Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

7- Hockey Is A Rough Sport

Recap:"Girdle?" "Check." "Mouth-guard?" "Check." "Elbow and shin guards?" "Check." "Water bottle?" Check. "Both Rollerblades?" "Check." As Veronica and I went through the checklist, Brady was getting my hockey bag loaded into the Camino. "Alright, you've got it all!" Veronica declared. I nodded and got into the car. "Are they really coming?" I asked Brady. He nodded and laughed. "They have rides, don't worry. Just focus on your game." I nodded. We arrived at the rink a forty minutes before game time. And that's where it all happened. Now: I found the guys at the west rink. I pulled on my girdle over my short shorts, I slid on my roller blades and pulled the laces tight, strapped on my knee guards that reached to the top of my blades, put on my elbow guards, helmet with my mouth-guard, strapped on the side straps and chin guard and pulled on my gloves. "Mega Man! Hurry so we can warm up!" I called to our goalie, Chris. I got out on the rink with the guys and Karen. Karen and I were the only two girls on the hockey team. I skated around to the bleachers on the other side of the rink real fast and said hi to everyone, and skated back around, onto the rink. I warmed up, grabbing a puck and working it up to the goal and hitting it in. I worked on my skating technique- cross-overs, and backwards, working my ankles loose. I glanced over to the other half of the rink where the other team was. That's where I saw it. The blue and green. The jerseys were blue and green, the names written on the back, and that's when I saw. It was him. It was Sean Meriner, a.k.a my ex. A.k.a the guy who used to beat the living sh*t out of me. It was him. Marshall must have seen me because he skated over. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Yeah." I said flatly. "What's-" He stopped mid-sentence as he followed my gaze. "Oh no." He started to skate over there with an angry look on his face but I pulled him back by his blue, white, and black jersey. "No! Don't!" I said. "Why not?" "Because, he's not worth it." I said. "Fine. But if he touches you, he is SO dead!" "Alright, deal." I said. The buzzer rang and we skated back to the bench. "Alright, I want Marshall, Jake, Brendon, and Karen on the rink." Coach said. I skated back in with a few of the other guys. Sean wasn't out on the rink but I knew he'd be coming out soon. I watched the game. We got the puck and the game was on. The first period of the game, it was 1-0 Cromwell High School, Sean's team. "Go, get on defense!" I called. It was my turn. "Marshall! Marshall!" I called, he skated over to the box and I headed out. "You're doing face off!" Karen called. "Alright!" I skated up and waited anxiously for the puck to fall as a player from the other team switched to. Want to know who I was against? You got it! Sean. He glanced up at me and an evil smirk came to his face. The puck dropped and I hit sticks with him, we fought for it. Finally, he knocked it away from me. "Good try baby." He smirked. "Shut the hell up, what makes you think I'm your baby?" I snarled. "Since, you're mine." He smiled. "Not anymore." I barked. Karen knocked the puck away from him and skated past, passing it to me. I was just past the half mark and did my famous slap-shot. It shot right into the goal, just above the goalie's left shoulder. "Yeah! Nice one!" Jake said, smacking my back. "Thanks." I said. Brendon did the face off. "You'll pay for that." Sean muttered when he was skating next to me. "Really? Let's see you try." I smirked. As I skated, I made a turn to the left to help Brendon if he needed someone to pass to. Sean checked me and I flew into the boards and fell over. "Ah!" I groaned and grabbed my shoulder. The ref blew his whistle, and Sean went into the penalty box. "I'll kill him." Jake muttered. "No. Guys just leave him alone. Don't waste a good game over him. We're ahead and we don't want any of our players missing!" I scolded. I was called back in by the coach. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. No worries." I smiled and he returned it. "There's a girl." He smiled. The whole game was in fury against Cromwell. The third period, the last one. Ten seconds on the clock and the score was 5-4 our team. "Just hold them off. Keaira? Can you get out there and hold 'em?" Coach asked. I nodded. "Alright. Mark! Keaira's going out!" Coach called. We switched places. Luckily, we did hold them off. We cheered. Then it was time for us to line up and shake everyone's hand. Goalie first, we lined up single file and pushed our glove into our left arm. "Good game, good game, good game." All the way through the line. Except it didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped. Sean pushed me but luckily I caught my balance. "Good game." The coach and assistant coach from Cromwell said. "Thank you, you too." I smiled and went back to the back area where we suit up. I had my girdle and pants on but I had on my converse and a black t-shirt with a silver design on it. I stuck my stuff back into my bag. "Good game!" Tyler said, followed by everyone else. "Yeah, you did great!" Sabrina said. "Thanks." I said. "I'll get your bag and bring it to the car." Brady suggested. "Thanks." I handed him my hockey bag. "You guys can go out to your cars and I'll be there in a second." I smiled. "Alright." I walked back over to the team where coach gave us a talk on how good we did, what to work on, and info about our next game. I walked back, only to be stopped by Sean, Brent, and Kyle. Brent and Kyle were his slaves, I mean "friends". "What do you want?" I spat. "You." Sean smirked. "Can't have me. Get over it." I growled. "Kyle, Brent." Sean said. They each grabbed one of my arm and dragged me over to a more secluded area. "Get off me!!!" I barked, angrily. Why wouldn't he leave me alone?! Sean punched my face. A burning sensation immediately ran down my face and I gasped in pain. "Shut up." He said. I kicked and fought, trying to get out of the guys' grips. It was useless. "Keaira!" I heard Jake call. "Jake!" I screamed. I heard quick footsteps and Jake appeared. "Shut the hell up!" Sean said, slapping my face. It burned even more and my eyes watered. "Let her go!" Jake said, quickly followed by Tyler. "Don't touch her!" Tyler yelled. Sean looked at them with disgust. "What are you gonna do about it?" Sean smirked. I hate his smirk! But my thoughts were quickly ended as Sean punched my stomach. I keeled over and dropped to the ground. "Get up!" Brent grunted. I tried to stand but my stomach couldn't hold it. I slipped from their grasp and fell to the ground, clutching my stomach. Sean flipped his shaggy black hair and his icy blue eyes were glinting with satisfaction. Tyler ran toward him. "B*tch!" He screamed and knocked Sean on the ground. They wrestled around, throwing a punch here or their. I guess Tyler was winning. No, Sean. No- I didn't know. Jake was already jumping Brent and Kyle. I staggered upright and pulled Tyler off of Sean. "Is he your boyfriend?" Sean smirked, blood trickling down his lip and a large bruise, already beginning to form by his right eye. "Why does it matter?" I asked rhetorically. "Move!" Sean yelled and I was thrown aside. "No!" I yelled and stood between Sean and Tyler. "Don't you ever f*ck*ng touch her again *sshole!" Tyler yelled. "Jake!" I called as Kyle slipped to the floor. "Yup?" He smiled happily, although winced as he did. "Let's go." I said coldly, glaring at Sean. "Don't touch her. Don't talk to her." Jake hissed at him. "Call me later baby." Sean said. I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around. "Don't call me that. Ever." I said in a low tone of voice, but harsh. "Got it babe." He smirked. I stomped toward him but was jerked back by Tyler and Jake. "Let her go. It's baby's choice." Sean said. "I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed and jerked against the guys, but it was useless. Sean laughed and walked away. "Come on." Jake said kindly. I walked away with Jake and Tyler. "Who the hell was that?" Tyler asked. "My ex." I replied simply. "He used to beat her." Jake mouthed but I could hear him as he whispered almost inaudibly, but I didn't say anything. My ex who used to beat me. And took my virginity. The jack*ss who raped me. I thought as a tear slipped down my cheek.