Status: Finished

Damn You Zacky Vengeance


Madison Jennings lived a life of happiness. She was a talented tattooist and owned her own tattoo shop, which she named, after a long night of deliberating, Demon Ink. Of course, that brought on a lot of unhappy passersby. But who the fuck cares? She had heaps of customers, who didn’t give a fuck about the name. She did quality tattoo’s for reasonable prices.

Madison had plenty of friends, which she kept in a close circle. She never found the need to have heaps of friends, and she was content with that. But most of all, she had been friends with Avenged Sevenfold for years. She’d met Jimmy (The Rev) in a Metal shop and they instantly bonded. So, naturally, she met his friends and, well, they’ve been the best of friends ever since.

Her only weakness over all the years was having a stupid crush on Zacky Vengeance. She’d constantly hate herself for falling for him. And as the years went on, it only got worse. When she went on tour with them, she and Zacky would have their ‘moments’. And every time it happened, she swore it would never happen again. But deep down she knew it would. Madison just couldn’t help herself.

So what happens when Zacky starts confessing things she never thought would happen?

This is a oneshot dedicated to my best friend Kitty. I do NOT own Avenged Sevenfold (though sometimes I wish I did). I do own Madison however.

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