Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

6- Watch Where You're Aiming

RECAP:"Hey, you guys up for the strip mall?" I asked them. "Sure." They agreed. "Wanna go Tyler?" I asked. "Sounds cool." He smiled. Us three girls exchanged happy glances. "Let's go." Now: "Heath, Sabrina, Aly, in my car!" Brady said. "Hey, you know what? I can take someone." Tyler suggested. "I'll go." I offered, rather blurted. "Alright and Hunter, Connor,and Veronica you're with me." Andrew said. "Let's go." I smiled. His car was a Harley...yeah a hott can this guy get?" It was black with blue flames. "Here you go." He said, handing me a helmet. "Scared yet?" He asked. "No." I replied. I had been on my uncle's before so it didn't worry me too much. He got on and I got behind him. "Just tell me where to go." He said. I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. We were off. It was cool. I hadn't been on a motorcycle in years. "Go left up here." I told him. After a few more turns, we were there. "This is it." I told him, getting off the motorcycle. "Nice." He nodded. "Thanks for the ride." I said. "Sure, anytime." He smiled. I was melting like a candle, a very happy candle. The other cars pulled up. "I'm hungry, anyone else?" Conner said. "Yeah!" We all agreed. "I'm thinking...MCDONALDS!" Andrew laughed. We all joined in with him. "Wait...what's so funny?" Tyler asked, confused. "You'll see." I grinned. We ordered our food and then, the war began. After we finished eating I got up and grabbed a few handfuls of ketchup packets, everyone followed suit. "Here." I said giving a bunch of packets to Tyler. "What are we doing?" He asked. "Just follow." "Alright! Teams! Kiara and Brady, Sabrina and Andrew, me and Hunter, Heath and Veronica, which leaves Connor and Tyler!" Aly declared. "I'll explain to you how it works." Connor said. "Open the packets, hide and squirt." Connor said. Tyler laughed. "Got it." "Let's go!" We decided where we would all start in the jungle gym which happened to be very small, that's what made it fun. "Three! Two! One!....GO!!" Veronica yelled. I ripped open to ketchup packets and crawled through the bridge thing, looking for anyone else. A cold, thick liquid landed on my face. I turned to see Hunter. "You're going down!" I yelled. I finally got him at a dead end and squirted ketchup down his back. "HA!" I laughed and scampered off. I saw someone crawling up ahead. I squeezed a little ketchup so it was at the very end. I wiped the ketchup in the form of a smiley face on the back of Veronica's pants. "Ha!" I laughed hysterically. "That did NOT make me happy!" She said, her regular line. "Your butt says otherwise!" I laughed and crawled away as quickly as I could. I squirted some at Aly, Heath, Hunter, and...wait, I couldn't find Tyler. Finally, after scouting every square inch and dripping with ketchup, I climbed on the outside of the jungle gym and found Tyler on the very top of it. I squirted some all over him. I mean in his hair, down his back, all over his pants, and unfortunatly, his gorgeous face. I laughed and smirked. He had a look of shock on his face. All of a sudden, he jumped on me, pinned me down and squirted ketchup all over me. I didn't think I could look much worse, but I did. I laughed and finally found my last ketchup packet. I just tore it open when the manager came in. "You kids need to leave...NOW!" She screamed hysterically. "Out we go!" I yelled as the gang tumbled out of the play equipment. We were dripping from head to toe in ketchup. We laughed hysterically. "Ah, good times." I smiled. "Do we just walk around like this?" Tyler asked. "Nope, then we go to my house!" Connor yelled. "Girls at my house!" Aly said. We got changes of clothes and rinsed down. We hung out, playing hide and go seek. Not the kissing version. "Hey, I better go, I got homework." I said. "Want me to give you a ride?" Tyler asked. "No, I'll go with Brady so you don't have to make an extra stop. Thanks though." I said. "Sure." I said hugging him. "Later sugar." I smiled. "See ya." We got into our cars, dropped Heath, Hunter, and Sabrina off and went home. Veronica went straight to bed while Brady and I debated. "I can sleep on the couch!" I explained. "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "It's okay!" "No, it's not!" "Yeah, it is!" "No!" "Yes!" "NOOOO!" "Fine!" I gave up."But don't blame me if I wake you up again!" I retorted. "Get in bed, Angel." Brady smiled. "I'm in, happy?" I spat. "No.."Brady pouted. "Now you-w mad at me!" Brady said in a baby voice. "I love you Brady." I said giving him a hug. "Yay! you-w not mad at meeee!" Brady said. "Night sugar!" I said in a scolding tone