Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

4- Black Out Mickey Mouse

"Lunch kids!" He said. Hunter jumped up which caused a chain reaction...and a lot of pain. "Come on guys." I said rubbing my head and standing up. "We're going..." They said yawning and stretching. I got dizzy for a second from standing up to fast. I started to fall a little and Heath caught me. "Good catch, thanks." I said. "Anytime." He said. He let go and started walking. "No! Come back!" I whined. "Yes?" He asked. "Carry me!" I smiled. "Okay." He laughed, rolling his eyes. He leaned over and I jumped on his back. He held my legs and charged down the hall. "Heath stop, Heath stop, WAAA!" I screamed as he charged past Hunter and Brady, almost knocking them over. "You can scream and jump on my back but you can't walk to the kitchen?" He asked. "Yup." I smiled to myself. "Your so funny!" He said. He started to drop me but he caught me and swung me around so he was carrying me bridal style. I finally stopped screaming. "I wouldn't drop you lil sis." He smiled. "Thank you!" I said hugging him awkwardly. We got down to the kitchen and sat at the table. "Mkay guys, what do you want? We got macaroni, sandwiches, whatever you want. "Macaroni!" We shouted in unison. "How could I guess." Mrs.Cronin smiled. "Do you want some help?" I asked. "Course not! I can get it dear!" Mrs.Cronin said. "If you're sure..." I said. "I am dear." She smiled. "Brady, honey? Can you get them their drinks?" She asked. "Mom..." He whined. "I'll get them!" I said. "You don't have to dear, he can get them." Mrs.Cronin smiled. "I want to, really!" I said. She smiled and nodded. "Mountain Dew!" Yelled Hunter. "I want Dr. Pepper!" Heath shouted. "Coke!" Brady called out. "Would you like anything Mrs.Cronin?" I asked. "No thank you dear." She replied. "Okay. What about you Mr.Cronin? Something to drink?" I asked as he walked down the stairs. "I'm quite alright thank you, I can get a cup of coffee." He said. "Really, it's alright I'll get it while I'm up." I said. "Thank you." He said smiling. I nodded and poured mountain dew for Hunter, dr.pepper for Heath, and coke for Brady. I got a mug from the cupboard and poured some coffee and heated it up. When the microwave sounded, I put just a bit of sugar in it and stirred. I handed out the drinks and handed Mr.Cronin his coffee. "Very good! Thanks!" He said. I sat back down. When the macaroni was ready, we scarfed it down and sat there in silence, brainstorming of ideas for things to do. "Park!" I said. They nodded. "Great idea!" Hunter said. "I know, that's why I suggested it, duh!" I said laughing. "Let's go!" I slipped on my hightop dickies and tied the laces. We skipped down to the park. Hunter and I sat on the swings while Heath went on the monkey bars and Brady went down the slide. I got bored and jumped off the swing and laid on a hill. I let myself roll down, staining my jeans with grass, not that I really cared all that much. I just laid at the bottom of the hill. "I think she's dead." Hunter said poking me. "MMM!" I whined, rolling over. "She looks kinda comfy." Brady said. "Don't even think about it!" I yelled but it came out muffled and unclear. "I was right!" He said sitting down on my butt. "My fat doesn't like that!" I moaned. "I like it though." He smiled. "Hunter!" I whined. "Help me up!" I begged. "Please!" I begged. "Okay." He said. I slid out from under Brady which made a loud thump on the ground. "That hurt!" He said. "I'm sorry!" I said, pouting my lip. "Poor baby!" I added. I walked over to him, grinning. "No,Angel, NOOOO!" He said as I sat on his lap. "Comfy." I said. "Is there any way to get you off?" He asked. I thought for a second. "!" I laughed. He smirked evilly. My grin faded quickly. "No!" I screamed as he gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "You're sooo nasty!" I yelled jumping up. "You know you like it!" He smiled. I copied his evil smile. "Revenge is mine!" I yelled, jumping on top of him. "No!" I kissed him wet kiss on the cheek. Hunter and Heath laughed before Heath got Hunter in a headlock and kissed him. "Tag! Your it!" I said kissing Hunter. We ran around like the idiots we were, kissing each other and wiping off our cheeks. I collapsed in a pile, laughing as Hunter yelled, "Hey sexy! Come here!" He ran toward Brady who looked terrified. He knocked him to the ground and climbed on top of him. Brady, who at this point was writhing in disgust, looked away as Hunter kissed him. "I love you baby!" Hunter said, kissing his cheek again. "Get off me you fat ass!" Brady said, shoving him off. "Come on, let's go home guys." Brady said. We held hands and walked slowly back to the house. We got back to the house. It was around 3 in the afternoon. "I gotta go, I'll be back soon." I said. Brady walked forward to try to stop me. "Let her go." Heath said. "She'll be okay." He said. I nodded. Brady finally agreed without a word but reluctantly nodded. I turned to leave. I walked out the door. I walked a few blocks, past the alley way, up the street. I stopped in front of my house. I