This is Magic

I Never Did

Chapter 25
Ryan's point of view

I came out of my dressing room and looked around the room seeing that blond. I walked to a mirror to see how bad I really look. I kept staring at the blond. We are the only two in the room. It is really awkward.

"Hey, I'm Ryan." I said walking closer to her and holding out my hand as she looked at me with a evil eye and grabbed onto my hand hand so hard.

"Oh, I know who you are. Ryan the skank." She said now hurting my hand really bad but I didn't dare show it. What the hell was this woman talking about? I don't even know her. "I have known about this band for some time, but I always hated you. Bitch, you are not going to have Brendon anymore." She said as my eyes shot wide open at her. I can't believe she is saying this.

"What the hell?! You think your little fan girl crush is going to win Brendon over?" I said losing my temper. I never explode like this. I was pissed. p-i-s-s-e-d.

"Oh, hon, I KNOW, look at you, Please." She said, she is so lucky she is a slutty girl, not a slutty guy. We heard the door open and Brendon singing. She pulled me into a kiss and I tried pushing away but she would not let go.

"Ry-ry-Ryan?!" Brendon said as my heart dropped. The blond quickly let go and ran by Brendon. What the hell is she planing on doing? Brendon is going to believe me, he knows I love him and would never cheat.

"Oh, Brendon! I'm so sorry! Ryan wouldn't let go of me!" She began crying and hugging Brendon at the side. I really wanted to kill her at this moment.

"Ryan, how could you?" He said with his eyes filling up with tears.

"I didn't! she is lying! She kissed me! I never touched her!" I said at my attempt to prove her
wrong and prove to prove her wrong.

"Brendon! I would never!" She said as Brendon's eyes filled up with tears more and more.

"Ryan, I really love and trusted you." Brendon said as I looked to the blond who was still hanging all over Brendon. I can't believe he is believing her, and not me, his boyfriend for almost a year.

"Brendon! She is lying! She called me a skank and told me she is going after you!" I said now, my eyes filled with angry tears.

"I never did Brendon! I have no idea at all what he is talking about. Your my hero! I would never hurt you!" She said pretending to cry more.
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Any comments? I would really appreciate it