Status: I update this one rather slowly too but feedback helps get it out faster.

Confessions Of A Broken Rebel

9-I'm Scared To Let Go

"Remember, dinner's at seven." I nodded. I walked into the bathroom. It was huge. There was a white, marble bath that I could stretch out in all directions. Then there was a huge mirror with a black design along the edges and a large sink. There was a shower and a couple cupboards, which were all black. I walked out of the two white french doors bordered with black and stepped out onto the ledge. There was a lounge chair and a wrought iron fence around the edges. I looked over the large property. The hills were merely black figures over the horizon, it looked over a small lake and the pool. I leaned on the fence. "Hey mom. I really miss you. Dad's worse than ever. This month that you've been gone has seemed longer than ever. I know your sad that Dad's alone now but mom, I can't take it. I know that your happy I'm safe now. We're all that we've got but now I have the Cronin's. They are taking the best care of me. I'm really happy here. Mom, I miss you so much. You don't even know. It's been a little over a month but it seems like years. Well mom, I love you but I should probably get ready for dinner." I walked into my room, closing the doors behind me and picking out a long-sleeved dress and some heels. My cell phone rang it's usual tune and I rushed to grab it. I stared confusedly at the unknown number. "Hello, this is Angel." I said. "Hello Angel, this is Laraine from the Rehab center. I'm calling to let you know that your father is ready to be admitted at any time. I will let you know of his progress weekly and you will be able to see him on weekends. He may be charged of abuse because of his past with you, though I won't say anything to the police because it's your decision. I advice you to take an officer and guardian with you when you bring your father in." She said. I don't think she took more than two breaths. Her voice was fairly cheery but also slightly concerned. "Thank you. Count on him being there tomorrow." I said. "That will be fine. See you tomorrow." She said. "See you. Bye." I smiled but she couldn't see of course. I hung up and walked out of my door. Brady escorted me down to dinner. The elaborate china plates were set with perfect portions of salmon, rice, vegetables and a crystal glass full of water set beside each plate above the silverware. Brady pulled the chair out for me and I sat down. We prayed and began to eat. "Well Angel. Laraine called me and told me she would call you also. I presume you got her call?" She asked. "Yes, I told her my father would come in tomorrow. I want to talk to him before I bring him in but the sooner the better." The rest of the conversations were small and not of any importance. As I climbed in bed that night, I stretched and relaxed into the cool covers. Brady opened the door and sat on the bed. "Hey." "Hi." I said sadly. "What's wrong?" He asked, noticing my flat, somewhat depressed voice. "Nothing, I'm fine." I attempted a weak smile. Brady gave me a knowing look. "I know it's not nothing. Just tell me, you know you can trust me." I nodded a quick nod and turned towards him. "Brady, he's all I have. You can't imagine how hard this is." Tears welled up in my eyes and glistened on the brim. "It's for the best." "Really? Is it for the best? To let go of what's left of my family? To no longer be able to go home? Look me in the eye and tell me that it's better this way because losing your entire family isn't what I would say is better." He tried to hug me but I carefully pushed him off and shook my head. "My dad used to read me stories when I was little. He used to try to braid my hair before I went to bed. He used to buy me clothes that were either way too little or way too big but we'd always laugh about it because he tried so hard to get it right. He's gone. My mom's gone and my home is gone." I felt like screaming. "It's for the better. He beat you. Your mom, yes she's gone but she loved you so much but there's nothing you can do now." "He's the only thing I have connecting me to her. She loved him so much." "Angel! He's not someone you want to stay with!" He yelled obviously frustrated. "I'm putting him in a rehab center! Would you do that to Heath or Hunter?" "That's different! They didn't hit you!" "If they did-?" "Then I don't know! I don't know Angel! I don't have all the answers! I didn't allow my child to get beaten by my spouse in the first place!" He yelled. His face was red with anger but his face quickly fell as he realized what he said. "Angel, I-" "Go." I whispered harshly. "But I didn't-" "I said go!" I screamed loudly. He gave me one last remorseful look before he turned away. I turned on my music loudly and screamed. I screamed until I was so tired I could barely lift my head. I screamed until my anger left. I screamed until my voice went hoarse. I listened to Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan. I don't even like Simple Plan but that's the best song to explain how I was feeling. As the song finished I turned on Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie and fell asleep to it's slow tempo and sweet lyrics. I woke up to the sound of my own screaming and the picture of my father hovering over me, knife in hand as the blade quickly plummeted into my flesh. The door busted open and Brady ran over to me. "Angel?" Brady asked. "He was, he-he was leaning over me and he tried-he tried-" I couldn't finish my sentence. My throat hurt and I was gasping, trying to get air. "It's okay, it's alright shh." He said holding my head to his chest. "I'm sorry, for everything, I-" "Shh, it's all okay now, don't worry." My breathing slowed to normal in a few minutes and I grabbed the bottle of water on my nightstand and took several large gulps. "Will you stay in here with me?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "I missed my roommate." He smiled. He crawled in next to me and played with my hair. "Goodnight Brady." "Goodnight Angel." I got up and began dressing in the bathroom after a quick shower. My cut was now fully covered with a scab. I pulled on my tee and then my hoodie and also my skinny jeans and my converse. Brady was up and dressed and back in my room looking at the picture of my mom. "You look a lot like her you know." I smiled. "I know." He smiled back and we walked hand in hand down to the kitchen.
As we walked down to the kitchen, Mrs. Cronin was waiting for me with her purse on her shoulder. "Well Angel, after breakfast I thought we could get it over with and catch him while he's at the house and sober. I made chocolate chip pancakes, Belgian waffles, and lemon butter crepes. If you aren't hungry for any of those, I can make something else?" I shook my headed and filled my plate.