Hokage's Half Demon Granddaughter


"Damn it Kakashi," I grunted as I held my head that hit something hard and metallic on him. "And they say I'm the one that's blind."

He just watched me, "And where do you think you are going, now?"

"Yira," I told him, noticing just now that she had stopped crying. "She was crying and I wanted to see why."

"Hmm." He put his stupid book down and leaned into her. "She looks fine," he instected her slowly, poking and stroking here and there. "No cuts or bruises.....Maybe she just wanted to get out of there."

"Why exactly," I started to walk, him right at my side towering above me. "Do I have babysitters?"

"Your grandfather fears for your safety." He told me in a pitch high enough for me to hear, low enough that others don't. "Most people around here don't take for your kind."

"Like that Naruto kid?" I dodged a few little kids playing. "He has a demon in him...."

"Yes, thats true," he nodded. "But you are what he has inside."

"Half." I growled. "Only half."

"You could say he's somewhat the same as you, though not entirely."

I shook my head, "It's not the same." We passed by a few stores, a big flowershop with a lot of beautiful flowers. "What exactly does he fear? What is the new danger?" My eyes stayed on the different kinds of flowers. They were very pretty as they ranged in different colors, shapes and sizes.

"KIDA!" Pineapple Head shouted at the top of his lungs quite a distance behind us, followed by a few more.

"They are looking for you," he said loudly, obviously smirking at me. "Signal, show off." And with that he disappeared in a puff cloud.

"Damn it," I growled and threw my head back. Taking a big deep breath, I spit out a long shot of fire that could be seen for quite a distance that lasted long enough for all of them to get to me and people around me to freak.

"Why did you leave?" Pineapple Head was quick to scold me.

"Kakashi," I shrugged and continued on walking. "Stupid idiot hit me with something." I rubbing my still throbbing forehead.

"Woah, wait." A hand was quick to grab my shoulder, halting me from continuing on. "And where do you think you are going?"

"Exploring, Pineapple Head." I turned to smirk at his glaring face. "Aww, don't look so mad." I couldn't help but tease.

"You seriously shouldn't be running off like that, little girl." Ino smirked as she tried to be-little me.

"Come from the young midget who," I flicked her hair out of her eyes, "is so insecure she criticizes others because she is so sad she can't make her infatuation like her back. I can see," I turned to Mr. Depressed, "why you don't like her."

Everyone gasped at my sudden mean-ness. What can I say? I don't like her, she doesn't like me. Case closed. Wish I could take of my blind fold though....

"I think we should all do something nice and fun." Meatball head suggested.

"I say we train." Naruto threw his fist in the air. "I need to become the very best there is so I can become the next Hokage and everyone will respect me."

"Naruto," I hated to ruin his parade.

"Yeah?" He stopped and his smile fell.

"Becoming Hokage won't make others respect you."

"He won't ever even get that close," Neji mumbled.

"Neither will you," I squinted at him.

"All this retort from a blind girl who is being babysat by a bunch of ninja because her grandfather is scared for her safety." He glared, challenging me.

"You talk much talk for a girl in boys' clothing," I turned around. "Naruto, lead the way. I'll show you," I turned my head one last time, "nothing is as what it seems."

"I don't fight blind weak girls," he huffed.

"NOT BLIND!" I shouted as Naruto slowly led the way. Yira kept hissing as she looked back at him.

"Wait. " Choji was quick to object. "Our mission is to watch and protect her, not hurt her!"

"He won't hurt me, Choji." I chuckled. "I can't promise I won't make him bleed though."

"Let's see what you got then," Neji ran past me, hopping building to building.

"Here we go," Shino and Mr. Depressed sighed in annoyance.

"She's worse than Naruto," Pinky grumbled when I could see her eyes dance as she really was rooting for me in the inside.

"So," I turned to Hinata. "Wanna run with me?" I tried to make a friend.

"Hmm?" She looked at me kinda clueless.

I smiled, "Take my hand and run as fast as you can. Follow my lead, okay?"

"Uhh." She stuttered.

