It all started with a locker door

it all started with a locker door

Jazz p.o.v

I walked to the nursery where Layden was, all the way there I was thinking of Billie and layden I hoped me and Billie were something not just fooling around and I know it sounded weird cause I had really only just met Billie but layden really needed a dad or a guy around, I grew up with no dad for a while and I hated it.

When I got to the nursery Layden was asleep in a pushchair he looked so peaceful.
I placed his hat on his head and tried not to wake him up but he did and started whining.
I got him out his pushchair and put his coat and gloves on as it was like ant artic temperatures outside. I placed him back in the pushchair and kissed his nose which made him smile.
“hey layden”
I smiled at him and he giggled and clapped his hands.
The nursery manager walked over to me she obviously had something bad to tell me.
“hey erm may I have a word please” she tried to act all proffesional which really in real life I bet she was a right twat.
“yeah sure watsup?”
She sighed “well its layden he has been showing a lot of bad behaviour recently towards staff and other kids”
I looked at layden and he looked up at me with his brown eyes and started smiling.
“what sort of bad behaviour then”
“well swearing and violence and refusing to do stuff”
“well his a kid what kid doesn’t”
She sighed and looked unimpressed “the thing is we really cant take him”
“so what your chucking him out?”
“I am very sorry mrs Dorian but yes we cant have him here”
“its miss” I shouted
“I know you have problems at home but its no need for him to be like that”
That made me angry what was she on about there wasn’t any problems me and layden was doing well.
“shut up there is no problems its this place that makes him like that”
I walked away and pushed the pram out onto the street he definitely wasn’t going back there.
Layden started crying and moaning so I picked him up and hugged him.
“hey baby don’t cry you want to go get something to eat?”
He nodded and buried his face into me.
I decided to take him home as he was tired.

When we got home I lay him on the couch and took of his hat and gloves and coat.
I made him a bottle as he still wouldn’t drink out of a cup, he layed down and watched sponge bob while I sat by him and thought of Billie.
Then layden started moaning he was hungry and demanded baby food.
“no layden you’re a big boy you eat big boy food”
“no I want that one”
I sighed and fed him baby food which he actually ate.
I then bathed him and got him to sleep and laid him in his crib.
I then walked into my room and started playing Pac man on my computer I was like the best at that game.
My score was getting really high then I was disturbed by layden crying for me.
I walked into his room and picked him up he was burning up I walked into the kitchen and gave him some water but he still continued to cry.
I took of his shirt to cool him down and gave him baby medicine, he sat on my lap and continued crying then started coughing and then he puked over the mat.
I put him in his playpen and cleaned the floor.
He started to cry more, I felt really sorry for him he wasn’t well.
I looked at the time it was 3am wow I was playing Pac man for a long time.
I picked layden back up and called my mom as she was a nurse and she would be at the hospital still.
But she told me just to try and get him to sleep so I did but it wasn’t working.
It was now about 7am and layden finally cried himself to sleep.
I laid him in his crib and stroked his head he was still really hot.
I sat down then the stupid door went.
It was Billie “hey you look like you had a fun night” he said sarcastically
“you want to come in”
I didn’t give him the chance to answer I just pulled him inside and leaned into hug him.
“aww Billie I’m so tired help me”
“so I guess you are not going to school?”
“no I cant its layden he is sick”
There was a long silence then I heard layden calling me.
“hey Billie go sit down I will be right back”

