Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

2- Love Fest

I woke up with the bright sun peaking in through the curtains. It was a nice day with large white clouds spread out here and there. I stretched but I immediately regretted it and laid in silence watching Brady. He looked so perfect. I choked on a tear that rolled down my cheek, over my nose, and onto the pillow. I quickly wiped it away. I'm a screw up. Alyssa is a perfect girl, every boy is after her, she has a mansion, she has a mustang convertible, not to mention she is incredibly pretty. I got lost in my thoughts until I saw Brady's eyes flutter lightly. He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. "Hi my Angel." He said. "Morning sunshine." I replied smiling. "Are you feeling better?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied, but smiled. "That's good." He said. His eyes widened as he looked at my arm that was in between him and I. "Angel! What did I tell you about this!?" He asked shocked. He ran his finger of my scars on the soft, white skin covering my veins. Rows and rows of healing wounds covered my skin, some beginning to fade, others just starting to heal. "I can't help it." I whisper. "You can Angel. Don't do this! Hunter did it, he can help you! He stopped!" Brady pleaded. "How can I deal with everything? If you have any advice please tell me how to get along without a mom and an abusive alcoholic for a dad, while trying to work to support us both." I replied angrily. "You want advice? Fine, here it is, get your dad into rehab and stay with Hunter or me! Okay? That's the only reasonable thing to do in this situation!" He responded. "I'm sorry." I say, trying to hold back tears as the lump in my throat began to grow, my face felt hot, and tears streamed down my face. "I'm sorry." I choked out. He moved closer to me and hugged me. "Please stop." He said. That was all he could say before Hunter burst through the door. "Angel, Brady." He said before laying across both me and Brady. "Your fat is suffocating me!" I choked out. "On second thought, stay there." I said. He jumped off. "Don't say that!" He said. "Sorry, I knew that was the only thing to say to get your bony ass off of me!" I said. He laughed. "I'm hungry." Hunter said. "That was random, but let's go raid Brady's cupboards!" I grinned. "Last time you did that, we had no food! All of it was in your fat ass stomachs or on the floor or in some disgusting and indistinguishable concoction!!!!!!!!!" Brady yelled. "Race ya!" Hunter said and bolted. I ran after him but then stopped, clenching my side. Brady's face flashed angrily. "I thought you said you were fine!" He yelled. "Erm, mentally?" I shrugged with a fake smile that looked more like a grimace. "Lean on me." He said. "But I'm f-" I started. "Lean on me!" He interrupted a little more forcefully. "OK! I'm moving." I said walking over to him. I got comfortable leaning on him before smiling up at him. "Can you make pancakes? With chocolate chips?" I asked. He took a bored breath and rolled his eyes. We took about one step when I added, "in the shape of hearts?" He looked down at me still smiling, before smiling himself, shook his head incredulously and nodded. "You're the best!" I said hugging him. "I know, come on." He said. We got to the kitchen. "Hunter, Hunter! Guess what?" I asked happily. "What?" He replied with a mischievous smile. "He's gonna make pancakes with chocolate chips in the shape of hearts!" I smile at him with big eyes. "No! In hearts! I can't wait!" He said hugging me. We sat down at the table laughing. Brady got to cooking. "No you need more milk." I said. He added a splash of milk. "Too much, add more mix." I say. He adds a little more. Then he mixes it and adds chocolate chips. "One more." I beg. He adds another chip in. "One for me too!" Hunter smiles. He adds another. "And one for you!" Hunter and I say together as Brady mouths our words. It was a special chocolate chip heart pancake thing. One for each of us. Brady got so used to it he always waited until we said each one and then mouthed the words simultaneously with ours. "Thank you, I love you!" I smiled. "I love you more!" Hunter shouted. That began the love fest. Shouts of "I love you!" and "I love you more!" filled the kitchen between shouts of laughter. "Honey?!" We heard through the front door. "Yes Elyssa." Brady smiled. "What are you doing? Why are they here?" She asked. "They had to stay with me. They're parents are away and my mom said they should stay with us." Brady lied. "Hm, well as pleasant as that sounds, I don't think they should be here." Elyssa spat. "Well, that's not for you to decide now is it?" Brady replied, venom dripping from his words. "If you want to keep me it is, and I say no." She smirked. "Excuse me one moment, I have to sneak a word to Brady." I smiled at her. She tapped her foot as I walked over to him. "I'm gonna do it." I whispered harshly. "Don't!" He replied. "I can't take it!" I added. "Don't don't don't!" He replied. "I'm gonna kill her!" I whisper loudly. "Don't kill her! But go explode." He smiled. "Are you done yet? Damn! I don't even see why you hang out with these assholes!" Elyssa yelled. She did it. "Shut the hell up! Nobody cares what the hell you think! You're an ugly ass slut! You know why Brady's with you? He feels sorry for you! He felt so bad that you can't get a man who actually respects you, so he tried to be. But he can't take it anymore! He is so damn sick of you he went bulimic!" I yelled. Hunter burst out laughing. Big time laughing. "That's right! Every night he would puke his guts out from the sight of your ugly ass face! Now, stay away from Brady! Damn whore!" I screamed. "Bitch!" She yelled. "But a pretty bitch." Hunter added. I smiled. She walked briskly up to me. "Don't even try to throw your little mangled, manicured hand at me. Don't even try it." I smiled. She didn't listen. Her fist flew at me. I grabbed it easily and twisted it slowly and painfully. She gasped in pain as I rotated her wrist. "Now, you can say I'm sorry and I'll never even think about Brady again, I can break your wrist, or you can try to fight me off, in which I would really have to hurt you." I say. "Fine! I'm sorry!" I stopped rotating her wrist but held it still. "And?" I asked. "I will never even think about Brady again!" She screamed. "Good girl!" I said letting go of her wrist. "The door is right over there, if you wouldn't mind, let it hit you on the way out!" I smiled. "Hmph!" She turned on her stiletto heel and walked out. I took a deep breath, turned around and smiled at Brady and Hunter. "So. When are the pancakes gonna be ready?" I asked smiling. The boys laughed.