of voice. "Night!" He said with a hug. I just dreaded going to sleep but as my eyes began to close, and my dreams take over, I couldn't help but to think of Tyler. But he wasn't the only one. BRADY P.O.V "Sean! No! I said stop! Sean!" I heard Angel mumble in her sleep. She tossed around. "Wake up Angel, please wake up!" I said. I couldn't be more sorry for her than I already was. I couldn't believe that she had gone through so much. "Angel!" I said. She finally jerked awake. REGULAR P.O.V "Ah!" I screamed as I jolted upright. My heart pounded and my eyes watered. "What's wrong Angel?" Brady asked kindly but sternly. "Nothing. Just a bad dream. I'll be on the couch." I said. "No! It's okay!" Brady said. "Sh. Just go to sleep Brady. It's okay." I said. When he tried to object again, I just told him goodnight and headed to the couch downstairs. I grabbed a soft, warm white blanket and cuddled up. I finally dosed off to a peaceful and uneventful sleep. I finally woke up and went to the kitchen to look at the clock. It was 5:30. Might as well get up, no hurt in getting a head start. I thought. I stayed in the kitchen, got a bowl of Frosted Flakes and ate in silence. "Good morning Keira." Mr.Cronin said. "Morning." I replied. Greetings were exchanged as everyone woke up for the day...except Brady. "Brady! Come on sugar wake up!!" I yelled. "Nooo." He grumbled. "Pwease?" I asked. "" He said. "I guess this just gives me more time to talk to Tyler." I said. Although, I was wondering if Brady liked him or not. "I'm up, ready, and on my way to school!" He said jumping up out of bed. Apparently, he didn't like him too much. I shook my head, pulled out my eyeliner, and traced my eyes, sliding the pencil around the edges. I turned on Fall Out Boy on the radio and let the music play. When it was time to leave, I turned off the radio and headed for the door. We finally arrived at school. As usual, we gave everyone hugs. "Hey sugar!" I said. "So, Tyler, ready for that photography project?" I asked him. "Sure am!" He replied. Brady gave me a suspicious look, but quickly distracted himself by talking to Heath. "We should hang out after school!" Sabrina said. "Can't, I have hockey game. Remember?" I muttered. I didn't tell many people that I was in hockey. I was a little a punk/rebel/whatever you wanted to call me and I didn't mix too well but I was friends with everyone on the team. "You didn't tell me you were in hockey!" Tyler said. "Sh! Let the whole WORLD know why don't ya?" I asked. "Sorry, anyways, we should come to your game." Tyler suggested. "It's going to be boring, but if that's what you want..." I muttered. "Definatly." Tyler replied. Everyone agreed. My classes were boring, until photography. "Now that you have decided what picture you want to do, I would like you to focus on that main subject, take pictures from different angles and size and then in the end we'll mix them together if possible. If you have a pictue of a dandylion and a field, put the dandylion IN the field, comprende?" My teacher asked. We nodded. "Get to work and if you have any questions, ask me!" Ms.Andrews said. We went back outside. I got a picture of Tyler walking away, a picture of him skipping in the field like a maniac, and a few more of him in different poses. "Your turn!" He said. I groaned. "Come on!" He smiled. He got one of me sitting against the wall, a picture of me staring off into space and a couple other ones. Brady happened to be going to get something from his locker. I ran over to him. "I need you for a sec." I said. "Just take some pictures of Tyler and I together for photography. There was a picture of us holding hands and walking away. One of us being stupid, one of me sitting on his lap and one of me on his back. "Thanks sugar." I said. "Sure." Brady replied, but he didn't seem to happy. "What's with him?" Tyler asked. "Well, he just gets protective of me, that's all. Just ignore him." I said. We took some more pictures of each other and us together. Finally, we went back to the classroom, just in time to clean up. The rest of the day went on like usual. Finally, it was time for my hockey game. "Girdle?" "Check." "Mouthguard?" "Check." "Elbow and shin guards?" "Check." "Water bottle?" Check. "Both rollerblades?" "Check." As Veronica and I went through the checklist, Brady was getting my hockey bag loaded into the camino. "Alright, you've got it all!" Veronica declared. I nodded and got into the car. "Are they really coming?" I asked Brady. He nodded and laughed. "They have rides, don't worry. Just focus on your game." I nodded. We arrived at the rink a forty minutes before game time. And that's where it all happened.