I walked over to layden he was still hot but wasn’t crying but he was holding his head
“head hurt mommy it hurt”
I picked him up and changed him into some clothes as his were wet from all the crying, I brushed his hair and got changed my self into some skinnies and my ramones shirt I brushed my hair and applied some eyeliner.
After I was finished I took layden by the hand and walked downstairs and went to sit with Billie.
I sat down beside Billie and layden sat on the floor and played with a toy brick.
Billie put his arm around me and leaned in closer.
Billie pulled away and sighed.
“sponge bob”
I switched on the TV and let him watch sponge bob.
Billie turned towards me “he looks like you”
“you think?”
“yeah he has your nose and smile”
He put his arm back around me and started kissing me.
I stopped him “not in front of him I don’t want him to think stuff”
Billie sighed and sat back “what’s he going to think I thought you said he was two.”
“he is but he has never had a dad or man around the house before except my little brother.”
“what about your dad?”
“I don’t have a dad”
“why” he asked without even looking at me.
“cause one day he just left for no reason he was in trouble I think with some guys but we woke up one morning and he was gone I was only 8”
“my dad died when I was 10” he said quietly
“I’m sorry”
“don’t be its okay”
He moved closer to me and put his arm around me.
“so sexy jazz”
“so sexy Billie”
He started playing my hair “I really like you jazz”
“I like you too”
“I want you with me if you know what I mean”
“well you will just have to do with masturbation cause last time I slept with someone he happened” I pointed towards layden who pointed back at me.
“so I don’t turn you on?”
“yes you do but not now okay”
“okay but can I have a hug?”
I sighed “no”
“what why”
“cause layden wants food”
I fed layden and he fell asleep I put him in his crib and walked back downstairs to Billie.
He grabbed me round the waist “oooo alone at last”
I turned around to him and pulled his tie so he cam into me, I started kissing him he slid his hand up my shirt and kissed me more.
He took of his tie and undone his shirt.
I stopped him “wait!”
“now what?”
“go upstairs I’m not doing anything down here.”
He winked at me and followed me upstairs.
He pushed me down onto my bed and got on top of me and made out with me he took of his shirt and then mine.
Then he pulled down his pants and was just in his shorts.
I stopped him again “no wait”
“you got any cause I don’t”
“no I don’t Billie girls shouldn’t be responsible for them”
“well don’t worry I will just pull out”
“no way I’m not risking that again 8 hours of labour it took I don’t need that again”
He sighed “what about your brother?”
“his 14”
“then he will have some trust me”
“no Billie he wont”
“he will lets go look”
We went into my brothers room and it stunk real bad of pizza.
“see no condoms Billie lets just get out of here”
He banged the wall above my brothers bed and the poster fell down which was covering a hole in the wall Billie pulled out porno’s and condoms.
“see I told you he is a boy”
“that little shit come Billie.”
He picked u the porno’s and walked to the door.
“put them back”
“no I want them do you know who this girl is on the front she is like got the hugest tits ever”
“why do you want that?”
“so I can look at tits duh”
I lifted up my bra “there happy”
He threw the mag’s and grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into my room he pushed me back onto the bed and turned of the light.
“why did you turn of the light?”
“cause I don’t want you looking at me getting the condom on”
“okay then”
“alright I’m done he climbed on top of me and took my trousers off.
Then he kissed me on the nose and well fucked me.
When it was over he carried on leaning over me we were both breathing fast he moved a hair from my face and kissed me again.
I sat up and he laid his head on my chest I could feel him painting like a dog but without the tongue sticking out, I played with his hair then his breathing got slower till it was at a normal pace. He didn’t seem to be saying anything then I noticed he was asleep so I let him lay on me while he slept. I turned on my TV but made sure the volume wasn’t to high as he looked so cute when he was asleep.
About two hours later he woke up and yawned.
“hello sleepy head” I said like he was a baby.
“how long was I out?” he rubbed his eye
“about two hours”
“boy your good”
“you got me to sleep I can never sleep see playing with my hair gets me to sleep where did you learn that?”
“try being a parent you learn lots”
He sat up and kissed me.
Then I heard my sister coming in I pushed Billie away and he fell of my bed as my sister walked in and she saw him he had the covers around some of him as he wasn’t wearing nothing.
Shit I thought make up a lie quick.
“Oh we didn’t have sex he just stayed over”
“yeah right jazzabell you to just fucked.”
Billie smiled at himself proudly.
“see he admits you to just bonked”
Then he turned towards her “actually I didn’t say anything.”
“shut up”
“okay” he said nervously
“Janie get out will you”
“fine but if you end up with another thing I am seriously going to kill you and cut your nuts off”
“I’m not going to get pregnant okay and please dot tell mom”
“she sat on my bed and sounded nicer “she will know she already knows there is a guy in your life”
Billie sat on the floor trying to cover himself up.
“so boy with the nuts you better be nice to my sister or you wont have nuts”
Billie smiled at her and mimed freak luckily she didn’t see or she would have probley killed him.
“well jazza and you boy I am going out see you later jazz”
After she went Billie started to laugh “boy? What is she a snob”
I laughed back “yeah your right there”

A few hours later we sat on my bed in each others arms it felt so relaxing nothing could disturb us, but I was wrong layden started to call for me so I had to get him.
I walked layden to were I was sitting with Billie and as soon as he came over Billie stood up
“sorry Jazz I got to go”
And with that he was gone.
I knew something was wrong and I knew it had something to do with layden.

