black and red helmet that matched his bike, as he pulled on an identical one. I slid mine on and sat behind him on the bike. I wrapped my arms around his waist as the bike snarled to life. “Hold on tight.” He said and we were off like a bullet, speeding way faster than the speed limit through the streets and onto the freeway. The smell of his Acqua Di Gio cologne filled my senses and I breathed in deeply, realizing how much I loved about him. We made it to the hospital in about twelve minutes… a record. He turned the bike off and we took off our helmets, walking into the waiting room where a tired nurse greeted us. “Hi, I’m looking for Sabrina Ritchards.” I said. She motioned for us to follow her and she led us through a set of doors, a long white hallway, and another set of doors before taking us to room 116 as the door stated. “She has alcohol poisoning but she’ll be fine. We’ll get some good food in her after she sleeps for a while and she’ll be good as new. I thanked her and opened the door quietly. Inside, Andrew sat next to Sabrina’s sleeping form, Brady leaned against the wall and Veronica was in the far corner with a blotchy face and puffy eyes. “Veronica, it’ll be okay, she just needs some sleep and she’ll be just fine.” She nodded her head but her voice cracked when she talked. “I know.” She said blinking back tears. I walked over to her and hugged her tightly. “Shh. It’s okay, don’t worry, she’s alright.” I whispered as she buried her head into my shoulder and let out a few quiet sobs before calming down a little. I stroked her hair until her shudders ceased and all that was left was a few stray tears and a very sleepy girl. “Hey, we should go, Veronica. You’ll be okay, Andrew?” Brady asked. Andrew nodded. “I’m staying with her. She should have someone here when she wakes up.” Brady nodded and motioned for Veronica to follow. She nodded and thanked me, hugging me again and kissed Sabrina on the cheek before she followed her brother sleepily out the door. “We should get you home too, you look like you could use some relaxation yourself.” Brett said too me. I smiled gratefully but hesitated. “You want me to stay too Andrew?” I asked. “Naw, I’m fine by myself. I’ll be up with her all night so I’ll call you when she wakes up.” “You sure?” I asked. He nodded. “Alright.” I went over to Sabrina, gently moving some stray hair from her face and kissed her forehead. As I passed Andrew, I rubbed his back gently and he gave me a small smile. “Later bro.” He called to Brett. “Later.” Brett smiled and followed me out the door. We climbed back onto his motorcycle, pulling the helmets on. I wrapped my arms around his waist, feeling his abs against my arms under his thin shirt. “Nice abs.” I commented with an invisible smile behind the helmet. “I think you’re enjoying this motorcycle a little too much.” I smirked and placed my hands very lightly on the outside of his hips. He looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. He grabbed my hands and wound them tightly around him. “I didn’t say I wasn’t enjoying this too much either. You look hott on a motorcycle.” I blushed and I knew without seeing that he was smirking at my embarrassment. The bike moved smoothly, winding around the little traffic on the freeway and moved easily through the streets. “Back to my house?” He asked. ‘Yeah.” I replied and a few minutes later we were back in his garage. We took off our helmets and went in the house, up to his room. I sat on his bed as he dug through his dresser, pulling out a pair of green and white basketball shorts and a white wife beater. He tossed them to me and I smiled. “Thank you.” I smiled kissing him quickly. “Welcome baby.” He replied as he turned on some music. I went into the bathroom and pulled off my jeans and black shirt. The scab on my lip was already almost healed, the bruise by my eye wasn’t much better but the scars on my arms were fading. I smiled at my reflection. I’m healing inside and out. I pulled on the basketball shorts and froze. I had a black bra on. I pulled on the wife beater and groaned. You could see everything, down to the little lace pattern. I thought about wearing my other shirt to sleep in but reconsidered when I thought over that past events of the night and decided I preferred something a little more clean. I shrugged and walked out of the bathroom sitting at the edge of the bed while Brett finished taking off his pants and shirt. “Nice shirt.” He smirked looking at my chest. “Nice boxers.” I smirked back. They were Mighty Mouse. “Mighty Mouse is awesome!” He scoffed. “Are the boxers a hint about what’s inside them?” I laughed. He smirk grew into a devilish grin. God, he was handsome. “Want to find out?” He asked. I was about to make a smart comment when his lips crashed fiercely onto mine. I kissed him back roughly as he pushed me slowly backwards against the wall without breaking the kiss. His body pushed into mine, his muscular hands rubbing up and down my sides. I pulled him closer by his belt loops. Bounce by Timbaland played on his stereo and I rolled my body against his. He moaned into my mouth and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me over to the bed, letting his body rest on top of me. He pulled off the shorts and pulled the wife beater over my head. I smirked against his lips. “I thought you liked that shirt.” He grinned down at me. “No offense baby, but it looks better on my floor.” I laughed and pulled his lips back down to mine and the night continued.

The next morning I looked up at Brett’s innocent, sleeping face turned towards mine. My right arm was across his stomach, my head on his shoulder, his arm around me and I was pushed up against his right side, both of us naked under the covers. I looked over at the clock on his nightstand. It read 2:00 pm in red. I rolled onto my other side and checked my phone. I had a missed call from Andrew which meant Sabrina was awake. I smiled and straddled Brett’s hips and kissed him passionately. “I could wake up to that every morning.” He laughed and flipped me under him. His eyes caught my bare chest and he froze. “Wait. Did we…?” My smile faded and I nodded. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have, that was stupid.” Hurt rushed through me and apparently my face too. “No! I didn’t mean that, it wasn’t stupid; I just shouldn’t have rushed you into anything. I should have asked you first.” Relief washed over me but I hesitated. “You don’t regret it, do you?” I asked. He smiled his gorgeous smile and ran his fingers through my hair. “No, last night was great. I don’t regret it, I guess because…I love you Keira.” I smiled up at him. “I love you too Brett.” He kissed me gently. “Have you ever done it before?” I asked him. He shook his head. “No, not before last night.” I smiled, relieved. “Have you?” I immediately scolded myself. Stupid girl. I hesitated, wondering how I should answer, if he would be disgusted with me. “You have.” He said pulling back from me a little and running his hand over his face. “No, it’s not like that!” I said quickly. He looked at me doubtfully. I bit my lip nervously as I tried to get my nerve up. I looked up at Brett and saw he was waiting for me to say something else. “I was raped. That was the only time.” His face fell and he tried to find something to say. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean- I mean I thought that you… I’m sorry.” He said lying down next to me and pulling me into his chest. “Don’t be. I’m the one who should be sorry. I never should have dated Sean and he was drinking but I didn’t want to leave him alone at the party…” I trailed off. Brett ran his fingers through my hair. “Don’t ever think that, don’t ever apologize for what he did to you or that you set yourself up for that. I just can’t tell you how happy I am that you chose me.” I smiled and kissed him gently. He kissed me back and after a few moments I pulled away. “Sabrina’s awake.” I smiled. “Let’s go see her.” After we both showered and got a quick breakfast, we walked to his motorcycle and pulled on our helmets. I slipped my hand under his shirt, feeling the curves of his six pack. “Hey, now. We know where this ended up going last time.” He said with a wink. “I didn’t think it was all that bad.” I smiled. “Told you I had more than a mighty mouse.” I laughed and nodded. “You’re right about that.” I winked and wrapped my arms around his waist as we sped off to the hospital.