It all started with a locker door

it all started with a locker door

Billie’s p.o.v

Wow that was the best sex I have ever had, I thought to myself while watching boring shit on TV.
I couldn’t stop thinking of jazz her looks her body her smile.
In the end thinking of her made me so horny I decided to have a wank.
That night all I could think of was the time of my life in the garage it was every guys dream to fuck a girl like that.

While sleeping I started to dream about my past the images of the gun in my hand then.. I woke up I didn’t want to be reminded of it.
I went downstairs at sat on the couch, my mom was up for some reason.
“God Billie and you wonder why you are always tired you never sleep.”
I shrugged my shoulders.
“So how was your date with Jazz?”
I smiled “Awesome she is so great”
My mom smiled back at me then she sighed.
“Does she know?”
“Know what?” I knew what she was on about but I pretended not to.
“About you and you know” she hated saying it.
“you no what mom iam tired now I think I’m going to go bed.”
She knew I was lying so she pulled me back.
“She don’t does she?”
I shock my head.
My mom sighed and sat in silence for a bit then she spoke.
“Bill you have to tell her before somebody else does I’m sure she would like to know about her boyfriend’s life.”
I sat back down and sighed loudly.
“But I really like her I have never felt like that before and as soon as she finds out she wont ant me in her life.”
“Yeah but you cant keep something like that from her and anyway you never know she might be okay with it.”
I turned round towards my mom and smirked sarcastically.
“Yeah right”
For the next few hours I stayed awake someday I really hated my life.

The next morning I got ready for school but I really didn’t want to and I had to see the principle today.
I purposely didn’t mention the fight to my mom I had not even been in that school for a month and already I was in trouble.
I walked down the road to jazz’s.
I knocked on the door some girl answered probley her sister or something.
“Hi is jazz their”
“No she gone already sorry”
She shut the door as I headed for the station I started to think to myself why didn’t she walk with me?
I thought of that all on the train and walking through the school gates.
I went in my first lesson which was English.
I saw jazz across the room as I went to sit beside me she put her foot on the chair.
“The seats taken go sit somewhere else”
I walked of to another seat.
I stared at her across the classroom and mouthed at her what wrong.
She turned her head away.

After class I ran up to her and touched her arm she pulled away fast and walked off with Ryan and Sam.
“JAZZ” I shouted for her in the corridor she blanked me and walked outside.
I chased her but when I got to her she turned around to me and stared at me.
“What do you want?”
“Are you okay?”
She didn’t answer me she sat down on the floor I sat beside her.
“Jazz are you okay?” I put my arm around her.
She shrugged it off.
Ryan and Sam walked of together they said that we should be alone.
“Jazz talk what is up?”
She turned towards me and looked at me.
“Something okay”
“yeah well I know something is wrong but what? Is it layden?”
“Bingo you got it.”
“me what the fuck have I done? You were okay last night actually you were all over me so what’s changed since then?”
“A lot okay why don’t you figure it out for yourself I don’t want to talk to you at the moment.”
I pulled her into me she tried to move away but I wouldn’t let her.
“So what we fuck then you just ignore me is that it what wasn’t I good enough for you?”
“ you were you were great.”
“Then what is up?”
“OKAY..I will talk with you later but now right now we have biology after lunch we can talk then I’ll meet you here okay?”
She walked off without saying goodbye.

It seemed to take forever till end of lunch finally it arrived.
I went to the spot were Jazz told me to meet her.
She was already there.
She didn’t speak she took me by the arm and led me to a empty classroom.
We both sat down next to eacthother.
“Billie tell me something is it true?”
“Is what true?”
“Are you a murderer?”
I sighed how did she find out?. This wasn’t making sense.
“Who told you?”
“Just answer it will you”
“Yes but I didn’t mean to do it”
“That’s what they all say but fine what happened?”
I sighed and took a deep breath I was about to revile my past.
“Okay well I used to live in Miami before I came here and well I got involved in drugs and started hanging around in gangs and stuff.
They all thought it was good to go out at night and just bitch really I don’t know it was weird but some prick he hurt my sister and he took her money he was a fucking con man so I got involved with him but he didn’t know what I was planning one day I came home and I found my sister crying it turned out he had rapped her well that got me mad so I went to some people and it turned out they hated him to so they decided to get rid of him the only problem was they decided I was the one to do it. So one night they gave me a gun and I went to his house I pushed him down on a chair and held the gun against his head for a moment I couldn’t do it. Then I pictured of all the shit he had caused so I pulled the trigger then I heard screams I looked behind me and it was his kids. I would never had done it if his kids were there seriously well I was caught straight away and I went to prison for 4 years and hen I got out we moved here.”
“Oh four years in prison but your 18”
“No I’m 21 I didn’t tell you because I really like you and I thought if you knew you would think I was a creep.”
“You should have told me before we fucked you know”
I sighed and leaned against the wall.
“Jazz I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I would have but I really really like you you’re the best thing in my life and yeah I have not known you long but I already feel that way I mean you your just amazing in everyway your looks everything and I love that about you and you know I love you.”
I saw her smile behind the hair covering her face.
“you think that about me?.”
I smiled at her she smiled back I touched her face and she leaned in closer I kissed her but she pulled away.
“One thing you aint involved in Guns and shit now are you?”
“No not again seriously prison is shit I don’t want to go back there again some man well he did stuff when I was sleeping once.”
“shame were you his bitch?”
“No no no”
“You know what you said about loving me do you?”
“Yes I love you I never believed in love at first sight until I saw you.”
She laughed “You got that from a film.”
“I know but I mean it.”
She leaned on me and held my hand we sat there till it was time to go home.
Today was one of the worst days of being in Oakland but I was glad Jazz knew at lest I wasn’t keeping anything from her.
But wait how did she find out?
Who told her?