Billie’s p.o.v

I had to get out of that house I felt bad as I had just had sex with her but it’s the kid.
I walked home and sat in front of the TV I really liked Jazz but I didn’t really want a kid in my life.
Then I started to think how shit I would be with a kid as I had been arrested for armed robbery and drugs, imagine if I went back to that it would fuck my life up even more and it could with Jazz and Layden. I sat and stared at the screen my interests focussed on one thing in my mind Jazz how could I tell her no I don’t want to be with you cause you got a kid that’s just so Bitchey and I had just had sex with her that would make me a loser and a total user.
Maybe I should just give layden a chance it could actually turn out to be okay so why don’t I?
It was that question that stayed in my mind till my mom came home and she looked mad.
I went to walk away but it was to late.
“ yes” I said trying to act all good.
“I HAVE JUST GOT CALLS FROM YOUR SCHOOL SAYING YOU HAVNT BEEN IN AND WHO IS THIS JAZZA GIRL ?” she was really pissed as she was shouting and how did she know about jazz?
“Oh okay I haven’t been going school I’m sorry okay”
“I know that you’ve been with some girl called Jazz”
“you mean jazz and yeah I have been with her you should se her she is fine.”
“well would you please turn up to school you have only just started and what was you doing today anyway?”
Oh my god I wasn’t going to tell her the truth eww I wouldn’t like to hear about my mom and her boyfriend having sex so I’m sure she don’t want to know I was.
“oh I was well you don’t want to know”
“If you give me anymore grandkids I swear I will kill you Billie”
She guessed what I was doing oh well.
“I wont, I use stuff you know”
She walked away sighing and mumbling stuff I just ignored and went to my room which when I had opened the door it had been trashed.
That really pissed me off and I definitely didn’t do it.

After I had cleaned some of my room I lay on my bed and started drawing on a blank sheet of paper it then turned into scribbles then I screwed it into a ball and chucked it into the air.
I was so god dam bored what could I do?
I couldn’t think of anything so I decided to get high on some weed.
I lay back on my bed stoned and thought of Jazz a lot more then I thought of her flashing me which made me horny so then I delt with that.
I heard my mom moaning at me outside my door about it smelled of weed, I just ignored her again and played play station.

It was 12:20 am when I had finished so I decided to go to sleep.
The next morning I managed to get up without much effort, I got dressed and did my hair as that took the longest.
I walked in the kitchen and was greeted by a burnt toast crust thrown at my nose, it was my nephew I threw it back at him and walked out the door and headed for the station.
It didn’t take long on the train so I didn’t end up being late for school.
The lessons I had before lunch were a bore and I wasn’t with anybody I knew so it was even more boring.
Lunch arrived and I met Ryan at my locker.
“hey Billie boy”
“hey sup?”
We walked to the track field were the rest of the guys were and jazz who was sitting on the floor she didn’t look up at me when I came over to her but she stood up and walked away.
Nobody went after her I sat down and huffed.
“what’s wrong with her?”
“you” they all said at the same time
“what me? Why?”
“I don’t know maybe you pissed her off” said Danny.
I sat on the side of the track watching the jocks run around till it was time to go to another lesson which was Art which means boredom.

I walked into the class and saw Jazz sitting at a desk with a nerd looking boy.
I walked over to her and sat down next to her, she blanked me and carried on talking to the nerd.
It was really annoying so I shouted her name “JAZZA”
She turned around and shouted back “WHAT?”
Some preppy girls started saying slut which you could see was getting on her nerves.
They continued doing it repetditly.
“jazz what’s wrong babe what have I done?”
The preps screeched and screamed out “let me guess little poor jazza got rapped again.”
The whole class went silent and whispers of saying “that’s deep”
Jazz stood up and grabbed the girl who said it and pushed her up against the wall and punched her in the face.
“why don’t you say that to my face huh?”
The girl screamed and fell to the floor jazz grabbed her and started beating her.
I went to go to pull jazz away when a guy stood in front of me he was tall and well a popular boy who most of the girls probley fancied
He spoke in a annoyed tone “ Get your slutty rape victim girlfriend of mine”
“Don’t call her a slut or a rape victim have you looked at your recently?”
I pushed him and he backed onto a wall, he came back and we ended up fighting on the floor next to jazz and the other girl.
People tried to split us up from fighting but couldn’t then the school basket ball coach and soccer coach pulled me away from the guy.
I could see Jazz still on top of the girl she was unconscious and Jazz still continued to hit her until she was pulled off.
Jazz freely walked out and sat outside the principles in a hump.
I sat down a few seats away from her I looked at her as she was called to got to the principles office, she seemed to be in there hours.
Some secretary came over to me “Mr Douglass will have to see you tomorrow go home now.”
As I stood up Jazz came out his office and looked like she was going to cry, she walked out and ran down the corridor I chased after her.
I caught hold of her and faced her you could see she was going to start to cry.
“Are you okay?”
She shock her head and walked into me I put my arms around her and stroked her hair.
“Don’t cry baby”
“I’m not”
She moved away to show she want crying then she slumped down the wall I sat next to her and took her hand.
“wow girl you beat the shit out of that girl were did you learn that?”
She shrugged “Just did it”
“well babe your good”
I kissed her head then she looked at me and I leaned in to kiss her again this time we kissed on the lips.
She stood up and held out her hand to help me up I held her hand and walked by her side holding her hand we walked home which took ages as she didn’t want to get a train.
We got to her road and she kissed me again “I’m sorry I was such a bitch”
“yeah what’s was wrong anyway?”
“don’t worry it’s not you”
I hugged her and didn’t let go we seemed to be hugging for about 40 minutes then she pulled away and kissed me again.
“hey Billie” she pulled away from this kiss and spoke.
“you want to go out later?”
“yeah sure where you want to go?”
“the pier”
“why there”
“cause its good and I like fair rides”
I kissed her again “okay whatever you want babe.”
She had her hands on my ass while she was kissing me then after a few minutes she pulled away.
“I better go I will come see you at your place at 8”
I kissed her one last time and she walked up her street to her house.
I walked home to get ready to go out for tonight.