took a deep breath and walked in. I guess he's at work.I thought to myself. I stealthily walked to my room just in case and packed another bag full of everything. I brought everything I needed. I stopped packing as I grabbed something soft and fuzzy. It was a small bear with a light blue ribbon around its neck and a little tag on the ear. I read it. My dearest daughter, I love you so much. Happy 8th Birthday, I will always love you! Always, Dad. It was scribbled in his slanted, curly writing. I tear escaped from my eye but I hastily wiped it away. He will always love me. I love him. I thought. I felt an urge to stay and tell Brady the truth. You look at my dad, he needs help right? Yes but is it so easy to ship away the only family you have left? The one that gave you food and a house and clothes? Tell me its easy to walk away, into the life of a stranger and then tell me that everything is okay. It will never be okay. I stuffed the small bear into the bag. I finished packing and started to walk out my door. I heard a door close and froze. My dad walked by the hallway so I quietly ducked back in. "Kiara?" My name was slurred. God, help me. Dear lord, please.I said. I heard him walk away. I quickly grabbed a paper and scribbled a note. My dearest father, I love you so much and I will always love you. I stopped, copying the words from the note on the bear. I wiped a tear from my eye and continued. You need help dad. I need help too. And I'm going to help you. Again, I love you and it's for the best. Love always, Kiara. I left it on my desk and hopped out my window so as not to be seen. I slowly walked into the alley way and sat down. I couldn't take it. I started sobbing, without a single sound slipping from my lips. Hot tears ran down my cheeks falling on the hard ground beneath me. I wiped away my tears and grabbed a water bottle from my bag. I poured it on my face and let the cold wind cool me down. After I had settled down, I stood back up and walked back to Brady's house. Three sighs of relief sounded from the living room. "Hey you're b-Are you okay?" Hunter asked. I nodded. "Yea." I whispered. Heath and Hunter hugged me. "My turn!" Brady smiled before giving me a bear hug. I loved these boys. I fake and broken smile escaped my lips. "Here, lets get your stuff in my room." Brady smiled. "Thanks." I said. I set it in the corner. "Shit! We have school tomorrow, huh?" Heath asked. "Yea." I replied. "I gotta go do my homework." He said. "Okay see ya later." I hugged him. "Bye little sis." He smiled. "Hey! She's my sister!" Brady said. "Get over it! I'm her brother too!" Heath smiled. "It's true, he is my brother too." I said, playfully shoving Brady. "Told ya." Heath said. "Later gator." Hunter said. Heath waved as he left. "And then there were three..." I said. "Call Sabrina!" Hunter said. "Okay!" Brady replied. "I won't be over until 5 but sure." She said. "Okay then!" Brady replied and hung up. "We only have to wait half an hour." Hunter shrugged. We watched an episode of Go,Diego,Go. It ended just as Sabrina walked through the door. "Oh my goodness! So Linda the Llama helped Diego and Alicia and Dora get ready for the carnival parade! And then Linda pulled the float! It was great!" I said. "Okay..." She said. I hugged her. "Hey gurlie!" Brady said hugging her. "Hey chiki!" Hunter smiled. "Hola." She replied. "Let's play black out mickey mouse!" Brady said. We nodded and went into the game room which was basically just a lounge room with chairs and bean bag chairs and couches and pillows and just a bunch of fun junk. "Bubble gum to decide who's it?" I asked. They nodded and put one hand in. "Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish, how many pieces do you wish?" I landed on Sabrina. "Twenty-one!" She said. Hunter was out, then Sabrina, then me, which left Brady. "You're it!" I mocked him. I grabbed a flashlight from the desk. "Go outside!" Hunter yelled. "We'll tell you when we're ready." I said. He walked out and shut the door behind him. We flicked off the lights and I turned on the flashlight. I shone the light in different [laces so we could see where we could hide. Sabrina hid in a large pile of boxes, Hunter hid inside a cabinet that is impossible to reach without a chair so I had to move the chair so it wouldn't give him away before hiding in the corner behind a huge painting leaning against the wall. "Ready!" I called. He opened the door and the light from the hallway illuminated the black of the room for a quick moment before being pushed away by the door again. As soon as Brady walked in, he tripped on a bouncy ball. "Whoo!" Brady said as he barely caught himself from falling. Quiet snickers filled the room but were quickly hushed. Brady looked under chairs and tables. He took some boxes off from where Sabrina was hiding but he didn't take enough off. He looked all around, stumbling once in a while and cursing like mad when he did. Finally, he found me. He slowly moved the painting out of the way. I opened my mouth to say "he found me" but I got a shock when all of a sudden.....
cliff hanger.