Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

17- McDonald's and a Flower

Sabrina was fine, she had gotten out of the hospital and we all went back to school together on Monday. It was an exhausting weekend but we took the time on Sunday to catch up on our sleep. Brady told me he missed me being around but he liked Brett enough to share me. A few weeks passed and while I didn't spend quite as much time as I used to with my friends, Brett and I hung out with the more and more and I even stayed at Brady's house a few times over the passing weeks. Brett and I were happy- we rarely ever fought and we always worked it out in a few days. We hadn't slept together since that night and we decided it would be best if we waited. Sean didn't bother me anymore and things were good. Tyler switched schools after what happened at Reclast. On Thursday night, I realized that Saturday was the first, and Prom was that month (May) the 15th and it was in about two weeks. I was going to see Brett after school and he told me he would meet me at his house because he left a little early from school. He told me he wasn't feeling well, kissed my forehead, and left. Last period seemed to drone on and on and I was beginning to worry about Brett. My daydreaming left me unaware of what was going on around me and when I heard Mr. Fliters yell "Keaira! I do realize that it's Friday and I'm boring and my lectures aren't worth listening to, compared to your thoughts about your nails and your social status. However, I have a class to teach and if you sit in this class, you better pay attention and stop wasting people's time." He returned to his lecture. I rolled my eyes and looked at the clock. Two minutes left. I'm wasting people's time? Seriously! I wasted two minutes of this class's life to have them watch Mr. Fliters yell at me which is probably the most exciting thing that has happened all year. They should thank me. I packed up my stuff and our teacher told us we had no homework and we could leave when the bell rang. Make that one minute wasted. I scoffed. Max, a quiet kid in our class came up to me and gently poked my back. "Hm?" I asked, confusedly. "Thanks for getting yelled at, I would have been next. I was sleeping like a baby." Thanks? Check! I thought and laughed. "Yeah it was my pleasure." I replied. When the bell did finally ring, I caught a ride with Brady. "You really need your license." He laughed. "Well, it's kind of hard when you don't have money or a parent. I realize I have them now but senior year is almost over anyways so I can get it over the summer and get my license because I'll be eighteen." He smiled and shook his head. "Until then, I'm your chauffeur?" He smirked. "Most days." I smiled. We pulled up to the gates of Brett's house and they opened slowly. I could see a vibrant red all over the driveway and began to panic. "What is that?! Oh my gosh, what happened?" Brady laughed. Hysterically. Harder and harder until tears poured out of the corners of his eyes. When the gates opened all the way I laughed too, just as hard. It wasn't anything but rose petals. Wait. Rose petals? I wondered. I jumped out of the car and walked up the driveway. They were spread in a line, leading to the side gate of the house. I opened the wrought iron gate through the bars of which I could see more petals littering the ground. It lead me through a beautiful garden of roses and lilies, out to a small, clear pond with a bench. Sitting on the bench was Brett, in slacks and a blue button-up shirt, and there was a sign stretched behind with that read "Prom?" A bouquet of flowers sat beside him and he smiled up at me, picking up the bouquet and walked over to me. He smiled nervously, holding out the bouquet. "Will you go to Prom with me?" I smiled and laughed. "Of course I will." I took the bouquet and kissed him. "You didn't have to do all this! I can't believe you!" I smiled. He took my hand and led me into the house. He led me into the kitchen and pulled out a vase, filled it with water and put my bouquet in it. "How boring would that have been? Come on now, I'm a little more romantic then McDonald's and a flower." I laughed. "So I've noticed!" He un-tucked his button-up and pulled it off, wearing only a wife beater underneath and he kicked off his shiny black, polished shoes and hugged me tightly. "Speaking of which though, I am kind of hungry..." He smiled. "Big mac?" I asked with a smile. "Big mac!" He smiled with a sigh of relief. He grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and changed quickly and came back out. "The motorcycle?" I asked, laughing. "The motorcycle!" He laughed with me and led me into the garage. I hopped on the back and snuggled in. "I love you." He said, giving me a deep kiss. "I love you too." I replied. He pulled the helmet over my head and pulled on his. I could feel the muscles in his back ripple under his shirt and I smiled. "To McDonald's!" He said as the bike snarled and rushed forward. When we arrived, I saw Brady, Hunter, Heath,Andrew, Sabrina, Aly, Veronica, and Victoria. Brady was by Aly, Hunter by Veronica, Andrew by Sabrina, and Heath by Victoria. "I have a feeling we were all set up." The girls nodded and the guys smiled. "Prom dates?" I asked. They nodded again. "Sweet!" I smiled. We each talked about how the guys asked us and "aww"ed in all the right places. I couldn't be happier with who our group was going with. I didn't know Victoria as well but Veronica got along really well with her and she fit in well in our group. I had never seen Heath stumble so much with his words until he tried to talk to her and he would blush furiously. Someone has a crush. I mumbled in Brett's ear to look at Heath's face and he laughed loudly, drawing our friend's attention. His face was a vivid red and he was saying "I-um, well, when I asked! Um, the flowers, I gave...roses red?" He breathed hard. He sat still for a second and regained his composure. "When I asked her, I gave her a bouquet of roses. Red ones." I smiled. "That's so cute!" I smiled. He smiled in return, beaming that his idea was a good one. "Are there any more surprises we should know about?" Veronica asked. "None that you should know." Brady replied. I groaned. "You know what that means don't you?" I asked the girls. Veronica dropped her head on the table with a dull thunk. "It means there are more surprises that we don't get to know about." In turn, each of the girls dropped their heads. Thunk, thunk, thunk. I laughed as all three girls just kept their heads down. "There better be diamonds." I heard Aly mutter. We all laughed as the girls lifted up their heads and nodded. "I'm good with McDonald's." I whispered in Brett's ear. "You don't like diamonds?" He asked, smiling. "I'm more of a sapphire girl." I smiled back. He put his arm over my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "Never follow the crowd, do you?" He asked. "I'm so far off, I don't even march to the beat of my own drums. I have a piano." He laughed. "Yes you do, love. Yes you do."
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Sorry it's a little short and took a while to update but I'll try to be better.