When I got home I showered and did my hair.
I really needed to colour it again this time maybe blonde.
Well that would have to wait till another day right now I had a hot date with Jazz so I needed to get ready.
I got changed and checked myself out in the mirror I looked good.
I started playing my guitar in front of the mirror to catch myself in the mirror.
I was playing something that I wrote until I could hear David calling me
“Billie your girls hear in a porscha wow is she rich?”
I went downstairs and opened the door and sure enough it was Jazz in a Porsche wow she had some nice car and she didn’t seem the rich type but oh well I was getting a ride in a Porsche and not forgetting I would be in the hot Porsche with a hot girl.
I walked out my house and towards her car.
“get in then”
I did as I was told, the inside of the car was great leather seats pink lights and a baby checked black and pink van shoe hanging from the mirror.
Wow I was having a practical orgasm in her car and I hadn’t even looked at jazz yet.

I then turned my eyes towards Jazz who looked do hot she was not dressed up but still it looked good on her.
She wore her Oakland Raiders jersey which was huge on her and under some long sleeve black shirt and black skinnies and pink and black vans.
I kissed her and we set of to the pier.
I ran my hand up her leg she giggled and slapped my arm.
“Billie don’t I have to concentrate I’m driving”
I did it again this time reaching up her leg further.
“I cant help it you look so hot.”
She stared at me and then looked back at the road.
“Babes I’m in my scruffy stuff its not hot.”
I did a shock expression “shut up yes you are”
She pushed my hand away and put her seat belt on and I did the same.
“SHIT cops”
“oh that’s why you put the belt on”
The cops followed us for a while then pulled into a turning and we carried on going down the straight road.
Finally we arrived the place seemed busy and Christmas lights covered street lamps and shop windows and you could see the fair ride lights flashing and the screams and laughing of people.
There were people on skateboards and in the background was the sea it looked quite way out there.

We started off walking around and going on fair rides which was good as Jazz kept kissing me and I leaned in forward for a snog when screeching behind me stopped it was a bunch of weird freaky guys who screeched alike girls.
She moved away from me and hugged them all.
“oh my god you guys I haven’t seen you in time.”
She talked to them for ages luckily Danny was there so I had someone to talk to.
Hours later or which it seemed she walked over to me.
“Want some fun?”
I held her waist and pulled her in to me.
“ooo what type of fun?”
She came in closer and started kissing me, I kissed her back.
She took me by my hand and we started to walk along the road with a load of other guys but no girls except Jazz.
I still wanted to know what she meant by fun.

We arrived at some car park that seemed to have been empty for years. Jazz still held my hand and we walked around outside the car lot on our own but we didn’t seem to talk.
Jazz seemed to be looking for something the next few minutes I froze my nuts of until we finally decided to go where everybody else was inside the car park.

The inside was not much different from the out the only difference was there was a lot of people on the inside than on the out. I looked around there were mobs of people drinking smoking and making out. The walls were covered in graffiti and there was litter covering the floor and a lot of broken glass.
I looked a jazz she hugged into me.
“I thought you said do you want some fun”
“I did why?”
I sighed “you call this fun?”
“no not yet but it will be I’m just getting something then we can go okay?”
I nodded and lit up a cigarette.
I was so damn bored and I didn’t no anybody here only Jazz who now seemed not to be here. I waited for a few minutes and just as I was about to get up and find her I felt two hands covering my eyes.
I turned around it was jazz.
“hey sexy Billie you ready to go?”
“yes finally your ready”