You Wrote the Book on How to Be a Liar


“Dougie, you’re a bloody idiot!” I told him as I was escaping the wave of cold water coming from my garden hose.
“No…” he said, grinning, “….and the Wet T-shirt prize goes to Cameron Madison!!!”

I hit him “lovingly” over the head. “You wanker, now I’m going to have to change my clothes!”

He grinned as I turned around and walked towards my back door. Dougie followed me.

“I hope you’re happy,” I said looking at Dougie, “my mums going to flip, she sent us out to water the garden, and I am coming in like this!”

“Oh yea, I’m ecstatic!” Dougie said as he opened the back door, and waked into the kitchen, where my mum was cooking her famous Peach Cobbler. She turned around when she heard us walk in…

“Got the garden watered?” she asked, then her eyes moved on to me, and my soaking wet clothes, “what happened here?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

“We were just having fun,” I said

“Oh really? Your idea of fun includes making more laundry for me to do?” She asked

“Sorry mum,” I said quietly

“Don’t get mad at her,” Dougie said, “it was my fault.”

“Go change Cameron,” She said, going back to work on her cobbler. I turned down hall and ran up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and walked in. I turned around and looked at Dougie who was standing in my doorway.

“Wait out there,” I said as I closed my door and walked over to my closet, where I grabbed a clean shirt and a dry pair of jeans. Once I was dressed I pulled my drenched hair back in a ponytail. I walked over to my door and opened it,

“You can come in now,” I said to Dougie, who was turned around looking at the wall. He turned around and smile as he walked into my room, and sat down on my bed.

“So…” he said, as he grabbed one of my CosmoGirl! Magazines off the floor and flipped through it.

“So… I didn’t know you were into that kind of stuff Mr. Poynter, maybe I should get you a subscription,” I said as I sat next to him on my bed

“Ha ha,” he said as he continued looking at the magazine, “‘How To Get A Better Butt In Six Weeks’?” he said as he came across the article.

“Yeah, maybe you should try the tips,” I said looking at him, a smile creeping across my face.

“Ha! Me?” he said laughing. He closed my magazine and threw it back on the floor. He stood up and walked around my room. He came across a picture on my bulletin board of my family. “How’s your brother doing at university?” he asked

“Oh, ok. Mum keeps telling him how he needs to step it up…even though he’s got A’s and B's,” I rolled my eyes. My Dad was me and my brother’s supporter all throughout school. When I was in Year 9, my dad was in a plane crash on his way back from the States. My mum had to step up as the caretaker for our family, and even that didn’t go so well. If we didn’t get straight A’s, we were failing. It made you work hard, but it also can drive a person crazy.

“Wow, I bet if I were in your family, I would be kicked out of the house.” Dougie said, smiling

“Oh come on, your grades aren’t that bad,” I said sarcastically

“Oh really? You didn’t see my last report card,” Dougie said, pulling it out of his pocket and handing it to me. “Remember, I tried my best…”

I rolled my eyes and opened the paper. “D’s and F’s?!” I asked him, “What happened? You were fine at the beginning of school!”

He shrugged. “It’s Year 10, it doesn’t really matter.”

“Doesn’t matter?” I questioned, “Who was the one all set on Oxford? Of course it matters!”

He held his hands up defensively, “Whoa! Mum calm down, would you?”

“Aren’t you going to have to repeat Year 10?” I asked him. We had always planned on graduating together.

“Not necessarily….” he mumbled

“What?” I asked looking at him

“Cam, yesterday I was reading the post, and I came across an advertisement, these two guys are looking for a bass player and a drummer for their band. They are holding open auditions in a week, and I am trying out for the position of the bassist,” Dougie said slowly

“But how does that affect--” I started

“Hold up, let me finish. If I made it, I wouldn’t have to finish school…” he said nervously.

“Drop out? Doug, you’re 15! You have your whole life ahead of you to join a band!” I said angrily.

“But I have the chance now! I may never have this chance again! Besides, I might not even make it”

“I don’t get it Dougs, do your friends, family, education, and life mean NOTHING to you?” I said, as I walked back over to my bed and sat down.

“Why can’t you be happy that I have the opportunity to do something great?” Dougie said angrily as he stormed out of my room.