Car Crashes Brought Us Together


I walked out of the circle K, clutching my jacket to my body. It's not cold. I'm just protecting my skittles. I would save the best for last. Red and purple. Mmmm... I can taste them already. I started to walk into the crosswalk to go back home and eat my skittles in peace. Thats when I heard screeching tires and then... nothing.

A bright white room invaded my eyes as they opened and I immediately squeezed them shut. A beeping sound was steadily going through my ears. Ow Damn. I slowly again opened my eyes to see a white room and some paper dress on my body. Ewww... Then I realized it. I was in a hospital. Fuck. I lifted up my head only to see that i had a thick white cast on each of my legs. That was when I remembered why I was here. I was hit my some jack ass in a car.

Stupidassholemotherfuckercocksuckingbitchwhoreskankytramp. I iggled to myself at that thought only to be met with a pain in my lower back.

"Mr. Iero?" came a small voice from the right. I turned my head to see a young nurse looking at me. I mumbled a yes. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Wasn't I hit by a car?"

"Yes. Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?" I shook my head no. " The man that hit you would like to see you and apoligize."


"Good. Come in sir!"
Then this beautiful man walked through that doors. His name was...