I Will Not Kiss You

Chapter 13

I called Mom and asked her to pick me up, after I’d calmed down and stopped crying so much. She asked me what was wrong but I didn’t want to tell her on the phone so she didn’t pursue it. She said that I can call Mikey and ask him if he wants to stay over and then we’ll pick him up on the way home. So I put the phone down and picked it up again to call him.

“Hello?” Donna said cheerily.

“Can I talk to Mikey please?”

“Hi Frank, how are you?”

“Fine thank you,” I lied “How are you?”

“Ok thanks,” She replied “Hold on, I’ll just get Mikey for you.”

She called for Mikey and told me he was just coming. I waited patiently until he came to the phone.

“Hey Frank.”

“Hey,” I replied “How are you feeling?”

“Better thanks, Mom just wanted me to stay off today to check I’m well again blah, blah, blah. Are you ok?” He questioned “Have you been crying?”

“How did you know?”

I didn’t lie because Mikey can always tell when I lie to him. Even if it’s just a white lie. It’s quite freaky because I don’t understand what it is that tells you when someone’s lying.

“Your voice sounds all thick,” He explained “You sound like that when you’ve been crying.”


“Can I ask why you were crying?”

“I’ll tell you later. Mom’s coming to get me from Dad’s, d’you wanna’ come and stay the night? If you feel well enough that is.”

“Um…yeah sure. Hold on I’ll just ask Mom.”

I heard him shouting to Donna and Donna shouting back. And then Gerard randomly shouted ‘Sausages’ which was strange but quite funny.

“She said yes,” Mikey said, returning to the phone “D’you know when your Mom will be here?”

“Well she’s coming to get me now and it’s a ten minute drive so it won’t be too long.”

“Ok. I’ll go get ready then.” He said brightly.

“Ok, see you in a little while.”


I hung up and lay back on my bed again. Mom won’t be long, thankfully, and then I can get out of this crowded apartment. Dad probably won’t even notice my absence. He’s too busy looking after Harry and Ben to worry about the ‘picky, finicky retarded brat’…

…I saw Mom’s car pull up from my bedroom window. Dad had called me several times for dinner but I ignored him. I picked up my bag of stuff and walked out of my room and through the living room. Everyone was sitting at the table, eating their dinner as if nothing was wrong. Harry and Ben were eating noisily and making a mess of Dad’s white table cloth that he only uses for special occasions. If that had been me, which it wouldn’t because I eat slowly and carefully, I would’ve been dead meat. Dad noticed me heading for the front door and called after me.

“Where are you going?”


“You’re not walking around New Jersey by yourself!” He stated, getting up and walking towards me “You’re staying here.”

“No I’m not. Mom’s waiting outside for me,” I said “I’m going home with her.”

“No you’re not.”

“Yes I am.” I replied, opening the door and running down the hall in case he grabbed me and hurt me.

Mom was waiting patiently in her car for me. She smiled as I opened the door on the passenger’s side and clambered in.

“Is Mikey coming over?” She asked.


So she started the drive to Mikey’s.

Just a little bit of a filler to get things going the way I want.