Save Me

Chapter 2: Waking up from a familiar dream

The same thing plays over and over in my brain. Zack was here one minute and the next gone. I wish we just stayed home that night like I wanted to, but he wanted to take me to an unforgettable night – and that’s what it was.

I felt the cushion of his comforter on my back. My head was on a cloud Zack called a pillow. Sun beams caused my eyes to flutter open. My arms pulled my torso up against the head board to sit me up. Rubbing my eyes, I wondered how I got here. I couldn’t have sleep walked, at least I don’t think.

My eyes wondered down to my outfit. I was in a tank top and shorts. My eyes brows knit together as I wondered who brought me in and had the nerve to undress me. I huffed and scanned the room. My eyes darted to a leather suit case. That isn’t mine or Zack’s. His family’s luggage has the family crest on it and my family has duffle bags or plaid – I know tacky.

Once my feet touched the cold wood floor, I woke up even more. Taking deep breaths, I walked down the hall and down the stairs. I heard movement in the kitchen. Quickly, my feet swiftly made it across the floor. My hand pushed the swinging door open. I saw that guy, Evan, who got this house. He was wearing a black tee shirt that showed off his muscles and tattoos on his arm. His jeans were loose yet tight at the same time. Evan’s hair was spiked

I stood in the door way like an idiot, watching him crack eggs. His elbow knocked over a pan and it crashed to the floor. “Shit!” He hissed as he picked it up. As Evan was coming back up, he noticed me. “Hey th-there, Em,” He smiled. I looked into his eyes, noticing a familiar friendly glint. I nodded and made my way to a chair and slumped my head down.

“Are you hungry? I made eggs and toast and some piggies!” He joked, Zack used to call them piggies. I looked up with a sad expression at him, “Okay, well not real pigs but bacon,”

I nodded, knowing what he meant.

“Well,” He clapped his hands together, “I am getting you a plate, because – no offense – but you look like a skeleton almost,”

How would he know that? Evan must have carried me inside and have the nerve to undress me. A little red blush crossed against my face as I felt embarrassed and a little angry. The only guy who has seen me naked or in my underwear and bra is Zack. Knowing a complete stranger saw me got me a little angry, especially when they didn’t ask.

Evan set down a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast down. My stomach rumbled a bit as he set down the orange juice, “Now eat up,” He smiled as he dug into his plate. “You know,” He started as I munched on a piece of bacon, “I found you out by that oak tree. I hope you don’t mind that I carried you in and got you undressed. Now, before you jump across this table and try to kill me,” He chuckled a bit, “I thought it would be best, because it literally started to down pour as I came here,”

I nodded and finished my piece of bacon. I began to get up but Evan put his hand on m leg, holding me down, “No way,” He shook his head, “You need to eat. You need nutrients in you, and gain some weight,”

Sighing, I ate the rest of the breakfast Evan prepared. He smiled a weak smile as he cleared the table. “Now, why don’t you go and chill out. I will clean the house.” Evan offered. I looked at him confused. A man who cleans - sounds good to me. I smiled a little in agreement.

My feet patted up the stairs as I heard him wash the dishes. Zach always washed dishes while I dried. It was out little system. If he washed the dishes, we would end up having a water fight.

Oh, I remember the time he was trying to laundry. I stepped out for one minute and he managed to put too much soap in and it flooded. The whole room has bubbles. We were slipping and wrestling. He had a bubble beard while I sported a lovely goatee.

My vision got a bit blurry as I sat down on in the library he has. I am sitting in his favorite leather chair. My eyes darted to the book on the table next to the chair. Zack started reading Twilight for his niece but then he gave up and just watched the movie. From that day on, whenever we were in a forest he would give me a ‘vampire ride’ like Edward did with Bella.

My head was once again filled with memories: Christmas, birthdays, parties, and the first day we met.

I turned on his IPod and listened to his old music. After about an hour of happy songs that made me giggle, our song came on. I began sing along with a hushed voice.

“When I first saw you standing there
You know it was a little hard not to stare
So nervous when I drove you home
I know being apart is a little hard to bare,”

The tears were flowing like a river now. My eyes are red and blotchy. Quickly, I take out the ear phones and toss the IPod on the couch next to me. My heart feels like step dancers are beating it to death. It felt like a block of cement fell on my chest as I cried. A whole ton of emotional bricks kept hitting me over and over.

I just want this pain to stop and for Zack to come back.


A loud crack of thunder shook my room. I screamed as I woke up in a sweat. Why do I keep having these dreams? The dreams where he is gone? Why can’t I have the good dreams? Why the bad?

My door flung open. Evan was by my side in a flash asking questions like ‘Are you okay?’ or ‘Why did you scream?’ I could only nod as I put my hand on my racing heart. Swallowing hard, I wrapped my arms around him and cried. He stroked my hair and my back as I felt my tears staining his bare chest.

“Shush, it’s going to be okay,” He soothed me as I sobbed. Pulling me closer, I felt like a kid being held by a parent. And the weirdest part is I feel safe with him. The only other people I have felt safe with were my family and Zack. In his embrace, I feel like nothing can touch me. Like a force field.

The rain came down hard with cracks of thunder. The lightning illuminated the grey curtains they call clouds. I usually love thunder storms but this one…sucked.

As my sobs calmed down and my breath became even, I fell into a sleep.