Car Crashes Brought Us Together

Smashing Pumpkins and Wheelchairs

*five weeks later*

I finally get to get these stupid casts off my legs.Im so excited, the wheelchair was getting to be sooooo annoying! Gerard is driving me to the doctors office right now.

I have to say... he's the best boyfriend ever. Sure there have been some arguments, but it was over stupid things like what to have for dinner or whether or not i wanted to see a movie in theaters or stay home and watch spongebob with him on the sofa.

Right now the song today by the Smashing Pumpkins was playing on the Cd I had picked out from Gerards case. For some odd reason we had both started singing along to the song at the same time. Eventually i had stopped singing as i realized how amazing Gerards voice sounded. It was the best i had heard in such a long time, and i heard many, many voices in my time. About half way through the song he looked over at me and stoped singing. He sent a confused look my way as he looked back and forth from me to the parking lot he was trying to find a spot in.

"Your voice is amazing." i said in answer to his confused look. He smiled and i saw his cheeks go slightly pink at his cheeks.

"Thanks." he said, pulling into a parking spot. "You ready?" I nodded enthusiastically and he giggled at my childishness, like i was going to CukieCheese. Hmmm. That sounds like fun. We went up to the front desk hand in hand, i had gotten an electric chair so that i only eeded to use one hand to move around. The receptionist smiled at us, taking in our ands that were linked together and shoing us to a room where im assuming the plaster will be forever cut off of my legs. Im so happy! I hope i can still walk when i attempt to stand up.

so this chapter is short, but its so wierd having Frank in a wheelchair. I wanted to have him out of the cast as son as possible. So thats what will happen in the next chapter. Hopefully it will be soon Im so sorry that i keep you readers waiting for so long.