Grabbing her hand, I took off running she protested a little but then gave up and concentrated on keeping up. "Yira!" I shouted. Understanding what I meant, she jumped off me and ahead of us in the air as we neared the gates. Sniffing quickly, I could smell Pineapple Head right behind us. His harsh breathing and rapid heart beats showed me he wasn't used to running this quick, same for Hinata. "Hold on!" I shouted, a giant thunder-like sound crashed from Yira as she suddenly grew a couple hundred times her normal size.

"What are you doing?!" She cried in fear as we were running straight towards the walls.

"We are riding Yira!" I cheered as I pulled her to me and jumped high in the air, flipping once as we landed on Yira's head.

She held onto me like a cat as we tried to balance on her as she moved so quickly, swerving around buildings, people and other things. Many people shouted from anger and fear at the giant snake we were riding. We were going to go up, over and down the wall so thats normally hard but now harder with another person to hold onto.

"Kida!" Pineapple Head shouted. "The wall! You are going to ram it!"

"Get on!" I shouted, my hair flickered behind me like a large red rope.

"Are you crazy?" He shouted.

"A little!" I nodded, and turned to Hinata. "Hold on, else you will fall. Okay?"

She nodded, "Don't let me go."

"Promise," I nodded and turned back to Pineapple Head who was still deliberating on his choice. "It's now or never."

He looked at me, mouthing "Women are such a drag." A big smile appeared on my lips as I reached out a hand towards him. Clasping around his tightly on mine, I pulled back hard so he landed right behind us. We probably looked like a ladder of standing people.

"Yira!" I shouted, she picked up speed and shot up the wall. Hinata screamed a little, making me laugh, as she held onto me like a cat from the front and Mr. Macho behind me even grabbed me, making me feel hot on my face.

Taking a wider stance, I crouched down a little to keep a firm stance so I wouldn't fall back. Hinata's weight on me and the idiot behind me pulling me down made it harder. We were about halfway up when I felt my feet slipping from the weight. Dropping on me knees with both of them. I held on tight to Yira's soft scales for help. A soft whimper from her throat told me she felt it too.

"Are we gonna make it?" He shouted in my ear.

"I think so!" I shouted back. "We are almost there, Yira!"

Screeching, she pushed harder and we flew off the wall and way over it. I stood up with my load as she dived head down towards the ground. We all screamed as we went down fast, both from fear and the thrill of the adrenalin rush. Like always, I jumped off at this point twirling through the air as I cheered from the rush and feeling of freedom. Everything zoomed past me like a blur as I twirled like bullet as I kept up with Yira's speed.

"Kida! Get back on!" Pineapple Head shouted. "I don't know how to drive this thing!"
Laughing, I opened my eyes wide as I focused on seeing everything go in slow motion. Once I located them, I flipped over and landed feet first on Yira's head. Hinata was smiling wide as she was enjoying it. Pineapple looked freaked out. "Next one," I shouted in her ear. "You jump off with me. Okay?"

Her eyes widened in fear, "But I won't control my fall. I'll get hurt."

"Promise." I smiled at her, then glanced up over her head. "Show time!"

"KIDA!" He shouted once again, you think he would get tired of screaming my name. Hell I don't even like my name that much to scream it out every two seconds.

We both screamed as we twirled through the air, heading to a clearing where everyone was waiting, watching us with amazed eyes. Many people shouted concerns for us or that we were just plain crazy, which I was and Hinata maybe a little bit. Flipping over, we landed on the ground softly as I made the ground soft and so it would absorb the shock from our fall.

"Hinata!" Shino, Kiba and even Neji shouted with concern for her.

She just fell over on the soft ground in her giggles. Her three 'men' just glared at me, blaming me for her losing her mind. "That. Was. So...FUN!" And she burst into hysterics.

"You left me up on her!" Pineapple Head got my attention with his yelling. Yira slithered around him to me with a big smile on her face. If she could laugh, I bet you she would be right now. Her golden eyes shimmering bright with laughter.

"Oh relax." I pet Yira. "She won't hurt you."

"I. Hate. You." He glared at me.

"Aww," I hugged him." I love you too." And then burst out laughing like Hinata.